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Long gun registry


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And then Tony Martin our MP says. I know my constituents don't want the gun registry but the Chiefs of Police ASSOCIATION..you know, their club, likes it so I will vote for it...I know better than the children that voted for me :wallbash:



I hope we get that scum bag out this year Dara. I'm sporting my Hayes pin on my work jacket :thumbsup_anim: . And that Cheifs of Police "Ass" well.... :asshat:

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

The LG vote might have been what did Tony in. I know a few past supporters who won't be voting for him simply because of that vote alone.

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The Liberals don't even know the laws concerning guns.



They both participated in the shoot...you know, just for fun. But both of them were totally breaking the law by even picking up a gun....and they didn't even know it.




There is nothing illegal with any of that, that I know of. Please explain.



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There is nothing illegal with any of that, that I know of. Please explain.





You can't borrow a gun without a Possesion license and you can't lend one to somebody if they don't have one. There are no exceptions for if you are at a range. Even when you take the course they disable the gun for you to learn handling.


Thats the whole system...you gotta have a license...police check and references and all that...the registry is just so they know how many guns you have after you get the license

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I can let anyone I want shoot my guns, as long as they are in direct supervision of a person with a licence for that registered gun. One gun, one rookie, one person with licence is totally legal. As long as they were being supervised, they weren't doing anything illegal.





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Yup I let my kids shoot it and if one brings a friend they can shoot it too. Amazing to see these tough wannabe gangster whiteboys shake like a leaf when shooting an actual gun for the first time :rofl2:


Hey if your pants are hanging down to your crotch it'll be easier if you hold it an inch off your shoulder and lean back :rofl2: - kidding B)


Hey but lets not give the libs any stupid ideas or you'll need a licence just to hold the dam thing. No one new will ever try

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Shouldn't the police in every situation assume there are Guns inside or a threat Guns could be inside? The people who tend to shoot police officers usually don't have their guns registered.




If I was a cop, that would certainly be my attitude...the registry be damned.

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I have several friends in OPP, some higher ups too.

They all have told me they approach every scene as if there is a gun.

They can't do it any other way.

They have told me the registry does not help.

The police chiefs supporting it are motivated by money and politics.


The registry isn't a joke, it's a scam on taxpayers and many are suckered in by the hype.

Many gun owners did not trust the registry and have "put some away" unregistered.

I did mine being a law abiding citizen but it pissed me off having to do so.


As someone has already mentioned, handguns have been registered for several decades but they continue to get into the hands of those that misuse them.


It hasn't been proven in any case that the registry has done any good at all.

Incredible that the registry began and lasted this long. :dunno:

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And that folks is precisely why we have a registry, the country is full of people with an opinion and no knowledge.


I'm not sure that last comment was necessary. Maybe that kind of thing is "precisely why" a lot of non-owners have a problem with owners...they've been spoken to by them in such a manner too many times.


The registry was touted as a crime prevention tool after the poly technique shooting, of course it didn't prevent the Dawson college shooting that was committed with a registered rifle, but hey, who's counting.


The École Polytechnique Massacre and the inception of the LGR were over a decade apart. I don't ever remember proponents suggesting it could have prevented a madman with a semi-automatic from committing those heinous acts...instead it was opponents who were quick to point out that it wouldn't have. No one suggested the LGR would eliminate all crime involving firearms, which is why I find it curious when people point out that it hasn't...like you just did.


All of the other comments about storage and safety are taken care by a completely separate law, i say again, COMPLETELY SEPARATE. A law which no one, or very few, have a problem with, because that law actually does some good. Also, the safe storage law would cover the rifle in a blanket issue, and also could have lead to people turning in firearms they didn't want to store safely.


The safe storage law COULD have lead to people turning in firearms they didn't want to store safely, but for the most part...it didn't. That's evidenced by the thousands of weapons turned in leading up to and following the inception of the LGR. Are you really trying to tell me that you believe all those guns would have been turned in without the registry looming at that time?


Instead of depending upon the state to protect your children from their ignorance you could just teach them.


We teach our kids not to get into strangers cars, but we still hope the state does the best job it can of protecting them from pedophiles, right? We teach them to look both ways before they cross the street, but we still expect the state to enforce traffic regulations, right? Also, you're being a little unrealistic...do you believe that you can simply instruct the average 12 year old boy to not touch something that he thinks is really, really cool...and then be certain he won't have his hands all over it when no one is looking? You never did anything your parents warned you not to when you were young I suppose?


We have had a handgun registry since the 30's, hand guns are still used much more often than long guns in crimes, Despite hand guns being much much less common than long guns, yep, that's what the country needs, more useless liberal laws that pander to people who are more than happy to have an opinion without an education.


What did I say that would indicate I didn't already know that, and am therefore in need of an "education"?


There's a pretty good chance that handguns are used more than long guns in the commission of crimes because they are a better tool for the job. What does that have to do with a system which gets unwanted guns out of circulation and ensures that those that are lawfully held are always traceable back to the owner?

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Good thread! I'm one of those kids that did fire a gun at the age of 10 when I was supposed to be JUST babysitting. I had fired the gun before only with supervision. The SAFE STORAGE Law would have prevented a near tragedy. The registering of the gun would have made no difference.


I real don't like the LG registry because I worry about it's data base being secure. In the wrong hands it's now a detailed shopping list and lets face it any system can be hacked.


The Chiefs of Police have been TOLD to support the registry IMO by the politicians that control their budgets. When they quote the number of times the Registry has been queried by police I understand that is misleading. Any time a police offer uses a computer to search a person's info the LG registry is just part of the protocols. Officers don't purposely use the system as often as it appears.


Dan O.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

in my case it's more like "i'm not going to vote conservative JUST to get rid of the LG registry".


truthfully, i'm less than inspired to vote for any of these bozos this time around.

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It has been mentioned that the next target for the anti-gun people will be semi automatics. Many of these urban liberal aligned groups want them declared too dangerous for the average gun owner. If the liberals ever get a majority and the registry is still in place, look for them to vilify the semi autos with the aim of outlawing them....No compensation for your $1000 gun......

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I love how this nonsense just gets made up as you want it to be


If your guns were in any danger THEY WOULD BE GONE BY NOW!!


But The Conservative Mother ship has beamed out the Bat signal to all the good little members to spread the fear


Better watch out---if you don't give the conservatives a majority the bad men are going to take away your rights to own a hunting dog or keep minnows as bait

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I love how this nonsense just gets made up as you want it to be


If your guns were in any danger THEY WOULD BE GONE BY NOW!!


But The Conservative Mother ship has beamed out the Bat signal to all the good little members to spread the fear


Better watch out---if you don't give the conservatives a majority the bad men are going to take away your rights to own a hunting dog or keep minnows as bait


Un-huh, because the government hasn't passed laws in the past that have banned thousands of firearms, you obviously wouldn't care about that, but it's a fact. If you are in anyway representative of the average liberal voter I am proud to say im not one of you. You don't care about the registry, you care that it might mean people don't vote for your precious liberals, some of us, who you know actually do some research, know something about the statistics, actually care about the principle. There are a lot of people who voted NDP because they thought their mp was going to vote to scrap it, were they affected by the NDP mothership?


You know it's no wonder that it's impossible to have a reasoned discussion about this, you talk about conservative extremism, and yet are completely blind to how ridiculous you look when you write something like the above, part of the disdain i have for the liberals stems from having to accept drivel as the above as someones valid opinion when frankly it's simple idiocy. The real fear mongers in this election are the liberals, the same people who stand on the graves of victims and talk about the registries importance while knowing full well the only real effectiveness it has is convincing simple minded people that they really care, when all they really care about is your vote. So know I your dogmatic beliefs can't be changed, but maybe you should read the quote below before you embarrass yourself even further.






The following is a summary of the history of gun control laws in Canada:[6][7]


The Criminal Code of Canada enacted in 1892, required individuals to have a permit to carry a pistol unless the owner had cause to fear assault or injury. Not until 1935 was it considered an offence to sell a pistol to anyone under 16. Vendors who sold handguns had to keep records, including purchaser's name, the date of sale and a description of the gun.

In the 1920s, permits became necessary for all firearms newly acquired by foreigners.

Legislation in 1934 required the registration of handguns with records identifying the owner, the owner's address and the firearm. Registration certificates were issued and records kept by the Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) or by other police forces designated by provincial attorneys general.

In 1947, the offence of “constructive murder” was added to the Criminal Code for offences resulting in death, when the offender carried a firearm. This offence was struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Canada in a 1987 case called R. v. Vaillancourt.

Automatic weapons were added to the category of firearms that had to be registered in 1951. The registry system was centralized under the Commissioner of the RCMP.

In 1969, Bill C-150 created categories of “non-restricted,” “restricted” and “prohibited” weapons. Police were also given preventive powers of search and seizure by judicial warrant if they had grounds to believe that weapons that belonged to an individual endangered the safety of society.

In 1977, Bill C-51 required firearms acquisition certificates (FACs) for the acquisition (but not possession) of all firearms and introduced controls on the selling of ammunition. FAC applicants were required to pass a basic criminal record check before being issued an FAC.

In 1991, Bill C-17 tightened up restrictions and established controls on any firearms that had a military or paramilitary appearance. Legislation also made changes to the FAC system. FAC applicants were now required to pass a firearms safety course, pass a more thorough background check, and wait a minimum of 28 days after applying for an FAC before being issued one.


Finally in addition to the above changes, laws were put into place that restricted ownership of high-capacity magazines, limiting handguns to ten rounds and all semi-automatic centrefire rifles to 5. There were exceptions to the magazine capacity limit of some historically significant firearms such as the Lee-Enfield and M1 Garand. The restrictions did not cover rimfire rifles. The provinces have the choice to opt-out of administering the Firearms Act, but not magazine restrictions.


In 1995, Bill C-68 introduced new, stricter, gun control legislation. The current legislation prohibits most .32 and all .25 calibre handguns as well as handguns with barrels under 106 millimetres (4.2 in)[citation needed] and provides harsher penalties for crimes involving firearm use, licences to possess and acquire firearms, and registration of all firearms, including shotguns and rifles.[6] This legislation was upheld by the Supreme Court in Reference re Firearms Act (2000). The FAC system was replaced with possession-only licences (POLs) (no new POLs after January 1, 2001) and possession and acquisition licences (PALs). Referring to Bill C-68, John Dixon, a former advisor to Deputy Minister of Justice John C. Tait, stated that the Firearms Act was not public safety policy, but rather an election ploy by the Liberal Party of Canada intended to help defeat Prime Minister Kim Campbell.[8]

In 2001, the registration portion of Bill C-68 was implemented. The government asks for all firearms, including long-guns (rifles and shotguns), to be registered.

In 2003, the registration of long-guns becomes mandatory. Failure to register a firearm now results in criminal charges.

As of 2006, while legislation is still in place, the government is no longer asking long gun owners for a registration fee and an amnesty (now extended until May 16, 2011) temporarily protects licensed owners of non-restricted firearms (or those whose licences have expired since January 1, 2004) from prosecution for the possession of unregistered long guns.[9]

In November 2009, Bill C-391 passed second reading in the House of Commons by a vote of 164 to 137. If passed through the entire parliamentary process by the House and Senate, the bill would abolish the requirement to register non-restricted long guns. While the proposed legislation is a private member's bill, it has the support of the Conservative government. The bill was referred to the House of Commons Committee on Public Safety for further action. However, after several months of hearings, the Opposition majority on the committee recommended that no further action be taken to advance the bill. This negative recommendation does not necessarily stop progress on the bill, and a free vote on whether it should pass the House may still occur in fall 2010.[dated info]

As of September 2010 Bill C-391 failed to pass a third reading.



Yea, no evidence of ever increasing restrictions there.

Edited by blarg
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Yea, no evidence of ever increasing restrictions there.


I hate to say this blarq but your wasting your time. Last year we went through this same discussion. The complaints on this board then, were that no links were being provided to prove that the registry was useless and that we were blowing smoke out our :asshat: . Links were provided and ignored by some of the same people who are now posting on this thread. The thread was locked down then and if giving enough time it will be locked down again.


Truly a waste of time discussing it here. Voice your opinion where it counts .... at the advanced polls or on May 2nd 2011

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I love how this nonsense just gets made up as you want it to be


If your guns were in any danger THEY WOULD BE GONE BY NOW!!


But The Conservative Mother ship has beamed out the Bat signal to all the good little members to spread the fear


Better watch out---if you don't give the conservatives a majority the bad men are going to take away your rights to own a hunting dog or keep minnows as bait


I 100% disagree with your statements..

I believe our hunting fishing and gun rights are being reduced and the wrong government can take them away.....


your statements seem to be more anti-conservative then anti-gun

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I've been a licenced hunter for 35 years---not sure where I get pasted as anti-gun.


So in 35 years--I've seen FAC and now registry---Has not affected my hunting--gun owning one bit.


Ah but that does'nt scare folks does it...and that's the nonsense floating out there.


I could care less if the melted every hand gun in Canada---you don't hunt with them---who cares if there's tighter controls on them.


Lastly--painting me liberal is a huge assumption on your part-----I just don't like mindless fear mongering trying to influence peoples opinions.

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35 years ago I wanted a shotgun--.22 and a 30 cal for big game


Got em all---what's different today---if I wanted them again I could still buy them and hunt.


So unless someone can prove this wrong---this is just another politically motivated thread put forth to scare people.


Matter of fact with blackpowder guns there's probably More opportunity today


Now you want to talk hunting on this Fishing message board--I'm thinking that's good


Want to push your political agenda----your gonna get different opinions

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I've been a licenced hunter for 35 years---not sure where I get pasted as anti-gun.


So in 35 years--I've seen FAC and now registry---Has not affected my hunting--gun owning one bit.


Ah but that does'nt scare folks does it...and that's the nonsense floating out there.


I could care less if the melted every hand gun in Canada---you don't hunt with them---who cares if there's tighter controls on them.


Lastly--painting me liberal is a huge assumption on your part-----I just don't like mindless fear mongering trying to influence peoples opinions.


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


let me get this straight. since we're not allowed to hunt with handguns in canada, you could care less if thousands of LEGAL gun owners had their handguns confiscated to be destroyed with ZERO compensation? the intended purpose of the firearms registry was to give the government a list of who owns what to make confiscation that much easier for them. you can't deny owning a gun if your names on "the list". banning handguns is the first step for the lieberals and their quest to take all of our guns away. if you support banning handguns, you're supporting complete firearms confiscation.


take a look at austrailia and how the registry resulted in the confiscation of semi auto long guns. the same type of firearm that thousands of hunters use in ontario every year.


any legal firearm owner that supports banning ANY firearm is an enemy to the rest of us legal firearms owners. you're either with us or against us. it's really that simple.

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Hate to bring you up to speed but it's called The LONG Gun Registry


And there's the scare tactic right away---handgun restrictions equates to total firearm confiscation.


Pretty sure handgun ownership is also still allowed with restrictions in Canada as well


This is Canada not Austrailia---I know this gets brought up as a look see moment lots

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