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Wednesday muskie report with my new PB


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Over the weekend, Albert and I made plans to head out for a muskie hunt on Wednesday. We chose a lake which has been good to us all summer, but on Tuesday night, I had a dream (seriously) about fishing a different lake... so when Al showed up at 5:30am, I let him know the change of plans due to the dream... he laughed at me a bit (ok, a lot) but agreed, and off we went. His truck, my boat...




We made great time on the way up, and despite stopping for both breakfast and gas, we were on the water around 7:30am. The air was cool and brisk, and water temps have certainly cooled a bit over the past few nights and were now sitting at 61F. There was also a nice chop on the water... and soon the cloud cover rolled in, making for pretty ideal conditions to chase some tooth and tail...


We spent the better part of the morning chasing some other species, and did quite well... I used the livewell in my boat for the first time, as Al had promised to deliver some fresh catch to one of his employees (they consider him a hero when he brings them fresh fish!!!). I caught one muskie during the morning - #98 was just a wee lassie though and never left the water during release.


As noon approached, we set out to accomplish what we had come for - to break the 100 musky mark for the season, and to try and land a 40+ or two. We progressed quickly through the first two stages of my milk run, with nary a sniff. Next we headed to a small area where a few weeks before I had caught a 40 and a 38 on successive casts while out with fishgreg, and where Patrick and I caught several last week. Albert put on what has been my hottest lure this summer, and I put on something similar, but with a different colour scheme. Al made the better choice, because less than a minute later his rod was nearly ripped from his hands by a violent strike! He was using one of my lighter musky setups today (7' Compre Musky rod, Quantum Energy PTI spooled with 50lb PP), and this fish really gave him a run for his money. She did not want to come up from the bottom, and gave us fits at boatside... but Al eventually managed to coax her into the cradle and the battle was won. #99 measured in at a solid 42", with great girth. Al's PB is a 43" from earlier this year, but this fish was a much better overall specimen and I consider this to be his new best. He was shaking, and happy as hell after the battle... she took a moment to revive, but swam away just fine.












We fished that area for another 15 minutes, then continued on with the milk run. We trolled over to the next spot which happens to be one of my favourite casting areas, dropped the Motorguide down and started firing long casts. Al had brought along a new bass outfit, and is in the process of learning how to use a baitcaster... his new setup has 30lb braid on it, which he thought was plenty to cast out some medium sized musky lures... backlash - PING! SPLOOOOSH! And Al makes a $20 offering to the fish gods! He laughed, retied, adjusted the reel a bit and resumed casting, yep with another 1oz+ lure... which lasted maybe 10 casts... PING! SPLOOOOSH! The fish gods must be pleased now, with a second $20 offering so soon! Thankfully, Al had no more leaders, and started using my Compre setup again!!! I don't know if it was the offerings that Al had made, or the karma delivery that I had asked for from the OFC gang this morning, but what happened next was just awesome.


Tired from casting big stuff, I took a break and switched lures to a bit smaller of an offering. I sped up the trolling motor, and we quickly worked our way between two dense weedbeds that had a deep channel between them. As my lure approached the boat, a HUGE olive and gold rocket blasted up from the depths and smashed it right at boatside! Al happened to be watching my lure come in those last few feet as well, and yelled out when he saw her attack! I don't know how, but I somehow got the hooks into her pretty well, and she stayed hooked as she kicked my butt from left to right. I had to stick the rod deep into the water twice as she seemed determined to break my line diving under the boat... finally she tired enough that I was able to drag half of her into the cradle (right about now, I was wishing that I had brought the Stowmaster instead of the cradle!!!), and Al tailed her and scooped the whole thrashing mess into the boat! It was not until this moment that I realized just how big this fish was - could it be my long awaited 50? It took both Al and myself to subdue her enough to quickly cut out the hooks with the bolt cutter, and whip out the tape measure... which landed at 48. My new personal best, and a glorious specimen of a fish, with a head like I have only seen once before (my 45.5 from earlier this year). I slid her back into the water, and admired her as she revived. She slowly dove down soon after, into the same deep channel that she had ambushed me from. What a way to hit #100...




















Am I disappointed that this was not the 50 that I have been seeking? Absolutely not. It is the biggest muskie that I have ever caught, and on one of the most exciting strikes too. It only adds fuel to my fire... which shall burn this fall until the mission gets accomplished. Know what I forgot to do in the heat of the moment? Get out my OFC tournament sign and snap a pic with it... know what? I am glad I didn't. She needed to get back in the water where she belongs as quickly as possible, and just for the sake of a fun tourney, it is not worth it.


With adrenalin still coursing through our veins, we decided to fish for another half-hour and then call it a day... and within minutes Al had another one on, once again on my hot lure, a decent fish in the mid 30's which was barely lip hooked, so out came the pliers - pop - water release. #101 in the books. A fitting end to a great day. We packed up our gear, motored down the lake and returned to the city... where dreams of that fifty will keep me going until the next hunt arrives.

Edited by Fisherpete
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A hundred muskies in your boat so far this year is incredible especially for 'the fish of 10,000 casts'. Try the northern part of Pigeon Lake if you want a 50 incher from the Kawarthas. Oddly the largest Kawartha musky came from Head Lake it weighed 45 lbs.

Good Luck, the big fish season has just begun and the Kawarthas musky are open until Dec. 15th now. :Gonefishing:

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I must say that is ONE HELL OF A SEASON. Congrats on your continued success and best of luck cracking the 50" mark before the end of the season. I'm looking to break the Muskie cherry in the near future and you should be looking for an inbox message ;)





Also - love the release pics - there is one where the Ski actually looks to be smiling upon release.

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That is just phenomenal Pete :worthy::worthy:

Congrats on the milestone :clapping: I'm sure it's just a matter of time before the 50" water shark cross' path with you ;)


I'd wish you good luck but it seems that you don't need it this year :whistling:


Question: Have you ever though of tagging them?? since you've caught so many..... would be awesome for you to catch the same fish twice! uh.... in your case multiple times :lol: and keep the data in a log :)


Just a though

Thanks for sharing Pete and keep up the great work!!!


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Thanks guys and gals for all the support! I love the whole process - the preparation, the fishing and then writing my reports. And I have to thank my wife for being so understanding of my passion for fishing, she is an absolute sweetheart and has allowed me to have a dream fishing season this year - from Simcoe ice with perch, lakers and whitefish, to Dunnville cats, followed by spring time crappie and then muskiefest from June till now. She wants me to get that 50 just as bad as I do (maybe so I will stop obsessing about it!!!) Our baby boy is due November 6th, I had better hurry up and get my trophy in September or October... because hunting esox will soon be replaced by diapers and 3am feedings!!!

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