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fishing problem!

pike slayer

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Say you're just going out to the camp for the day. Get there and get everyone drunk, hide the keys, unhook the battery to the car, and tell him on second thought no one can drive legally, so were staying the weekend till we fix the starter in the car.



We have a winner!!!!

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hahahaha the guy i work with told me to do that today haha!!

we gotta sled 8km into this camp, and he'll be riding carp

i should "sabotage" my sled so it doesnt start and we are screwed!! til sunday when i unsabotage it and we can go home when i want to lol



Its a Poolaris, you don't need to sabatoge it...just let it break itself :thumbsup_anim:

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the one that only has bolts and washers in his toolbag




what the hell was he thinking? Fisherman marries P3TA member - does she have beer flavoured nipples?


Oh, and I'd take him up there for the day and have "car problems" ;)

Edited by cuzza
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I know how you feel "wormdangler"


My buddy that I have fished with for more than 25 yrs , is now reluctant to get out , he will only make it if his wife is working otherwise its always a no go

he's been married over 25 yrs , so you would think that compromising on both sides is nothing new



oh well ... my son is now going to be my best fishing partner (he's still a young teenager and involved in lots of different activities .. so we'll just have to make the time).... thats my new years resolution



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I'm afraid if your buddy doesn't start standing some ground soon parameters will be set in stone and his days spent enjoying himself with his friends will be numbered..literally numbered....This kind of behavior tends to turn a happy loving relationship into something toxic and undesirable..Not a nice way to spend the rest of your life.

As William Wallace said once.."Where would we be without freedom"

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Great entertainment reading all of these replies!!!!!! Think it has pretty much all been said, I would keep the original plans with the first buddy (poor guy), but I agree with most here the guy has to stand up to his wife and would he not have figured all this out before he married her!! Thank god my lady not only doesn't mind me going fishing, but, loves to go as well!!

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Go to the camp... "Well ohhh no i dont think the wife will let me stay the night!!" What is this guy 6 years old?? He needs to suffer a bit till hes had enough and gets/takes some lee way.. otherwise it will be the same thing the next time. ... even my wife says go... that whipping may rub off on ya.

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sooo ive been thinking! my buddy up at camp only wants to fish specks, hes to paranoid to fish the big lake even though i'm sure theres a ton of ice and i'd definitely be out there and it will cost quite a bit after gas for the truck and sled, and food, and booze. i'm thinking of staying home and going out both days and taking the poor whipped guy out cause i did orginally promise to take him out when he had a chance to go and maybe after laying into a pile of lakers and having a great time it'll motoviate him to want to go more and maybe stand up for himself. kinda get him out there and remind him what hes missin. also i have a few booty calls this weekend :P and the one asked if she could come fishing to! ohhh no!! am i weak to?!?!? :huh:

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I know exactly how you feel my other half started to get like that,(miss P3TA). My buddy and I would fish bass tourneys and on the way home stop for some dinner and a cold one after a hot day on the water. Well one morning before I left for the day of fishing she asked me to come straight home after fishing because she was going to prepare a lovely meal for me. When I got home she was gone and there was a pan of hamburger helper on the stove ice cold. No big deal I warmed it up and ate it, and I hate that crap. Its called compromise. I figured something came up and she had to switch plans. Well a few weeks later she told me I fish too much and to get rid of the bass boat or she was leaving. Well to make a long story short she is now my ex and my new girl wishes I could go fishing every day cause she says it makes me so happy. Im really lovin this gal. Tell your buddy to tell her that i'll bring you home the big one. Then she should be fine.

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Well...the 2 day trip is a way better deal for you. Realistically, it should be way easier to accommodate the odd day trip with your local friend another time, and if he was that into fishing he should understand! Why should his marital discord hurt a good couple days of fishing for you!


Good luck either way

Edited by Bicephalic
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Ok, so heres my dilemma!

My buddy was my bestest fishing buddy that i went fishing with just about every single weekend got married back in may. Since then i've gotten him out for one afternoon of fishing and his wife made a big deal about it. Now he called me on Monday and said that she'll let him go fishing this saturday because shes working all day. i was like sure we'll head into our old stompin' grounds and go slay some lake trout.

Now last night my other buddy called me up and said he heading up to camp for 4-5 days and that i should head up there for a night or 2 and fish with him. the camp is 3hours north of here and i've only been up once in the winter and would love to fish it again for specks, big pike, big lake trout and whitefish. So i told him that i kinda had plans but i'd call my other buddy back to see if he could go up to the camp to. So i call up my whipped friend and say hey chris called and was wondering if i wanted to head up to the camp. now we should both go up early saturday fish all day, stay the night and fish sunday and come home in the evening. Well ohhh no i dont think the wife will let me stay the night!! geezus!! its one night!! come on now!!

now i have another buddy that wants to fish sunday and he wants to head up into my lake trout stompin grounds to slay them.

and hes saying ohhh no dont worry about me, head up to camp we'll just go another time!(not sure if hes taking me on a guilt trip or what)

so now im up in the air and i dont know what i should do??

stay in town and fish 2 days on the same lake and get an old friend out and show another buddy a hot spot OR head up into camp which i dont always get the opportunity to do in the winter.

OR i could say to my first buddy that we are heading up to the stompin grounds and just keep driving to the camp and say toooo bad you can deal with it when you get home!!

what do i do???


Come fishing with me WormDangler!..........I'll show you some new spots on that lake! :thumbsup_anim:

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very good possibly eazy! i asked archie about going with you but hes leaning towards crooked cause i can gurantee him fish in there. if you can promise him some lakers in where we are going then we might just head in there with you if not join us at crooked


Well, can't really "guarantee" you fish anywhere, but I can say that you do have a much better chance of catching something with a little bit more girth to it than you do at Crooked! :D

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