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I bought a boat in the US 4 years ago. Paid all the taxes (PST and GST) at the border.

Sold that boat two years later.

Bought a new boat since then, (still have this paperwork).


NOW - I get a letter from Ministry of Finance saying that I need to prove I paid PST on old boat!!!!!

Problem is, I moronically trashed the paperwork for the old boat as I do not own it anymore and it is LONG GONE!!!!

No visa or bank records to prove my purchase either!!!


Anyone run into this? How did it work out?


AND - is it possible to request verification/copies of paid PST through the Canada Border Services Agency??? Do they keep this stuff on file??


I really would rather not pay PST twice on a boat.






CBSA would have a record of it - but as for finding it? Yikes - To start, if you can identify the date and time your entered Canada and the Port you at least have somewhere to start looking. Then call the the Port and ask to speak with one of the entry supervisors, explaining your issue. They are usually very helpful if you apprach things correctly. I have a few contacts at CBSA through work. Depending on the Port I may have a name - feel free to PM me if you want. It is going to be much more diffuclt as a personal entry than a commercial one though. Good luck!


I received the same letter back in December. My boat documents are in storage with the boat so I haven't done anything about it and haven't heard anything since. It's a relief to know that they are so efficient in thier jobs that they're going back in time to try and generate more revenue.


They get stuff done real quick with me. I mean, it's not like they're dealing with a young man. :)


Get use to seeing or hearing more about these notices; yes PST is gone but the collection offices and auditors are still going strong.

It’s an attempt to collect on as much of the taxes that has slipped through the cracks in the system.

Especially now because it’s the last kick at the can they’re going to get, before the PST offices are closed for good.

Here at the shop I had the privilege of a PST audit last month; everything went well and the auditor only found a few discrepancies. At the end of the audit and after this guy turned back into a human; we talked for a bit about what an auditor’s mandates are.

He didn’t get into to many details but (according to him) they are told to find something and they’re to keep looking until they do. Once a certain percentage of unpaid taxes are found, compared to your sales; they can then end the audit.



  On 4/27/2011 at 8:58 AM, spincast said:

CBSA would have a record of it - but as for finding it? Yikes - To start, if you can identify the date and time your entered Canada and the Port you at least have somewhere to start looking. Then call the the Port and ask to speak with one of the entry supervisors, explaining your issue. They are usually very helpful if you apprach things correctly. I have a few contacts at CBSA through work. Depending on the Port I may have a name - feel free to PM me if you want. It is going to be much more diffuclt as a personal entry than a commercial one though. Good luck!



I will get in touch with you if they can't help me out.

I have a call in at the records department in windsor - they said they should be able to find it (fingers crossed)



Unless you paid cash why would you not have Visa or Bank records? These things generally aren't that hard to get copies of. If you did pay cash they would have a copy of it at the border I would think. Good luck!


I paid cash!!!!

A customs agent on the phone said they keep these receipts for 7 years and they "should" be able to find it.


I am hopeful - if I can just get through to the person I need to talk to in "CBSA Records"!!!!!




  On 4/27/2011 at 1:03 PM, Roy said:

They get stuff done real quick with me. I mean, it's not like they're dealing with a young man. :)


If people shrink with age, soon youll be the size of a lawn gnome.... Shrinking with age is my NEW weight loss plan...




Don't get me going about the govt and taxes...


What a bunch of crap!!- targeting the person works hard to buy a few things and give tax breaks to the rich or let people off who embezile millions of dollars from others! Your tax dollars hard a work going after the wrong people...mad.gif


I got a copy of my import receipt from CBSA today!!!! I am VERY happy.

Their service was fantastic!

Thanks for the advice/help everyone!



  • 4 weeks later...

I know this is an old post.. But I got my letter in the mail a last week, and thought I would bounce something off you guys..


I paid $800 for my boat 3 years ago, private sale. The "receipt" is long gone. Receipt = note pad peace of paper with chicken scratch on it.


The Ontario government got their info from the Canadian Govt. Does anyone know if the Ontario Govt knows how much I paid for the boat?


I really don't want to give these people my money! What can I do?


If I have to pay tax on the full sale price.. It would be $65.. It would be nice to just pay tax on the hull, which at the time of purchase was only worth it's weight in scrap..


its only 65.00, I'd say pay it rather than worry they come after you. Even at 65.00 that seems like very little, I would think low tax amounts like that set off warning flags...Ie they don't believe the boat was that cheap and start to do some looking into it


Just pay the $65.00 I am sure you have gotten that much enjoyment from the resources and you can sleep at night knowing you have not compromised your integrity by cheating.





It's not just coming up with the $65.. he has to come up with a signed bill of sale from the previous registered owner. NAW if you still know the contact... call him up and ask if he can write you a new bill of sale or better yet agree that you traded him an old outboard motor for the boat or something in case they contact him to verify. Then just write on the notice and send it back... "boat was acquired by trading an outboard motor for it, no exchange of currency". Bartering is still legal in Canada. Just be sure to cover your tracks. They have nothing better to do in Oshawa right now with PST rolled into the HST and there's a whole bunch of Civies with nothing but time on their hands to call and verify questionable bill of sales.


This is somewhat similar...


I purchased a new boat back in '99 and payed cash for the full price including all taxes.


Couple years later I got a letter from the provincial government saying they needed proof that I'd payed the sales tax and and to send them a copy of the bill of sale, which I did.


Two years after that I get yet another letter again telling me to send a copy of the bill of sale to prove I payed my tax. I figured they musta lost the 1st one so I obliged and sent in a 2nd copy.


Sure enough, a couple years further down the road I get a 3rd letter from these dimwits telling me they needed proof I'd payed them their taxes.


I totally ignored the 3rd letter and haven't heard anything back from them....yet, although I still have the original bill of sale just in case.


Dealing with these govenment clowns can be one of the most frustrating things we ever have to do in our day to day living.

  On 5/26/2011 at 6:32 PM, aplumma said:

Just pay the $65.00 I am sure you have gotten that much enjoyment from the resources and you can sleep at night knowing you have not compromised your integrity by cheating.





That's likely what I'll end up doing.. Not really worth the flack.


But I thought I would get some opinion on my options first.


I received my notice todaymad.gif

Now what really tees me off is that service canada has a copy of the signed( by both partiies) receipt. No taxes paid because the boat was for free. I really didnt want the boat anyway. But I took it anyway for free and fixed her up. The engine was blown, the floor was shot, the transom was rotted out. It wasnt worth a dime to anyone at the time.

I paid enough taxes in fixing it upmad.gif

And service canada has the records and my explination, which was allowed to go through without a hitch.

Now I see this carp in the mail, I guess I have a fight on my hands in which I plan on winning.

Revenue Canada and Service Canada should start exchanging notesmad.gif We pay their wagesmad.gif

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