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Lifes sad moments NF


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One of those things where you have to take a deep breath, face reality and understand that nature has taken it's course and the life of your 18 1/2 year old house cat is winding down. She was slowly dying from kidney failure and the last two weeks, walking around like a bit of a drunken sailor, sometimes missing the jump onto the sofa or a step on the stairway. By 5pm tonight, she had that look in her eyes..I'm ready to go, please take me to the vet. Called the vet, 6pm appointment, he agreed, no needless suffering. Ten minutes later, 2 needles, one long last look, she faded away. Mostly a house cat, only allowed out on a leash, she never annoyed anyone around the neighbourhood, most didn't even know we had one. Apart from loosing some dear friends, animals can sure wring your heartstrings when it's time to go.

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Very hard for you after all those yrs we have a 16 yr old cat who love very much.


Sorry for your loss!!


I came home tonight from a 2 day road trip and my kids have been feeding a young stray kitten at our door step.


Wish I could keep the young tabby but our old girl will not accept any new cats in our house.



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I feel for ya. My 17 year old cat is getting some symptoms you described. Not bad yet, but he's slow on the stairs and needs a bench to get up on the bed now. I know its coming and don't want to face it.


You did the right thing. So sorry!



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I just lost a 10 year old male orange tabby a couple months back. Went through the same exact thing as you. It sucks, no doubt about it. An Ofner (I wish I could remember who) said something that really made a lot of sense to me back then. Having to take your pet into the vet to be put down is a heart-wrenching thing to do, but is really the final act of kindness that you can do for the little fur-ball.


I'm sure you spoiled your cat and gave him a good life. If he was anything like mine, his last few days were one of the few times in his life when he experienced pain or even discomfort of any kind...they have it pretty good.


My wife and I just brought home a three year old male grey tabby from Pet Save about 10 days ago. He still spends most of his time in a closet but has started to explore the apartment a little bit and is quite affectionate if you approach him slowly so he doesn't bolt. The thing is that despite how you feel right now, and even though you can never replace a pet, the time may come when you're ready to let another little pain in the butt into your home and your life.

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I hope all is well with your family.


I'm dreading the day as well. My 12 1/2 year old sheppard mix is really starting to decline quickly. A little bit stumbly and off-balance sometimes. I don't know how the winter is going to be for him.


Here's a pic in healthier times:



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