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Good pranks to pull on my fishing trip.

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Bug spray on the lures...check.

Ex-Lax in the chili......check.

Hide the toilet paper....check.


Come on... give me your best ones.



Wait till your buddies are using the outhouse, if the outhouse is anything like I have seen before you can tip toe from behind and drop a firecracker into the outhouse. Man its funny. Great post!!

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We just sit around and watch Joe and Terry fish... all the laughs a person could ever handle in a week ! :rofl2::sarcasm:


Ha Ha

I got friends like that.

But, one guy coming up is nothing but a complainer, whiner, etc.

He's a friend of a friend and we just don't get along.




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When your friend is sleeping, pull about 40 feet of line off his reel, cut it, then wind it back on. Then the next morning watch him tie on his fav lure, and enjoy the puzzled look on his mug after he casts it into oblivion.


I like to pull off about 100ft and make 3 or 4 cuts, that way all his productive lures are gone and you'll catch all the fish!

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This won't work in the summer but a few years ago there was a large group of us guys ice fishing. One of the guys cooked up some chicken wings so when i went into the cabin to have some food they all pulled up my line and tied on a lobster. Then one of the guys came running into the cabin saying "Todd you got one on your line, look at the bend on your rod!". I ran out, reeled it in and stood there with the most dumbfounded look on my face. I've never been so confused and boy was it funny.

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Ok just how bad to you want to get this guy? we have had many a pranks over the years, the best one was sending a picture to the local paper and writing up a man seeking man want add :w00t: It didnt go out to the public, but he didnt know that. we put one in our cabin, in the main lodge and gave a copy to all the other cabins. He was so pissed that he wouldnt even get out of the truck when we went to town because he was afraid someone would recognize him. here is how it went:


My name is Matt. I am a fun

loving guy from Ohio ! I am looking

for the companionship of an Outgoing,

Strong yet Gentle Guy with lots

of stamina where it counts, lol. I enjoy long walks along

the river, cuddling

up to a warm fire

with marshmallow's

and hot cocoa or

just relaxing while

playing my favorite

Barry Manilow and

Barbara Streisand

CDs. I’d love to try

some o’ that ‘Canadian Bacon’, I’ll

bring the Syrup! Are you that Special

Guy I’m lookin’ for ? I’ll be in the area

at the end of July. Cum and find me !


It also had a altered picture of him wearing lipstick and waxed eyebrows. To this day the idiot still thinks it was circulated throughout the community.


We have also stuffed a road kill partridge under a buddies boat seat, fed one guy exlax for 3 days straight,cut a hole in the bottom of their net, cabin raided at 4 in the morning stopped to pee on rocks in the middle of the lake and left them, we put up a big poster on our friends cabin saying Welcome Haliburton chapter of she-males annual outing. etc....


Have fun with it,




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This won't work in the summer but a few years ago there was a large group of us guys ice fishing. One of the guys cooked up some chicken wings so when i went into the cabin to have some food they all pulled up my line and tied on a lobster. Then one of the guys came running into the cabin saying "Todd you got one on your line, look at the bend on your rod!". I ran out, reeled it in and stood there with the most dumbfounded look on my face. I've never been so confused and boy was it funny.



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Get a severed rubber hand or foot and fake a wood-splitting accident...

Carefully placed bees-nest in the outhouse??

Change his spinnin' reel handle from L/R .. strip all the line off and reel it in backwards.

Change his ball-cap size while sleeping and take all of his socks..re-size his lifejacket :ninja:



Here's a good one.

#1.Tie a fake squirrel to a piece of fishing line 10" or so long.

#2.Get Thumbtack and attach to loose end of fishing line

#3.Attach contraption to inside of cupboard door.

#4.Place fake squirrel inside of cupboard and shut door.

#5.Set up video camera. ;)

#6.Ask fishin' buddy to get you a cup from the cupboard.

#7.Watch and listen to your buddy scream like a school-girl after the squirrel jumps out at him.

#8. :rofl2: :rofl2:

#9. ** be sure that buddy has taken the joke well before attempting #8


Have fun... Just don't get hurt tryin' :stretcher:





Edited by Randy from Sturgeon
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On a boys fishing weekend a guy was getting on my nerves. He had jeans on that were all frayed at the bottom, so I lite them on fire at the campfire. To get his revenge he put fish guts on the exhaust manifold of my truck.


It was a 2 hour 4x4 out, turns out, I was lead truck and the smell was worse behind me. :thumbsup_anim:


Kids eh!

Edited by Harrison
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Ok just how bad to you want to get this guy? we have had many a pranks over the years, the best one was sending a picture to the local paper and writing up a man seeking man want add :w00t: It didnt go out to the public, but he didnt know that. we put one in our cabin, in the main lodge and gave a copy to all the other cabins. He was so pissed that he wouldnt even get out of the truck when we went to town because he was afraid someone would recognize him. here is how it went:


My name is Matt. I am a fun

loving guy from Ohio ! I am looking

for the companionship of an Outgoing,

Strong yet Gentle Guy with lots

of stamina where it counts, lol. I enjoy long walks along

the river, cuddling

up to a warm fire

with marshmallow's

and hot cocoa or

just relaxing while

playing my favorite

Barry Manilow and

Barbara Streisand

CDs. I'd love to try

some o' that 'Canadian Bacon', I'll

bring the Syrup! Are you that Special

Guy I'm lookin' for ? I'll be in the area

at the end of July. Cum and find me !


It also had a altered picture of him wearing lipstick and waxed eyebrows. To this day the idiot still thinks it was circulated throughout the community.




Pull that one at Lakair and he'd have had all kinds of business. Well, he'd at least run out of syrup......

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i've pulled off some horrible pranks in my day, some things i may even be condemned to hell for lol.


-instead of rum and coke. rum and laxative with a little coke.


-pop rocks instead of bacon bits in the chicken ceasar salad.


-releasing half a dozen sheep into someones cottage


-3 gardener snakes in a tent


-a pike in the sleeping bag


-i wont go into to detail but we once convinced 2 of our male buds they slept together. this was done with an obscene amount of alcohol, and some tabasco sauce. LOL!


-plug in the gas line on the boat


the list goes on.. they have come after me a few times unsuccessfully but im waiting for it.. one day, paybacks gonna be big! LOL :ninja:

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For guys with waders, I’d stick worms and maggots into the inner chest pocket (unzipped) before my friends put them on...They’d eventually crawl out to explore. Also works well with spiders, millipedes that you can catch. The fuzzy caterpillars you find climbing trees work the best.


Drop a few skein or gooey roe bags into your buddy’s waders before he puts them on.


Remove the chapstick from the tube, replace with a mix of cork grease and chili pepper.


On one camping/fishing trip, one friend pranked a bunch of us and filmed it with the movie mode on his camera. On the way home, one guy had his laptop in the car, removed the vids and uploaded some questionable material onto the SD card…It made for an interesting slide show when he sat down with his family to view it all on his big screen TV.


Epoxy the cap of one bottle of beer in place (you can drink it first and fill it with something else) and give it to the guy you like the least that day.


When my friends were sleeping in their tent, I'd throw some peanuts (for squirrels & chipmunks into the tent, wait for the cavalry to arrive and zip the tent shut. Wait for the screams :D . Also works really well throwing corn if ducks, geese and swans are around.

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