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Use a gun and blast them!

You can get some calls to try and lure them in like a rabbit squealer or young coyote call, you can also use a feather with some string attached to a branch and let it blow in the wind while you are calling. This will bring them in closer for a good kill shot. Or get a bunch of buddies and push the bush and surround it, if you can get anyone with Hounds that hunts for coyotes you won't even need to pull a trigger :D

I have had them come in on me while calling for ducks, geese, deer, turkey they don't care as long as they can hear you calling they will come in, but be ready they will be there quick and gone quick!

Good luck


You can also ask a local trapper if he/she would like to take care of the problem for you.


Sometime a trapper might charge a fee, sometimes not. The market for coyote pelts aren't very high at the present moment so I would think most would charge a fee of somekind.


If I was in your area I'd trap them for free. It's one of my favorite hobbies, besides fishing that is....


If you calling from within Ontario, you can try contacting the Ontario Fur Managers Federation (705) 254-3338 or your local MNR office, they might be able to give you the contact info of a local trapper.


Good luck!




We hunt them back here in the states often. I've had great success early in the morning with a squealing rabbit call (you can get them at any good sporting goods store). I've also had them come in during spring turkey season to hen calls. Lots of fun with a .422!


Beat it Terry71.


As for the original poster, if you want PM me. You can also google Predator Hunting, there are many ways to hunt yotes. Just pick the right gun, the right call and you're ready to go.


  terry71 said:
This is a fishing site. Please direct your hunting concerns to a hunting website.




1/2 way between Smiths Falls and Carleton Place Peter...


.. once you blast his.. can you go around the corner onto Ford Rd and blast the ones at my Step Fathers??


Copied right off the home page..... :)


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Talk about fishing, hunting, the great outdoors or whatever you like in here! Keep it clean!

  terry71 said:
This is a fishing site. Please direct your hunting concerns to a hunting website.




Actually its more of a community..


I it wasn't such a hassle with taking firearms across the border I would also volunteer to eliminate that coyote....I have a secret weapon...........The Roadrunner..........LOL


Seriously, one shot from my Ruger .22-250 Rem and the problem is gone.




BillyBob...I almost went for the 22-250 last year when i was lookin' at purchasin' a yote gun....I ended up going to the .223....main reason for me....I have an unlimited supply of ammo :D:D:D Otherwise it would have been the 22-250. :thumbsup_anim:


Yep, even if you didn't have a unlimited supply of .223 ammo it's about half the price of .22-250 ammo, at least here.....Being a military round they are made by millions which brings the cost down.....


Here our ammo prices have almost double since Obama got into office......everyone's buying everything on the shelfs and hording it....makes no sense.


Back when I used to hunt coyotes and fox for fur in the seventies and fur prices were very good, we tried some hardball military ammo, full metal jacket stuff in hope that there would be less fur damage. From a humane standpoint I can't really recommend it, little if any expansion was good for the fur but we ending up chasing wounded yotes that would have been clean kills with varmint style expanding bullets. For the record I used a Ruger Model 77 6MM sporter, Redfield 4-12 scope when I was on a stand or calling and a Ruger Mini 14 Ranch Rifle .223 with a 2-7 Leuopold when I was driving or dogging. I'd stay away from the military stuff for sporting purposes on live game, stick to paper with it.

  Billy Bob said:
I it wasn't such a hassle with taking firearms across the border I would also volunteer to eliminate that coyote....I have a secret weapon...........The Roadrunner..........LOL


Seriously, one shot from my Ruger .22-250 Rem and the problem is gone.





If you want to make it easier, get yourself a Canadian PAL. You can write the test..its pretty easy, do the paperwork and get the card. You then register online any firearm you want to bring over and its easy.

The guys I hunt with all have it and the border guards freak when they come over and flash Canadian registrations. It takes all their fun away.

  ML-S said:
B) I just read the rabbit snare thread and was wondering if there is someone that can tell me how to hunt the coyotes that cross our property.




Be sure to eat everything you kill!!!

  terry71 said:
This is a fishing site. Please direct your hunting concerns to a hunting website.





You're in for a rough ride.

Maybe reading the fine (not so fine) print isn't your deal.

You are probably the type that would complain about trying to get out of your cell phone contract.

This just makes me chuckle and I couldn't resist responding. (it gets my post count higher)

  Billy Bob said:
Yep, even if you didn't have a unlimited supply of .223 ammo it's about half the price of .22-250 ammo, at least here.....Being a military round they are made by millions which brings the cost down.....


Here our ammo prices have almost double since Obama got into office......everyone's buying everything on the shelfs and hording it....makes no sense.


Its not hard to bring guns across the border if your all legit. Just fill out the paperwork.


Our ammo has gone up in price too. Anything with lead in it is up by around 25% from this time last year.



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