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My new ride


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Finally got to take my new ride out for some fishing yesterday morning on Lake O. We didn't catch anything, it was my first time rigging it up and with the aweful weather moving in expectations were not very high. It was a great morning out though, no wind and amazingly calm waters. The fog was insane though and we would've been in trouble without my handheld GPS and IPhone as backup (will be upgrading the finder next year but for now toughing it out with what I have). Anyways on to some pictures!



Getting ready to launch



Heading out



Me behind the wheel



The track system installed and rigged



Canopy up and my buddy driving. Didn't really need it for the rain but it sure helped a ton keeping the fish flies off. They COVERED the entire boat.



Fish flies swarming



Hopefully we get some nice weather and some warmer temps to get the kings biting on the north shore soon. I need to get her slimed up B)

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saw an episode of fishin' canada yesterday and he was fishing right next to the power plant. caught a monster carp there. then he went into frenchman's and hooked a couple of pike and one was a really nice size. I might try the bay out this season but probably not over by the plant.

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Very nice looking rig . should give you years of great fishing. Just one thing I would keep your rod tips up a little our

your going to loose a rod. Soon as a fish hits or on a snag your rod could go bye bye. just a thought. GOOD LUCK SIR.

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Thanks all!


Geoff I work shift work so I may be looking for a partner the odd weekday if you are around....


Mike there were a couple minor issues...I will send ya a pm.


Paul thanks, not sure if I congratulated you on yours yet but congrats as well! I am jealous you got some slime in yours already :P


mrpike thanks for the concern, the cannon rod holder it's in is designed for that. It's pretty deep in there so I am not really too worried.



Hopefully I will see some of you out on the waters this summer, if you see me stop and say hi!



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