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Was at home with my son all day today while Mrs. Limeyangler was at work. jack my son was in a restless /whiney mood and by 3pm i was beginning to get a little restless myself. I decided to try him out fishing for the first time as the weather was windy but a decent 14C.


Headed down to a small local lake instead of out the front of the house for a change of scenery for both of us. Jack had a blast. I think he really loves being outside, and had an a great time as custodian of the minnows. he had his whole arm in the minnow bucket and was totally absorbed by the little creatures for the whole half hour we stayed. Got some priceless video and picture memories of our first fishing trip together.....just thought i'd share it with y'all.
































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Yep I can tell he's going to grow up loving fishing and the outdoors. :clapping:

Great Job. You're a fine dad. Little boy had a fun day.



Tip: Make backup copies of the pics and videos. Data recovery for important pics is a PITA! Sister learned that the hard way.


Looks like fun! My little guy got his first taste of fishing on Easter! He was having a blast reeling in the line, too bad I was float fishing hahahaha!




Looks like a lot of fun!

I have a 3 month old daughter and I cant wait to take her out when shes ready.


Great post.


Thank you so much folks, very kind words making a very proud dad even prouder.....must work on his bad habit of trying to eat the minnows....lol....now that would be a test for Gulp!....wonder if he would eat that.....just kidding




  On 4/12/2010 at 5:18 AM, Syn said:

Tip: Make backup copies of the pics and videos. Data recovery for important pics is a PITA! Sister learned that the hard way.


Thaknks Syn....already backed up



  On 4/12/2010 at 7:45 PM, Joey said:

What a cutie pie!!!


Great photos Simon. So if he catches a fish that counts for our team awell? :lol:




Thanks Joey


Yup....first fish he catches is getting the tourney sign on it for sure!


By the way.....i got a 27" walleye for an upgrade and am sending along the bonus inches for the Crappie too...check your inbox


Truly one of the nicest threads I've seen in a good while Simon. There's a bonus for you there as well....you'll not need to buy a baitwell aerator. :clapping: Thanks for showing us Jack's progress.


Great thread Simon...Really love the pics and especially the vid...You must be so proud to be in the midst of raising a fishing monster who will eat, breath and live fishing for the rest of his life :thumbsup_anim:


I hope you don't plan on having grand kids in the future... Girls what? :Gonefishing:

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