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OK .. so ..... (NF)


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and according to the SMOB-ometer ... I have re-couped almost 0.75 days ..... just on this basis I am thinking this is a losing proposition :)


That and the fact that while I supposedly saved $53 on cigarettes .. I have spent almost $75 on gum, timbits, mini-brownies (which by the way are awesome), gummie bears, wine gums, licorice, pringles, miss vickies and the alll-time-favourite jube-jubes ...



I think I was probably healthier before .. and most assuredly more fun to be with :)


Oh . sorry ... I didnt realize you were here ... hows your day going ?


(Editors note : ... and while there is no sign of nicotine in the serum ... the blood alcohol level seems to have compensated more than adequately)

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Keep it up. 2.5 years for me. This is my real second attempt. First one lasted seven months, actually I did a full six months in Bosnia and not even a drag. Got back to Canada went on Excercise, got bored, so I asked for a puff as my driver was smoking. GAME OVER. This time I learned from my mistake. My wife has quit at the same time and her motivation is saving money. Mine was health, especially after a few bubblys. Felt like Sh@#@# the next morning, especially my lungs. Just a note. The old Cancerous lung in the case never worked for me when I was in school, but ironically,when I was being wheeled into the operating room for screws in my ankle, I noticed on the upper wall an anti-smoking poster that I will never forget. A colored picture of an ashtray shaped like a pair of lungs with butts and ashes in it. For some reason I can't forget about it. Never seen that poster since. Maybe too explicit. Anyhow good luck. Keep it up. Yea I gained a few pounds, but thats an easier fix.

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Mmmmm, mini brownies. Wine gums are great too.


Hang in there bud. I'm going on a year and a half of sobriety, so NO WAY am I gonna give up smoking too. I have to have something to do :lol:


Good luck



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Thanks Guys .. I appreciate the support ...


To be fair ... I knew it was gonna be tough ... it's prbably why i didnt try sooner (that and I really loved to smoke ...) ... heh maybe one day they will come up with something that you can be addicted to that WONT kill ya :)


Any how ... I couldnt give up my coffee and alcohol too ... so at least I can enjoy my morning coffee ... I just do it outside .. and if (when) I get the 'craving' I do a deep-dive hyperventilate three good deeeeep ones ... gives ya a little tiny head-rush .. say Ahhhhhhhhh right out loud ... and have a sip of the java ... actually fools that dumb-assed braininto thinkin it got what it needed .. at least for now



I think its actually a little easier for me since pretty much everyone I spend any time with quit a long time ago ... so the real tester (I know) will be getting out on a boat for a day with a not-yet-quit smoker ... thats gonna be tough ... but we'll cross that brdge when we get to it :)


By the way ... I finally took the 'panic - pack' outta my pocket .... just in case the ol' mind trips-out and trys to fool me into thinkin its ok to have just one :)

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Keep it up. 2.5 years for me. This is my real second attempt. First one lasted seven months, actually I did a full six months in Bosnia and not even a drag. Got back to Canada went on Excercise, got bored, so I asked for a puff as my driver was smoking. GAME OVER. This time I learned from my mistake. My wife has quit at the same time and her motivation is saving money. Mine was health, especially after a few bubblys. Felt like Sh@#@# the next morning, especially my lungs. Just a note. The old Cancerous lung in the case never worked for me when I was in school, but ironically,when I was being wheeled into the operating room for screws in my ankle, I noticed on the upper wall an anti-smoking poster that I will never forget. A colored picture of an ashtray shaped like a pair of lungs with butts and ashes in it. For some reason I can't forget about it. Never seen that poster since. Maybe too explicit. Anyhow good luck. Keep it up. Yea I gained a few pounds, but thats an easier fix.

That's a truism.Never seen an Atkins Diet yet that grew lungs.

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(that and I really loved to smoke ...)


Jon, that's the exact excuse ALL smokers use (used) to convince themselves they still want to smoke, it makes it soooooo much easier to keep on puffin even though ALL smokers truly want to quit.


I know this because I told myself the same crap for years....everytime somebody told me to quit, I told them I didn't want to, because I just enjoyed it soooooo much, even though I was hackin up a lung at the same time I was extolling the virtues of ciagarettes.


You've got it beat now Jon, the toughest days are behind you and it just gets easier from here on. What you need to do now, is forget about the smokes and get on with your life. Their a thing of your past and now it's time to focus on the important things in front of you.


No matter how tough it seems, DON'T light one up or you'll have just wasted all that hard work and you'll be kicking yourself in the butt....pun intended.


As I told you in the other thread, I quit in '91 after 30 years of smoking and hacking and telling myself how much fun I was having.


As for the coffee, that's what I had the most trouble giving up.


I went on a health kick back in the early 90's and gave up all the bad stuff.....smokes, booze, coffee, sugar.....and everything else I could think of. Even went out and paid close to $3000 for a bike to get back in shape.


The ONLY thing that really bothered me was not having my morning coffee, so I went back to it, even with the blessing of my doctor. We both agreed that one vice out of many was a pretty good trade-off.


You can stay off the smokes Jon, just as long as your convinced you WANT to quit.


If you don't really want to quit........you won't.


Good luck :thumbsup_anim:

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I have neer been a smoker and have a hard time comprehending addiction (except for fishing of course) although I have been surrounded by it all my life.


What really drives me nuts is when someone who is trying to quit is being pursuaded by others to take up the habit again. I just don't understand it. This is in no way a response to your comment GCD...I think you were just joking. It just reminded me of instances I've witnessed.


I have a great deal of respect for those who are able to overcome their demons whether it be smoking, drinking or otherwise.



Don't give up now otherwise all your efforts will have been awaste.


Good Luck CamillJ.

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I went on a health kick back in the early 90's and gave up all the bad stuff.....smokes, booze, coffee, sugar.....and everything else I could think of. Even went out and paid close to $3000 for a bike to get back in shape.



What???? Booze is bad for you??? SINCE WHEN?? this isnt one of those new fangled studies I see on the news is it.... whats next Chicken wings??


Ya... and just try to take my coffee away.... I like my hangovers wide awake...



Good thing I don't smoke I guess...

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Thanks Guys .... it really is special to have so much support !!!



As an update for y'all



Today, when the first mega craving hit (about 7:00 am ) ... at the second cup of coffee stage ... I decided I should go for a run ... heh its been a lonnnng time since I did that ... anyhow .. after about a half hour I felt like it was 'safe' to stop ... and was heading towards Mc'd for a little has hash brown treat ... turned left instead and walked home .... not sure if thats a sign of things to come .. but what the heck .. made it through another morning .... and even got some fresh air/exercise .... tomorrow Im hitting a trib .. I think the trout are calling my name .. and from what I saw of Etobicoke creek in my back yard the 'blow out' hasnt happened yet ...CC correct me if you know for sure I am wrong (out your way) ...otherwise let me know what time to pick ya up :)



Lew ... I would NEVER EVER .. I DONT CARE WHAT THEY SAY IT DOES TO YA ... EVER ... give up my coffee .... period.... so thats one vice thats safe with me :) ... of course I used to say that about smoking ... even though I knew deep inside I would have to sooner or later...



As for alcohol ... I have myself convinced that its not a problem (even though I probably do consume more than I should at times) ... but because I work from home I am pretty watchful on it ... knowing that I am already at risk of addiction (smokes, caffiene etc) ... unlike the first two .. its nothin for me to go a week without a drink ... and I NEVER have a drink at home unless there's a guest or unless its 'closing time' ... anyhow my greatest respect for you folks that gave up everything ...


Which reminds me of my favourite line from a South Carolina Marshal (golf Course type Marshal) .... "Son" he said, "Just wanna make sure you understand the rules down here" .... "There will be NO DRINKING on the golf course" .... with a smile ... "Unless you're alone" ... long pause .... "Or with somebody"


:) :)



Thanks GCD ... you are soo right ... I doooooo knowwwwwwww I wannnnnnnnnnnnna .... thats why I know I still have a problem :)





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I quit a year ago this past christmas, and though I only smoked about a pack a week for 4 or 5 years I feel TEN TIMES better now. I've got more energy, don't cough up a lung anymore, no more heart burn...it's great...I have a daughter now, and just knowing I'll have a few more years with her at the end of my life is enough for me to never smoke again!!! keep it up and it'll pay off big time!


Good Luck!



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Good luck camillj. It sound like you're doing ok so far. I'm a smoker too that has never tried to quit, but I can imagine what you're going through. Hang in there Bud. If you can do it, then so can I. You can be my inspiration. The big test will come when you land that 5 lb. male Brook Trout in full spawning colors. If you don't have a smoke after that, you'll have succeeded.

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The big test will come when you land that 5 lb. male Brook Trout in full spawning colors. If you don't have a smoke after that, you'll have succeeded.


Dan, if I get him anyhwere near my line I will have succeeded ... smoke or no smoke ... land him and I'll be happy to start the whole darn roller coaster ride again :)

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Since I quit I stopped getting ear infections and my sinuses do not react as much to allergies. The lungs clearing out is the best feeling I just recently got a chest cough and it feels like I am smoking again..... it really really sucks. Glen is alot like my Pops who is a Radiologist and smokes we had some really effective commercials and social pressures to smoke in their era. Thats OK their marlboro man you can smoke in my boat anyday bud.




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