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Whip them at the outboard and let the gulls snatch em up.

The same should be done with carp.

its funny tho,watching carp fishers gracefully and carefully release a carp back into the waters while the guy next to them is smashing them on the concrete much to their dismay hahaha

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if u read the wording in the regs... it doesnt say its against the law to throw them back in the water. it says they "should " be killed... not "must" be killed. and as said, we're never gonna make a dent in the population, and they have become the main forage for most game fish now. if u are going to toss them on land though, please toss them all in one area, like in the bushes or someplace thats NOT on the mail walkway or just scattered all over the grass and paths people walk on and where our kids play and run. gets kinda gross after a bit.


i was told by someone from the MNR its not illegal to throw them back due to the fact they are there to stay and it wont make a difference if i kill one or 1000. now, im sure someone will argue with me, or say im lying, no i dont know who it was that told me that, so dont ask. dont tell me im a liar, cause i assure u, im not unless it comes to the size of the fish that got away, and lastly... we all know how often we get different stories and law interpretations from different people.

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During my time in Trenton I met a young fella (about 10 or 11) with a broken down old spin caster who was determined to fish (as well as learn how). We were shore fishing at a grocery store parking lot right beside the mouth of the Trent. I put a new line on his reel after cleaning & lubing it up, set him up with a bit of tackle and let him have at it.

His first catch was a gobie. So of course fishing had to stop while he asked eighty-eleven million questions. I pulled out the regs, showed him how (then) they said not to return gobies. I challenged him to come up with a good way to do that.

In the corner of the parking lot nearest the bridge was a unmanned sewage pump station building. After a few minutes of thought he fired the gobie up onto the hot (it was a sunny hot day) shingled roof. Wasn't long before a sea gull came along for a half cooked meal! That kid was so proud of himself for what he figured out that he swore he would target fish nothing but gobies until they were all gone!

That was about 4 years ago - wonder how the gobie population is doing at the mouth of the Trent now? If it's any worse - it won't be from a lack of that youngster's efforts! I met him there or observed while driving by how much time he was investing in his quest - and having an absolute ball doing it!



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So what I get from this thread is:


1. It is not illegal to throw them back in the lake, after all they are here to stay.


2. You are suppose to kill them but it doesn't really matter because you can't make a dent in their population.


3. You still can't use them as Bait.


Great to see all these fishing minded people making up their own rules. With a mentality like that I am sure you are going to ignore #3 too. I am amazed that you can interpret the regulations and come up with this stuff.



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smashing? whipping at outboards?? Invasive species or not I still respect all life and if its not going on the table then it's going back in the water.



Kill it humanely and make it bird food

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The same should be done with carp.

its funny tho,watching carp fishers gracefully and carefully release a carp back into the waters while the guy next to them is smashing them on the concrete much to their dismay hahaha



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I throw them in my campfire and outdoor stove.


The spawning period for Gobys is April to September and during that 6 month period, the female can spawn up to 6 times every 20 days. That is 180 days, which means a maximum of 9 spawning cycles. Males spawn once after maturity. Not sure how that is possible?


As far as eggs go I have heard it is between 300 and 5000 at a time. So do the math.


Its like the Perch population, year after year there are fisherman taking limits daily out of Rice and Simcoe, yet the poplulation doesn't seem to be affected since they reproduce so quickly and in such high numbers. I see thousands every fall.



Edited by diggyj
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The same should be done with carp.

its funny tho,watching carp fishers gracefully and carefully release a carp back into the waters while the guy next to them is smashing them on the concrete much to their dismay hahaha



That was our game plan with carp (egg eaters) and sheephead (food competition for smallies) in Lake Erie years ago, no net ,a fish billy and knock them off the hook with extreme prejudice.

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So what I get from this thread is:


1. It is not illegal to throw them back in the lake, after all they are here to stay.


2. You are suppose to kill them but it doesn't really matter because you can't make a dent in their population.


3. You still can't use them as Bait.


Great to see all these fishing minded people making up their own rules. With a mentality like that I am sure you are going to ignore #3 too. I am amazed that you can interpret the regulations and come up with this stuff.




where do u see us making up our own rules?? those are the rules set out in the regs. it says rite in the regs, they should be killed. but like i said, i was told by a member of the MNR that is not illegal to throw them back in the water because its not going to affect the population at all. i think carp cause more damage then gobies do, but u dont see everyone tossing carp up on the grass.


and no, i dont use them for bait, and have stoped many others from using them as bait, AND i educate everyone about them who doesnt yet know. so, dont go running ur mouth and accusing us of wrong doing based on what we know, how we interpret the regs or what we have been told by others who know the laws far better then u.


if u dont like the answers or our interpretations then call the mnr, and ask them urself and see what they answer.

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