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Karma... it is a three way street correct?


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Well as, our, luck would have it... Jen was delayed to surgery by a double lung transplant this morning, but finally got in around 1:30pm and was all done before 3 which had us a tad worried they may not have been able to do everything. Doctor came out at 3... all went extremely well. On her lung deflation the two tumours moved away from her heart and stayed completely with the lung for easy removal. No sign of attachment to her heart. She's now being moved into a room here at TGH on the 10th floor @ 4:15. Just waiting to be allowed in to see her!

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Learned later tonight that they not only looked around with the video camera thru her outer incisions, they put it down her trach tube as well and explored the inside of her lungs and saw nothing of interest! Nothing else new showed on her CT from last Friday either. Tumours removed from her lung were the +side of 1.6 and 1.5 cm.

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And believe it or not we all just rolled in the door at 9pm, just 30 hours after surgery!... and I'd bought theatre tickets for tonight's 7:30 show at the Royal Alexander as a surprise BDay present for Leah!




At 3 they said she was going home (just 24 hrs after coming out of surgery).. so I started looking for someone I knew in the city that I could pawn or give my tickets to... at 4 the Nurse came in and said "no she's not going home until tomorrow" so I stopped looking for someone thinking we could go again. At 5pm the Doctor came in and said "things look great... she can go home" and at 5:30 we were on our way out the door with no time to get someone the tickets or them downtown for 7pm!




Things went well... tumours are gone and she's doing okay. A bit sore, but who wouldn't be after having three holes cut in her left side / back and her lung deflated.

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Jen doing well.. she slept on the living room couch Wednesday and Thursday nights, outside our bedroom door. Wouldn't take our bed, but didn't want me to carry her upstairs either to her own bedroom. Last night she climbed the 18 steps to the second floor and came back down this afternoon on her own, using the railing and one forearm crutch.


Here's a shot from the pre-op room, waiting to go in for her surgery on Tuesday. Her brother sure needs a hair cut... but I can't say anything as I was worse as a youngster! As for Jen, looks like she has lots of hair, but Radiation cleaned almost her entire head of hair away. Everything under the hat is bald, and she has just a perimeter of hair left.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Jennifer had her brain / skull / neck MRI last Friday at Sunnybrook and we saw the Radiation Oncologist this afternoon. Left home at Noon.. back here at 5pm. 2.25 hours to get to Sunnybrook in the big city... a little wait and then saw the Doctor for 3 minutes.. no maybe it was 2 ..... then 2 hours home!


"Everything looks good, see you in 2 or 3 months"!


I certainly don't mind driving 5 hours to hear that, but Jen's body doesn't like sitting for that long... can't they just call, especially after her having to make the drive last Friday as well.


She has her Lung Surgeon check up in early February at TGH and she's coming along slow but sure from that experience and getting around pretty well. Our good friend Dr Robert Helt came over to the house last week to check up on Jen. Rob took the stitches out of her side while he was here. Rob's been a godsend the last 4+ years!


After her Lung check up at TGH in February, I presume she'll go back to regular monitoring at Mt Sinai again for her body and Sunnybrook for her head.


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I don't think it's a "get paid" issue ($76 last time I checked). I think it's more a scheduling issue for everyone to be able to make calls far enough in advance of making the trip.


She was scheduled for 2:45 today and I had a perfect view of the Doctor across the hall viewing her MRI on the screen and talking with his associate's while giving two thumbs up. Then he walked across the hall and told Jen everything looked good and he'd see her again in 2 to 3 months.

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