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Posted (edited)

Just thought I would pass this along to those that have met Sam.


He has taken to the guitar as a way to pass his time and vent his frustrations with the world..


His father took his guitar away from him, when Sam did not wish to visit with him... So I took him out shopping, He chose this Paul Stanley edition Washburn.


Given everything this young man has been through in regards to his father, I was more then happy to fill the need.


Anyways, Here is Sam, Two months later.





<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGuFbDM5UvI?version=3"><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGuFbDM5UvI?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGuFbDM5UvI?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>



Edited by Gerritt

Gerritt, i have 2 things to say,


1- :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

2- he better bring that guitar to lakair this year so we can have music. :thumbsup_anim:


by the time lakair comes around he will be showing ccmt some new things.

keep up the good work Sam.

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

pretty awesome! he seems to have an innate sense of rhythm, that is to say his mind knows what it should sound like... a lot of kids can take all the lessons in the world and not develop that for years...


i'd say get this kid into some professional lessons. with a little work on technique coupled with the proper scales and hand exercises he would progress at breakneck speed.


Sam is my Girlfriends oldest boy. Just turned 13.


Everything he has learned has been self taught, He is not too sure about taking lessons just yet.. god knows I offered to pay for them. right now he just enjoys figuring things out on his own..


He is a bit shy when he knows others are watching, especially the camara! you should hear him play when he thinks noone is watching! it is something else.




Sam's off to a great start G! He seems to have some natural ability and a strong ear.

He could probably use some lessons, if for no other reason than to shorten his learning curve.

I would also suggest that he use this tool http://www.metronomeonline.com/ in his practice...

Keep at it Sam! As long as you enjoy the time spent on an instrument, it is time very well spent! (And we aren't even going to discuss the chicks in his future! LOL)

Play that thing till yer fingers bleed Sam!


  On 2/7/2011 at 7:11 PM, Gerritt said:

He has taken to the guitar as a way to pass his time and vent his frustrations with the world..


I did the same thing as a teenager. The guitar and fishing were my escapes.


To this day I still sneak down stairs on my own and strum away when feeling over loaded.


Good on your Gerrit for stepping up.


I do however wish I had taken lessons back then as I too learnt on my own and by ear.


Very well done,It`s nice too see a young man dive into something good and go with it.


He`ll get better with practice and the better he gets the more he will practice, well done Sam.


I have a nephew that has been playing for around 5 years now completely self taught, it started as something to do in the off season and has just bloomed from there.


To listen to his Tony Iommi riffs is pure gold!!!


thanks you everone this is what we had time to film i have lots more to hopefully show , and i will hopefully be bringing my guitar on the flying fishing trip and i get nervous infont of camers LOL





Keep atter Sam! Just think, if you can learn that much in a couple months, imagine how well you'll be in a couple years!! I taught myself as well, biggest tip I can give is to practice, practice, practice. If you can pick it up by ear, you'll figure things out REALLY quick with a couple simple lessons too. I never took lessons, and now I'm more of a "play-along-er". I can play along to anything, but never really take the lead.




Atta boy Sam, stick with it especially the "Tool' tunes. ;)

I always wanted to be able to play music on something other than the radio. :D


Next time I'm up there you'll play for me or I'll kick you in the Bass!

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