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fishing problem!

pike slayer

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Ok, so heres my dilemma!

My buddy was my bestest fishing buddy that i went fishing with just about every single weekend got married back in may. Since then i've gotten him out for one afternoon of fishing and his wife made a big deal about it. Now he called me on Monday and said that she'll let him go fishing this saturday because shes working all day. i was like sure we'll head into our old stompin' grounds and go slay some lake trout.

Now last night my other buddy called me up and said he heading up to camp for 4-5 days and that i should head up there for a night or 2 and fish with him. the camp is 3hours north of here and i've only been up once in the winter and would love to fish it again for specks, big pike, big lake trout and whitefish. So i told him that i kinda had plans but i'd call my other buddy back to see if he could go up to the camp to. So i call up my whipped friend and say hey chris called and was wondering if i wanted to head up to the camp. now we should both go up early saturday fish all day, stay the night and fish sunday and come home in the evening. Well ohhh no i dont think the wife will let me stay the night!! geezus!! its one night!! come on now!!

now i have another buddy that wants to fish sunday and he wants to head up into my lake trout stompin grounds to slay them.

and hes saying ohhh no dont worry about me, head up to camp we'll just go another time!(not sure if hes taking me on a guilt trip or what)

so now im up in the air and i dont know what i should do??

stay in town and fish 2 days on the same lake and get an old friend out and show another buddy a hot spot OR head up into camp which i dont always get the opportunity to do in the winter.

OR i could say to my first buddy that we are heading up to the stompin grounds and just keep driving to the camp and say toooo bad you can deal with it when you get home!!

what do i do???

Edited by worm dangler
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Thats an easy one, go to camp... fish your face off and take a ton of pictures of all the great fish you catch and the good times. Then when you get back to town show your buddy's (especially the whipped one) and tell them what they missed by being all ghey!!


Points Worm Dangler 2 - Buddies 0

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Here's my first thought and suggestion:

Approach your wife's friend when you visit him and ask why she has such a problem with you two friends fishing. Get the answer from her and then if it's workable, ask him in front of her to go fishing on the trip. At least you will know your friend has the answer to future fishing trips and what the limits may be without him getting into the doghouse.



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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

in a situation like that, your buddy just has to grow a set. just because a guy gets married, doesn't mean he should stop fishing!

in fact, he needs to have his time away and so does she, otherwise they won't be successful...


i'd do whatever is best for you in that situation because counting on a whipped buddy won't get you anywhere.

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You do what YOU want to do. It seems to me that you'd prefer to do the winter 4-5 day thing to the lake for trout etc. Do it. If you compromise once now, the next compromise will be just around the corner and you'll spend your life doing things because of your Bud's maladroitness at picking a life partner.

However, you can still go to the 4-5 day trip and help your first Bud in the process. She is working Saturday....get out to his place on the pretext that you need to borrow something for the trip and while there ask to go to the can. From there, arrange to have a dirty pair of ladies undies in you pocket and drop them in the laundry hamper. That should free him up for fishing for a few years to come.


I hope this helps.

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haha ssmfishingguy! i've been doing that allll summer and fall, everytime i go out i send a few pics to him.

the reason she has a big problem with it is because shes a nut job!! shes totally against fishing and she was apart of P.E.T.A and a big time veggiration, i swear she doesnt eat anything that casts a shadow haha!!

and yes we alll told him not to marry this girl! even his parents didnt approve, his parents didnt even show to the wedding! how sad is that!

i feel bad for that guy he never gets out anymore and its not healthy.

like ya i understand being married you cant come out every weekend now but geez you need some sort of guy time, you need some sort of balance.

your completely right for once dr. :P

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Cut your ties with the one that only has bolts and washers in his toolbag, life is short, no point in wasting it. Go have a great pile of fun with the others, get some photos, show peanuts when you get back and either he'll grow some goullies or hide under the apron.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks
like ya i understand being married you cant come out every weekend now but geez you need some sort of guy time, you need some sort of balance.

your completely right for once dr. :P


i'm married, have a son, and fish as much as i can. sure i ASK the wife if it's ok, but she likes to eat fish and enjoys time were i'm out of the house!

your buddy might be a goner!

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Roy----remind me to NEVER invite you over here !!!!!!


wait---- on second thought, what are you doing this weekend?


I wouldn't ever think of doing anything bad to you and Miss Kelly. Ever. Nice to hear from you!

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If your good with your buds wife im sure she will come to term.Grab your bud and meet up with your other buds.Im kind of in the same stinking hole your buds in.Cant go anywhere and when I get a chance I dart off regardless.It pees her off but I get a lot of peace and quite.Eventualy she comes to terms.ME TIME!WITH BUDS!FISHING or THE RIPPERS WHO CARES, ITS ME TIME.Thats our argument.I dont spend enough time with :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1: But Im home every night on que.AHHHH take your bud fishing it may be a good rush for him.Make up sex is really good too. :w00t::w00t: Just my 2 cnts worth thats all

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i'm married, have a son, and fish as much as i can. sure i ASK the wife if it's ok, but she likes to eat fish and enjoys time were i'm out of the house!

your buddy might be a goner!


Just don't change your mind when she says okay... and when you get outside and see the weathers crap... you then come back in and slide back into bed and snuggle up to her ! You might hear her say "can you believe my husband's out fishing in this crap!" :o:D

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Just don't change your mind when she says okay... and when you get outside and see the weathers crap... you then come back in and slide back into bed and snuggle up to her ! You might hear her say "can you believe my husband's out fishing in this crap!" :o:D
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Is there any hope of your buddy returning to reality?

Doesn't sound like it to me. Its hard to back out on an old buddy but if there is no hope for her.....


Ask her (your buddy) how come Mrs P3TA will let her (your buddy) fish when she(her wife) is at work but not when she isn't?


Could be that she is bending a little and you may get your fishing partner back...



4 days at camp is pretty enticing though...he really should come for at least an overnighter.

All he has to say is...dear..i'm gonna do that fishing trip Saturday that you said I could,,,but I won't be back till sunday night...then head for the door

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Here's my first thought and suggestion:

Approach your wife's friend when you visit him and ask why she has such a problem with you two friends fishing. Get the answer from her and then if it's workable, ask him in front of her to go fishing on the trip. At least you will know your friend has the answer to future fishing trips and what the limits may be without him getting into the doghouse.




LMAO, I love this thread.


Why should you have to loose out because of your buddy? The only reason this fishing trip is so "important" to you is because you never get the chance to go fishing with your him. But, is that really your fault? There's all the time in the world to go fishing but only one day that "HE" has nothing to do and will go out fishing with yah. Not really fair to YOU his old "buddy".


I wouldn't recommend asking her why she doesn't want you to go out fishing together.. From my experience with all my "buddies" girlfriends who are like this it will only make things a lot worst!! Your buddy probably won't have enough balls to have your back either, or else he would of just told her in the first place that he need's some time for him self to catch up with friends.


I say go enjoy fishing up at the camp with your other buddy since you don't get a chance to go fishing up there often.

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delicate dance this one. old friend who needs a day out and away ,, his wife who needs a rude awakening to who her husband really is and then the poor buggar who really should go to camp with solid buddies but is troubled due to moral obligation.




camp with buds,,, the wife is just being unreasonable.

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Say you're just going out to the camp for the day. Get there and get everyone drunk, hide the keys, unhook the battery to the car, and tell him on second thought no one can drive legally, so were staying the weekend till we fix the starter in the car.

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