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MMA... the future??


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This just seems too stupid to be viable..


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I wonder if Gary Goodrich would do this, he is a 6 time world arm wrestling champ and has some mean knock out power.


Remember, a lot of people thought the UFC was silly and barbaric when it first started, some modifications to the sport, and now you have the fastest growing sport in the world.



Rob C

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I wonder if Gary Goodrich would do this, he is a 6 time world arm wrestling champ and has some mean knock out power.





Met Gary back in the early 80.s when I was arm wrestling.Got the chance to warm up with him (I was in awwwwww at the size of the guy).Man had power in both arms.He would arm wrestling in both left and right heavywieght devision.He was untouchable.

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I love to watch the MMA it has not only some of the finest athletes who have trained for years to become the best but the dedication to the sport is unmatched in most sports. It actually is one of the oldest sports (wrestling) that is guided by very specific rules to keep it a competition instead of just a brawl. As for the new X arm I am not sure it has the same appeal that MMA has for me but you can bet I will give it a fair trial before I decide.



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As for the new X arm I am not sure it has the same appeal that MMA has for me but you can bet I will give it a fair trial before I decide.


So are you saying, yer going to give it a try Art? :tease:


Very stupid, for sure.

Hard to believe in this day and age we as a people haven't advanced enough, to realize a sport where the intention is to hurt and cause pain to someone else is just plain barbaric.

Hard to believe how primitive some are



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(As I'm watching UFC on Spike)


How stupid can ya get?...As if?


Congratulations!! Art Davie..

you get the..



What kind of sport/art/gameshow is that supposed to be?


What's next? Full contact Cash Cab? Figure Skating?


(I looked it up) In Canada, 91% of Kids & Teens watch 30-38 unsupervised hours of T.V. & Internet/ week...

What kind of functioning adults are we gonna have in 15 years if shows like those keep popping up?

As parents we already see these moves and types of fights in school at recess .. something we didn't see 20-30 or so years ago.


I remember watching WWF 20+ years ago and in no way does it compare to these "sports"...no doubt that these guys are well trained and conditioned athletes...but our kids aren't.


@ 5'8" 230Lbs my 13 yr old son isn't allowed to watch this stuff..but does anyway. If he ever tried this on any of his peers he could kill one of them.


I don't know where I'm going with this :blahblah1: :blahblah1:


I guess I'm just being a parent....


I rather see my son swing a fishin' rod than a fist..



Sorry for the rant Gerritt




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(As I'm watching UFC on Spike)


How stupid can ya get?...As if?


Congratulations!! Art Davie..

you get the..

ULTIMATE asshat.gif AWARD..


What kind of sport/art/gameshow is that supposed to be?


What's next? Full contact Cash Cab? Figure Skating?


(I looked it up) In Canada, 91% of Kids & Teens watch 30-38 unsupervised hours of T.V. & Internet/ week...

What kind of functioning adults are we gonna have in 15 years if shows like those keep popping up?

As parents we already see these moves and types of fights in school at recess .. something we didn't see 20-30 or so years ago.


I remember watching WWF 20+ years ago and in no way does it compare to these "sports"...no doubt that these guys are well trained and conditioned athletes...but our kids aren't.


@ 5'8" 230Lbs my 13 yr old son isn't allowed to watch this stuff..but does anyway. If he ever tried this on any of his peers he could kill one of them.


I don't know where I'm going with this blahblah1.gifblahblah1.gif


I guess I'm just being a parent....


I rather see my son swing a fishin' rod than a fist..



Sorry for the rant Gerritt





nothin wrong with "just being a parent" Randy.Most of todays kids will turn out just fine.Like we did.

I remember being a long haired hippy dope smoking redneck communist(in my dads words) But i grew up fine and we ended up being buddies. Todays young'uns evolve faster than we did.

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I think it`s great but is it always the same thing muscle bound neanderthal types beating on each other, let see something different how about a couple of diaper wearing toddlers or perhaps a couple of nuns going toe to toe or a couple of has been celebrities smacking each other and for the main event how about Rob Ford versus George Slitherman. :sarcasm:

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UFC has turned into a pile a rubbish with fat washed up boxers being a draw.

if anyone caught the the last WEC card they will see the difference.

Please give other promotions other then the UFC a try and see there is better fights and competitions out there.

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(As I'm watching UFC on Spike)


How stupid can ya get?...As if?


Congratulations!! Art Davie..

you get the..


What kind of sport/art/gameshow is that supposed to be?


What's next? Full contact Cash Cab? Figure Skating?


(I looked it up) In Canada, 91% of Kids & Teens watch 30-38 unsupervised hours of T.V. & Internet/ week...

What kind of functioning adults are we gonna have in 15 years if shows like those keep popping up?

As parents we already see these moves and types of fights in school at recess .. something we didn't see 20-30 or so years ago.


I remember watching WWF 20+ years ago and in no way does it compare to these "sports"...no doubt that these guys are well trained and conditioned athletes...but our kids aren't.


@ 5'8" 230Lbs my 13 yr old son isn't allowed to watch this stuff..but does anyway. If he ever tried this on any of his peers he could kill one of them.


I don't know where I'm going with this :blahblah1: :blahblah1:


I guess I'm just being a parent....


I rather see my son swing a fishin' rod than a fist..



Sorry for the rant Gerritt





I am not sure that I qualify for the ultimate asshat award because I see contact sports as a viable sport Randy. I do not have to concern myself with what my kids watch because I chose not to have kids. If you had kids to guard from the mean and cruel world around them then it is up to you to guide them thru the world of growing up. You will explain to them about Sex, Tobacco,Alcohol and when or if force is acceptable in their maturing lives. The sports that are full contact are not near as graphic/extreme as what they see on their video games that they play at home or at a friends house in fact MMA matches are usually less graphic than alot of the scenes in a pg rated movie. The contact sports which include alot of the martial arts disciplines are taught with the message that mind and body both must be disciplined together for a healthy balanced person. For the same person that can watch someone move the puck down the ice and outplay the other team to score a goal can also see the poetry in motion of a well place submission hold between 2 athletes.


Our difference of opinion as far as what constitutes a sport does not mean you need to call others names. I have put your post in the category of someone protecting their kids rather than a person that truly thinks I am an asshat.




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