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I will preface this by saying I was born in Toronto, raised in Barrie, went to school in Peterborough. I now live in the north.

I have recently read many of the threads on OFC about the flossing, and snagging that goes on in various Lake O. rivers. I always think to my self when I read these types of threads: "I am glad I don't live down there any more. Yup. I sure am glad I don't have to contend shoulder to shoulder to fish a river beside a bunch of Snaggers"


In fact, I have fished many lakes and rivers in S. Ontario including the Nottawasaga, Cobourge Brook, and a few others. I have never seen this so called snagging so I never really knew what the fuss was about... and then I went fishing today.


I rushed home from work, grabbed my bait from the fridge, gear from the closet, back in the car and down to the river.

I hiked into the river for the 5 minutes it takes and was disappointed to see 6 people all standing in and around the first pool up from the mouth. Too bad, I guess I'll have to fish the mouth ( usually less success here).

As I fish I hear a cheer. I look up and these guys have a fish. A minute later another cheer, another fish. Again, another cheer another fish. I look and see what are they doing? All 6 of them are shoulder to shoulder in the one pool (where the fish have obviously stacked up), and they are bent over looking real carefully. With giant spoons, a small cast , maybe 3 or 4 feet in, and then a yank and lift. They're literally hooking and pulling them out by the tails, fins, guts and gills. They don't even have a semi-legitimate excuse that the fish was going for the bate but they set to early, or that it was any accident at all. Blatant snagging. Cheering like a bunch of Neanderthals. I hates em! I went out on Saturday and not a fish to be had. Went again today and not a fish, not that I stayed long... and these fools take home an un-ethical limit (maybe more). Why don't they just rob a grocery store, at least that wont have an effect on the fishery.

On top of all this, they had a little boy with them jumping up and down with excitement for every fish they "Caught". Great, lets start the kids young so they can learn the slick ways of the ol'man.


I called it in to the MNR and I really hope they get what they deserve but I have my doubts that even if they get caught, the punishment will fit the bill. I would have liked to have tossed them into the river and cleaned out our gene pool a little... but I guess I'm too civilized to be thinking like that.


Thats not that bad! Thats pretty normal, hahaha!


I've seen much worse... down near my place the water gets real thick with them, like REAL thick, day and night the place is like a flea market.


This happened years ago, while down there I watched as these guys would snag big dirty, beat up, white mold looking tissue exposed, skin peeling off fish pull them in under a minute, grab on to the tails of the fish and whack them against the concrete. Multiplied by ten.


I was young, drinking, didn't really think anything of it.


Last year? some post here involved two people using pitchforks for fishing! Hahaha!


I dont go salmon fishing, its disgusting.


Who's down for forming a team of 20 deep and going around cutting lines and "teaching" the general public?


thats one of the reasons I stopped fishing some of my favourite huron streams like the niner and maitland til after the slaughter fest was over,usually by mid october.By then most of the cavemen have packed away the gear to next fall. About 12 years ago my buddy and I headed up to the niner to fish we got there around 230 am planning on catching some ZZZZs in the parking lot by the dam til first light,but instead got a couple idiots with a flashlight,net and fishing rod with about 30lb cable and a large spoon on it stalking fish past the wire right up to the barrier. When we surprized them by yelling they tried to run to the other shore both wiping out and getting soaked. :clapping: When they finally crossed again we were waiting for them on the riverbank,when we told them we had called the OPP and MNR(which actually we had not) and they were not going anywhere one of the asses pulled a knife on us. Well after they drove off we did call the OPP gave a description of the car including plate and their heavy eastern european accents. They were arrested in KW.

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

it's an unfortunate culture within the fishing world... snagging, flossing, etc...

and unless there is an enforcement presence things aren't going to change.


The real sad part is that they could have been down there every night for the whole week doing this and nobody had seen it or called it in. Just think of how many fish each one of those persons have frozen right now... Even worse, cut for roe and they don't even know how to cure and or use roe...

I know it's sad and there isn't a whole lot we can do but get your local MNR's contact info and send him or her the info as proof any time you can. I have 2 MNR numbers in my cell phone for just such reasons. I'm sure your local MNR rep would have no problem providing you a business card with contact info so you can help them out. Mitch in Zone 17 is fine with it. Contact the MNR and ask who the local is and get the info.


Heres one for ya from last monday am at a lk O peir!In 2 minutes I collected a garbage bag full of garbage that was left there.This was at 5 am!At the same time a father and son were fishing and had there dog with them!I collected some of their carp as well!A few hours later I noticed a fish, laying in the grass!A male!At first I thought it was a female,I looked again,Then I seen the belly slit open,male sacs sticking out!Father and son were gone at this point!



Anyone here have a dog named Abbey?With a long leash that unties itself?Perhaps the owner of the dog knows who left this fish to rot away,because of a mistakin identity(gender)!


As for snagging etc,I havent fished for salmon in the credit for a long time(I wonder why?),my expereince as mentioned above wasnt the credit at all!But not far from there!ninja.gif

Clean up after yourselve,Im sure a swan/goose will appreciate it!Thats for another day!

  On 9/17/2010 at 12:44 AM, vinnimon said:


Anyone here have a dog named Abbey? With a long leash that unties itself?


Yup. I do. But we weren't at the scene of the crime that night.


Here's Abby.



  On 9/17/2010 at 12:55 AM, DanC said:

Yup. I do. But we weren't at the scene of the crime that night.


Here's Abby.




LOL,Now theres an awsome pic for bushart to paint!


  On 9/17/2010 at 12:11 AM, bowslayer said:

thats one of the reasons I stopped fishing some of my favourite huron streams like the niner and maitland til after the slaughter fest was over,usually by mid october.By then most of the cavemen have packed away the gear to next fall. About 12 years ago my buddy and I headed up to the niner to fish we got there around 230 am planning on catching some ZZZZs in the parking lot by the dam til first light,but instead got a couple idiots with a flashlight,net and fishing rod with about 30lb cable and a large spoon on it stalking fish past the wire right up to the barrier. When we surprized them by yelling they tried to run to the other shore both wiping out and getting soaked. :clapping: When they finally crossed again we were waiting for them on the riverbank,when we told them we had called the OPP and MNR(which actually we had not) and they were not going anywhere one of the asses pulled a knife on us. Well after they drove off we did call the OPP gave a description of the car including plate and their heavy eastern european accents. They were arrested in KW.


They actually pulled a knife on you??blink.gif Holy crap, they meant buissness

  On 9/16/2010 at 11:32 PM, kingjames_2nd said:

like a bunch of Neanderthals.


This sums it up right here. Go watch these idiots fishing into the dam at the Old Mill, 6 feet from a large NO FISHING sign...

  On 9/17/2010 at 12:11 AM, bowslayer said:


one of the asses pulled a knife on us.



They were arrested in KW.



So, what happened after they were arrested, were they convicted for pulling the knife ??


SAD :(

I gave up on the rivers a couple years ago... cant stand the low life of people it brings in .. ( yes most are good but ALOT are idiots that I dont want to associate with )

Posted (edited)

Thing is......the way i see it we are encouraging this behavior.......every day there are posts on this site from people "snagging", "flossing", "catching" salmon in rivers, creeks, drainage ditches?......and they recieve a "Nice Fish", or "Good Day of Fishing" comment...........Someone please tell them that Salmon dont bite marshamllows, let alone anything when they come into creeks. They have one thing on thier mind!! And its not "Im Hungry" lol My rant!!

Bottom line....If you want to challenge yourself, and try and "catch" a salmon, hit the local pier and chuck lures, it may take 1000 casts, but you may just get one?

Edited by Sucker Fish
  On 9/17/2010 at 2:37 PM, Sucker Fish said:

please tell them that Salmon dont bite marshamllows, let alone anything when they come into creeks.



I thought the same thing until I watched a chinook swim out of its way to hammer a small-med size fly (it was not drifting in the same path as the fish, yet the fish made a clear effort to swim to it and bite it). The fly was black and I'm told it resembles a leech, which destroy their eggs (hence egg sucking leech patterns). Obviously this won't settle the debate, but I aside from the marshmellow comment, I believe you are incorrect.

Posted (edited)

Good post and an even better one for this time of year.


I WAS an avid steelheader for years...

I no longer do because of the fools you often see lets not forget the trash they are known to leave behind. This discussion comes up every year..why, Why at all let anyone fish this period...Every other fish we must wait for the season to op0en, the spawn to finish, its not fishing it is slaughter.


Why do they not, (MNR), simply close all tribs this time of year just prior to the snow/ice forms for steelies...say,mid-December..??

Plus the mods here could simply Not-Allow any posts regarding peeps who post fishing the SOUTHERN tribs in the fall in this part of Ontario.

Probably wouldnt work I suppose...too many thinking they are legitimately fishing,

QUESTION for those who do: Why would you want to fish for these rotting,half breathing carcasses?

Edited by brickNblock

QUESTION for those who do: Why would you want to fish for these rotting,half breathing carcasses?



well because its relaxing and it is what it is




I'm sure if salmon snagging was limited to respectful fishermen catching fish in the mouth with marshmellows or roe bags, there wouldn't be a huge issue.

But these guys that Kingjames saw are pure bungholes. Pitch forks, and nets, and treble hooks...WOW....you've got to be kidding me, that's like deer hunting at night with a spotlight. It's nothing but abuse...just go to the grocery store and punch a dead fish. Not much difference.

  On 9/17/2010 at 12:27 PM, lew said:

So, what happened after they were arrested, were they convicted for pulling the knife ??

neither my buddy or I were willing to persue the matter so charges were dropped,although the MNR did confiscate there fishing gear we were told.

  On 9/17/2010 at 4:37 PM, bowslayer said:

neither my buddy or I were willing to persue the matter so charges were dropped,although the MNR did confiscate there fishing gear we were told.


Probably doesn't matter as the pathetic excuse we have for justice system would have more than likely just slapped their wrists anyways.

  On 9/17/2010 at 5:40 PM, lew said:

Probably doesn't matter as the pathetic excuse we have for justice system would have more than likely just slapped their wrists anyways.


Vigilante justice would be absolutely perfect in a case like this..


Its one of the reason I rarely go salmon fishing anymore. I still like to hit the mouth of the river late at night or early in the morning before the crowds get too big. Nailing a silver salmon on lure is some of the most fun I have ever had fishing.


I haven't been out all this year, with my daughter just coming up on 6 months and starting to teeth I have been opting for any sleep I can get at night lately.

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