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Leechman put my SunFire in the drink..


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Saturday afternoon Leechman and I were Bassin for a couple of hours .It was a Beautiful day out enjoying Nature..



Three of the 7 loons that were schooled up together







A Juvenile Green Heron was also out fishing for Perch...









All good things come to an end , at 6:30pm we call it a day ....Thats when all hell brakes loose..


Jacques offered to back the car and trailer in the water while I took the boat for a quick spin...How far do I back it in he asks...


I reply ..


When the tires are just below the surface....as i'm pulling away from the shore i look back...He thought I was refering to the tires on the car.... :wallbash:





He panics we he realizes the water is coming in by the rear doors and puts the car in forward and drives over a large boulder ...Six feet in diameter 18 inches high... :w00t::w00t: The car is now hung by the frame with both Passenger side tires out of the water... :w00t::w00t:



Back seat...




While coming up to a stop sign one of running shoes floated up between my feet.. :wacko:





We had walked two kilometers to the nearest farmhouse for help , when we got there a sign on the door read '' Gone Moose Hunting ''........... :o



Back to the Sunfire we go and ended up jacking the car on large planks from and old dock nearby , then prying the car off the Boulder ...and away we went ..2and a half hours later... :Gonefishing:

Edited by Whitespinnerbait
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Looks like the inside needed a good cleaning anyway! ;) ... Ol' Jacques was just trying to kill 2 birds with one stone! :w00t: ... just kidding Paul. :P


I feel bad for both of you, Jacques was just trying to help!


I've had a couple of mishaps like that with people trying to help, and is the reason no one touches the boat or truck when I launch! I can do it quicker and easier by myself!



On a lighter note, I really like the Heron/Perch pic!!! :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by GCD
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OK Leechman here's the story------you went to hit the brakes and instead you hit the gas...


crap happens....a couple of beers from now you guys will be laff'n bout this...


Anybody here that has never had a mishap is a (Non teller of truths)


Hope the car dries out soon man----just be thankful it was'nt a Ford :rolleyes:



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If it makes you feel any better I left my 06 magnum in reverse and walked back to pull the boat out and the car almost run me down by the time I got back in and stopped it I had water up to my feet above the gas pedal and the rear end was floating so I just had to sit there with it running while a guy unhooked his boat to pull me out. I don't rush at boat ramps any more thats for sure doesn't matter how many guys are behind me .I got mine all dried out and cleaned up with no damage at all but it took awhile to dry out completely like someone else said crap happens.

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I read the original report, but I surmized the car got caught up on a rock on dry land, lol !!!!!!


p.s. I think I just found a new background for my pc for a bit. I own a Cavalier, lol.

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"At this point we decided to toss coins and make wishes"


Now that was really funny Brian my coca cola almost came flying out of my nose bahahahahahaha. :lol:


Seriously I hope your car is going to be OK Paul .I hope it will not smell of mildew for the rest of its life.


Now we know Jacques is feeling really bad like others said he was just trying to help. Crap Happens.


Jacques you can come out of hiding buddy its ok.You sure did put out the fire on the sun :Gonefishing: Now go fishing and send us some pics.

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Ummmm OK.... somehow I knew this was coming :oops::jerry:

Now I really feel much better about this :blink::glare:


Here is what went down just before I was drop on shore to get the Sunfire.... I recall Paul saying to back her up towards where he let me off, to the right of the launch and that is what I did..... but this launch have seen the Sunfire before without any glitches.


When we go out fishing, I always go get the car and back it up for Paul so he can get the boat on the trailer and never had any problems so far until then.


This time I was 12" too much on the right..... the launch, if you want to call it that, is very shallow and to get to boat off the trailer or onto it, the car needs to be backed into a couple of feet of water.


This time I backed the car in the same spot as usual but while I was backing up I saw the trailer jump a couple of times and not paying attention to it much..... should of pulled out and re positioned it but once I hit the breaks, I hear Paul yell "BACK UP" so I proceeded to hit the throttle but what I didn't know was the back tire on the right hand side was just sitting flush on the front a big rock...... and once I got over it..... heard a big THUMP and that was that :blush:



The frame of the car on the rear right was sitting on top of this big rock :wallbash:


Then I hear Paul yell "BACKUP" "BACKUP" but there was no way the car would budge off

So Paul got the boat off the trailer and went to shore.... when he got close to the car he said "DONT TURN IT OFF" so I sat in the driver seat while Paul unpinned the trailer, he tried to jack it up off the rock with the car jack.


Tried to drive off while jacked but this attempt was unsuccessful and got the front end to dig deeper..... I then saw smoke coming off the front of the hood..... so Paul said to pop the hood up..... I then hear "TURN IT OFF".


At this point Paul thought the motor overheated and the rad was leaking.... not good news at all :angry: so we decided to walk to the property owners house that was 2KMs away, when we got there, like Paul mentioned, nobody home...... THEN WHAT..... We were in a no cell phone zone and could not call for help...


so we proceeded to go back and try to get the car out..... by then it was pitch dark.... got our flash lights and started to look for some piece of lumber.... we found a couple of 2"x 8s" and started to jack the right side....


got it high enough to slip one piece of lumber under the right front wheel and positioned the other piece under the frame to try and pry it off the rock.... we were successful in prying the car frame off the top of the rock so we wanted to do the same on the left but while I was cranking the jack down.... it broke :w00t:


Paul popped the hood up again and was looking to see if the rad was leaking.... It turned out that when the front of the car sunk a few inches deeper, the fan was slightly submerged in water causing it to throw water into the rad and hence the smoke....... boy o boy that was good news!!!


Then Paul sat down in the driver's seat, started the car and put it reverse.... got it back far enough that when he put it in forward, drove right off onto dry land :clapping:


Was I ever happy to see the car off shore :worthy:

Then we had to get the trailer out by hand and pin it to the hitch of the car.... Paul repositioned the rig, stopped and got out of the car and said "OK JACQUES..... PART TWO" backed the car out some more and got the boat onto the trailer and the rest is history.


We still had a good day out on the water and after driving a few kilometers we had a good laugh about it.... we weren't in any real danger but the though of seeing the car in that position and in water somehow just did not make sense.


For those that ask if we caught fish.... read my report... it has all the specifics and pics of the day.


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You're a good ol' Hoser Jacques!... and I hope my posts didn't offend you, but having "been there, done that"... I feel your pain!!!

Hey!.. no one lost a life, skin, or blood over the ordeal... so all is good eh!!!


Glen your post did not offend me at all..... just felt like I had to set the record straight LOL

and you're right, no one was hurt just our ego LOL


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