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R.I.P. Beanie


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Well today was not fun. Late yesterday afternoon I came home from camp to find my wife in tears. Our 10 year old male orange tabby (Beanie) was off his food (he was a fat dude who liked his vittles) so she knew something was wrong. The vet did a million tests and the news was not good. The vet told us we didn't have many options...I knew she was right..,we nicknamed him "Happy-cat" years ago, but he was clearly not happy at all. There was nothing left to do but end his suffering. So that`s what happened this morning. My wife and I were there right to the end, he went out real peaceful which made it a little easier to take.


I know a lot of you guys are thinking, "who cares? It's a cat." And truth be known I used to think that way. I always claimed it was my wife's cat, and that I was indifferent to it's existence, but the truth was that I really cared about that little fur-ball. He made me laugh out loud quite often. I could wrestle with him the way you'd wrestle with a dog. As an apartment dweller, I wanted a dog but knew it wouldn't be fair to the animal. A cat was a nice compromise and I can tell you, initial reservations aside, I grew quite fond of that nearly retarded little fuzz-bucket. It's like he knew I'd prefer a dog, and did his best to act the part. In addition to "Happy-cat", we also called him "Puppy-cat". He was a lot of fun.


I know a lot of guys hate cats, and I've opened myself up to hearing all about it. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, so go nuts. All I can say is that if you share your home with any semi-intelligent animal for a few months and you don't grow to love it...I feel sorry for you.


Sorry to "black cloud" the forum. I'm a little drunk and I felt like being a sad, little punk. Do yourself a favour and spend a few minutes with the dumb animal(s) you love. I'd give anything for another bed-top wrestling match with my best bud right now.


Thanks for listening,



Edited by Fishnwire
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sorry to hear bud! any animal u lose its never easy! my sons still cries about his stupid fish from 4 years ago! haha


but for real, that sucks dude, i remember having to put my dog down, not an easy task at all. i would take ur advice and wrestle my pets a little extra... but well, ones a fish... and my beds no water bed, so that wont work... and the other is a boa constrictor... and shes mean lol. she she'll stay where she is.

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Katz is people too yanno!!! :angry:


I have an old orange tabby named Sammy that can bark like a dog (ruff, ruff!) or meow like a cat on command!!!... he's a good ol "happy cat" that is constantly smiling! :)


... it will be a very sad day when he passes... he's not just a pet, but a family member!!!

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Sorry to hear about your loss.....it probably doesn't help to hear it now.....but it will get better in time....just think of all the good times. I know exactly how you feel after having to put down 2 cats in the last 3 years...it sucks......but if it hadn't happened I wouldn't have had the chance to rescue 3 more cats from shelters and give them a very loving home.


Keep your chin up :)



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Sorry to hear that Kyle. I have had cats all my life and currently have a fat furball named Felix (chili is his nickname because he's so cool). You described him to a T, with the acting like a dog and wrestling. He's also not very affectionate, which I like cause he's not always cuddinglying and wanting a space your your lap like other cats (not that he'd fit anyhow ;) ). I'm gonna miss him terribly when he's gone, which may be anytime soon as he's 17 and overweight. But I'm enjoying him right now and wouldn't trade him for the world. I feel for ya.


So have a good cry in your beer and remember the good times.


Any pics of the furball?



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Wow dude... that kinda nudged my "soft side" for a second there....had a tear ready to burst...


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I totally know exactly how you feel.... I've never grown up with any pet any larger than a "Gerbil"....literally. When I met my (soon-to-be wife.. in 2 weeks!) now Fiance.... We decided to get a cat. Now... I gotta admit, at 1st I wasn't so fond of the idea. I've always HATED cats... they always gave me that "vibe"... like a ghost watching over you. Anyway, we got our cat... CUTEST LITTLE 'dang THING!! Never been so attached to such an intelligent creature...


Anyway, I'm really sorry for your loss bro. I pray I never experience that day... Heart goes out to you & yours

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Sorry buddy, never had a cat put down but 6 dogs so far :( always hurts.


Well today was not fun. Late yesterday afternoon I came home from camp to find my wife in tears. Our 10 year old male orange tabby (Beanie) was off his food (he was a fat dude who liked his vittles) so she knew something was wrong. The vet did a million tests and the news was not good. The vet told us we didn't have many options...I knew she was right..,we nicknamed him "Happy-cat" years ago, but he was clearly not happy at all. There was nothing left to do but end his suffering. So that`s what happened this morning. My wife and I were there right to the end, he went out real peaceful which made it a little easier to take.


I know a lot of you guys are thinking, "who cares? It's a cat." And truth be known I used to think that way. I always claimed it was my wife's cat, and that I was indifferent to it's existence, but the truth was that I really cared about that little fur-ball. He made me laugh out loud quite often. I could wrestle with him the way you'd wrestle with a dog. As an apartment dweller, I wanted a dog but knew it wouldn't be fair to the animal. A cat was a nice compromise and I can tell you, initial reservations aside, I grew quite fond of that nearly retarded little fuzz-bucket. It's like he knew I'd prefer a dog, and did his best to act the part. In addition to "Happy-cat", we also called him "Puppy-cat". He was a lot of fun.


I know a lot of guys hate cats, and I've opened myself up to hearing all about it. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, so go nuts. All I can say is that if you share your home with any semi-intelligent animal for a few months and you don't grow to love it...I feel sorry for you.


Sorry to "black cloud" the forum. I'm a little drunk and I felt like being a sad, little punk. Do yourself a favour and spend a few minutes with the dumb animal(s) you love. I'd give anything for another bed-top wrestling match with my best bud right now.


Thanks for listening,



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There seems to be a little embarrassment in your tone over being so upset by this. DONT BE! It would be shameful for you not to feel saddened by the loss of your bud.


Its a terrible thing, ive been thru it with two cats over the years myself. And am about to go thru it again........this time is gonna be even harder because my cat is 20!!!! years old. Ive had her since i was 18 man! But she is showing signs of.... well, starting to act uncomfortable at times. It will be soon, and it will be heartwrenching.


Thoughts go out to ya man, and always remember, your cat could have spent its time on the street freezing cold, and eating out of a dumpster.........but you took that animal in, and spoiled the daylights out of him/her im sure. You should take solice in that.............you gave that animal a comforting life.

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Most of us do care Kyle. We have been through it many times with both cats and dogs and each time is no easier than the one before. It is the final act of kindness that we can do for them.


I get through it by remembering how much each of them brought to our lives and that we are better people because of them.

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I hear ya! I never wnated a cat...hated them...the GF loves them...i wanted a dog...we ended up getting a cat first and dog a little later. That little furball has grown on me like no business...she is my little peanut!!! I was freaking when she got out of the house and was missing...I got my cat to actually fetch for me...cute as hell!!! Its gonna be a tough few days when that day comes for her and my puppy.


Sorry to hear of your loss.

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Thanks to everyone for their kind words and support. I really mean that, folks. It's obvious that many of you have been there and get it. I just really want to thank everyone who took the time to try and make me feel just a little bit better. Also, my heart goes out to those of you that have gone through, or will go through a simular experience. It sucks out loud, no doubt about it.


I took something valuable away from each post, but I have to admit that John summed it all up perfectly.


Most of us do care Kyle. We have been through it many times with both cats and dogs and each time is no easier than the one before. It is the final act of kindness that we can do for them.


I get through it by remembering how much each of them brought to our lives and that we are better people because of them.



I tried posting a picture but can't figure out how. I have no idea what the "URL for this image" is. Anyway, thanks again OFNers, you're a good bunch.



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