Cookslav Posted August 28, 2009 Report Posted August 28, 2009 Quote Im ashamed to say this but ....after several warning to a guy crossing my line and fishing literally right in my pocket ...after the third time ....i pushed him in the river ...needless to say he had to go and change his clothes so i got to enjoy the rest of the day fishing with lots of room as everyone that was there shyed away from me That awesome LOL! Not always going to work if the other guy is a group, or bigger, but dam who hasn't thought about it LOL!
Guest ThisPlaceSucks Posted August 28, 2009 Report Posted August 28, 2009 While steelheading this spring I had a man (who was an OPP officer) come up and stand in the centre of the riffle at the head of the pool i was fishing and start letting his float drift right in front of my down the entire length of the pool. After a few warning shots across his bow I began hooking his line intentionally. After a few "accidents" he still didn't get the picture. Because there was 4 other pools within a few hundred metres I left, because I figured getting into it with a police officer wouldn`t work out in my favour. That said, when I was leaving the parking lot my fishing partner and I left enough gobs of phlegm and snot on his windshield and hood that I hope he got the message. Immature...perhaps...but damn it felt good.
Hooked Posted August 28, 2009 Report Posted August 28, 2009 Personally, I find it ignorant when people do that. But I have to say, this time of year brings out the worst type of wanna be fisherman cuz it's pretty simple to catch the fish. And some guys are just ignorant all the time, but its something unfortunately you'll have to deal with here in Canada. I'd rather fish a spot where my chances of catching a fish are slimmer, but have to deal with very little crowds. On a side note, I fished on a pier where no one was fishing, as it turned out I caught 4 salmon, so it can payoff fishing the area's nobody is trying.
Beans Posted August 28, 2009 Report Posted August 28, 2009 My bro-in-law's reply to Gus Jojo after he tossed his lure right next to our boat... "Would you be as quick to stealing my wife as you are to stealing my fishing spot???" Mind you it was all in fun as my niece's husband had told them to locate us as we had been on the lake for two days and should know where the fish were...they chose not to take our advice and took off for another area...they managed to get enough footage to make a show but where we said produced about fifty bass in the two hours we fished it...any wheres from a couple of fives down to 2 pounders both large and small mouths...haven't had a morning like it since...All C&R'd...
Jet Posted August 28, 2009 Report Posted August 28, 2009 They don't call fishing a sport for nothing! It's like littering. It's so obviously wrong but some people still and will always do it. That's why I love ice fishing. I can always get a good spot away from the crowds.
charlied Posted August 28, 2009 Report Posted August 28, 2009 Twocoda said: Im ashamed to say this but ....after several warning to a guy crossing my line and fishing literally right in my pocket ...after the third time ....i pushed him in the river ...needless to say he had to go and change his clothes so i got to enjoy the rest of the day fishing with lots of room as everyone that was there shyed away from me even thou this is funny....if that had been me, you would also be going home to change your clothes! You really shouldn't do stuff like this cause you never know who you will run into or what type of weapon they may have. Its just a fishing spot...relax guys. Find other places to some research and you may be surprised at what places you may find!
Twocoda Posted August 28, 2009 Report Posted August 28, 2009 charlied said: even thou this is funny....if that had been me, you would also be going home to change your clothes! You really shouldn't do stuff like this cause you never know who you will run into or what type of weapon they may have. Its just a fishing spot...relax guys. Find other places to some research and you may be surprised at what places you may find! ok dont get me wrong really a nice guy but when someone squeezes in between you and another fisherman that are fishing at a respective distance between each other for several hours and form a pattern of drifts so you and he do not get messed up ....all is well until a boe boe decides he can fish in between you and the next guy with his daisy mart fishing rod attached to a cleo and a 1/ 2ounce weight on it .....i have a tenancy to raise an eyebrow and suggest it might be beneficial for his day ...if he moved up stream or down stream....then he looked at me and said with his chopped English accent " des is not your riva i can fish here also"....he was right he could although it wasnt going to be easy for anyone ...including himself ...since i was float fishing as was the guy next to me was about four or five feet away ( but we had a rythem going and all was well with our drifts) " buddy " makes his big cast and BAM right on to my float ...i merely say to him ....see i told you there isnt enough room to squeeze in here ....your making this more difficult then it needs to be ....which he replies ...."you catch fish ...i can catch them too " ....i said ok but dont cross my line again .....he waits one drift to pass then chucks his rig out ...catching the dude on the other side of the river ....hence messing everyone up on both sides until his crap is sorted out again ...5 minutes passes ....finally my first drift goes well after he is straightened out again secong drift.....bam he is right into me again ....i say in a little more firmer voice....look your screwing things up for everyone in this pool why dont you try somewhere else...we are all here to have a good time ...he replies ...." i dont have to .....i catch fish right here ...i see them ....i catch them ....dees is not your riva".....i get all straightened around again ..having to retie because of my 4 pound test is unbelievable messed around his 30 pound test.... ...i recommend he doesnt cross my line again ....first..... cast ....right back into my line ....i snapped and said I told you ....DO NOT CROSS ME and for the third time you did .....tell me how many fish you can see while your in there with them ....( as i motioned my hands to his throat and shoved him into the river ) SPLASH!!! .......( he surprisingly said NOTHING at all )....merely climbed out of the river ...and left.... was this right to do ???? NO (hence the reason i first posted "im ashamed to say this but...." just like baseball ...three strikes and your out regardless of how you feel about it * Boe Boe is not in reference to any one particular nationality ...a boe boe can have many different colours of skin and accents....
Dean Ellison Posted August 29, 2009 Report Posted August 29, 2009 I used to shore fish the 16 mile creek, and Bronte as an adolescent. Things were different then. Fishing wasn't as popular, and the population in Halton was much less than today. So much farmland has been consumed by semis and cookie cutter houses. It sickens me. By the way I'm only 40, and got so fed up I just had to buy a boat . If you can, try to ask people politely to move when they crowd you. As stated earlier, in a few weeks, everyone will be shoulder to shoulder on the banks. If you want to be a part of that bring the patience of a Saint, otherwise river rage might set in .
Lunatic Posted August 29, 2009 Report Posted August 29, 2009 Twocoda said: ok dont get me wrong really a nice guy but when someone squeezes in between you and another fisherman that are fishing at a respective distance between each other for several hours and form a pattern of drifts so you and he do not get messed up ....all is well until a boe boe decides he can fish in between you and the next guy with his daisy mart fishing rod attached to a cleo and a 1/ 2ounce weight on it .....i have a tenancy to raise an eyebrow and suggest it might be beneficial for his day ...if he moved up stream or down stream....then he looked at me and said with his chopped English accent " des is not your riva i can fish here also"....he was right he could although it wasnt going to be easy for anyone ...including himself ...since i was float fishing as was the guy next to me was about four or five feet away ( but we had a rythem going and all was well with our drifts) " buddy " makes his big cast and BAM right on to my float ...i merely say to him ....see i told you there isnt enough room to squeeze in here ....your making this more difficult then it needs to be ....which he replies ...."you catch fish ...i can catch them too " ....i said ok but dont cross my line again .....he waits one drift to pass then chucks his rig out ...catching the dude on the other side of the river ....hence messing everyone up on both sides until his crap is sorted out again ...5 minutes passes ....finally my first drift goes well after he is straightened out again secong drift.....bam he is right into me again ....i say in a little more firmer voice....look your screwing things up for everyone in this pool why dont you try somewhere else...we are all here to have a good time ...he replies ...." i dont have to .....i catch fish right here ...i see them ....i catch them ....dees is not your riva".....i get all straightened around again ..having to retie because of my 4 pound test is unbelievable messed around his 30 pound test.... ...i recommend he doesnt cross my line again ....first..... cast ....right back into my line ....i snapped and said I told you ....DO NOT CROSS ME and for the third time you did .....tell me how many fish you can see while your in there with them ....( as i motioned my hands to his throat and shoved him into the river ) SPLASH!!! .......( he surprisingly said NOTHING at all )....merely climbed out of the river ...and left.... was this right to do ???? NO (hence the reason i first posted "im ashamed to say this but...." just like baseball ...three strikes and your out regardless of how you feel about it * Boe Boe is not in reference to any one particular nationality ...a boe boe can have many different colours of skin and accents.... haha! i would have done the same thing. ive threatened to toss two punks in the river once and they moved,so i didnt have to and they only crossed my line twice
Radnine Posted August 29, 2009 Report Posted August 29, 2009 Alright get the locks out mods cause this one is going to go bad about now. I admittedly don't know a thing about float fishing, but it sounds like it uses a disproportionate amount of water (you throw the line out and it floats down stream through the desired strike zone then you pull it in and do it again. Am I close?). So it requires a coordinated effort to have it work for everybody involved. But if buddy drives in from Upper Suburbia and wants to cast his Five-of-Diamonds out there 'cause that is how he thinks he can catch fish, he can't because the float types have staked a large claim in the river. I realize that the original post was not about float fishing, but is the whole thing not about just how much of the river do you own at that moment? I think that with so many people and so few spots, conflict is inevitable. Jim
Roy Posted August 29, 2009 Report Posted August 29, 2009 I hear ya, Jim. Protectors of the resource but it's ok to dump your fellow man in the river. Isn't evolution great?
Spiel Posted August 29, 2009 Report Posted August 29, 2009 Twocoda said: "im ashamed to say this but...." Some things are better left unsaid.
bigugli Posted August 29, 2009 Report Posted August 29, 2009 Hate to say it but one day someone is going to push somone in and the cops will be called in again. Didn't we learn anything from the "nipper tipping" nonsense. Regardless of any racial overtones, if you push someone in, at the very least, it is battery. More likely you can be charged with assault. If he gets hurt, etc.... the consequences will become very severe indeed. Unfortunately, the etiquette of fishing that some of us were raised on, has basically died. It has been replaced by the North American mentality of " anything goes until you get caught". It's not just fishing where you find this selfishness. It happens hunting, golfing, hiking the trails, on the sidewalk, and worst of all, our highways.
ChrisK Posted August 29, 2009 Report Posted August 29, 2009 My two cents worth.... Back in the old days when I subjected myself to the masses I had a system that worked for me when it came to this kind of thing....Patients and a good sharp pair of scissors. I spent more time handing piles of mono back to their rightful owners accompanied with all the swivels,lead and cleos to fill a dump truck.As I snipped and cut away all the debree from my rig to my best advantage a lot of this newly found swag would sometimes end up at my feet in the river (pending on the owners persistence) unretreivable due to current and depth . A kind apology to the owner for the loss of his hardware and I retie and carry on fishing. You see, its all about educating new and sometimes older fisherman on the river if you have the patients... Most of the time folks that are new to fishing around float fisherman just don't realize their are float fishing ethics and it goes a little farther than just chucking out a cleo and crankin it back in waiting for a hit. Timing between drifts so as to permit the float guy beside you get his drift in and sometimes you can have as many as ten float guys doing their drifts all at the same time,some running the outside lanes and some running the inside... and then it happens...All it takes is one person to foul this fine balancing act of synchronized fishing talent....You can see the territorial state of mind at the river a mile away when the guys are all float fishing together or even as individuals......Its just human nature... So we as float fisherman(I am also in this group) must "suck it up" and use our brains and not our brawn to declare psychological ware fare against our most worthy opponents while fishing at the river which are supposed to be the fish by the way but sometimes ends up being just a little bit more,if you get "my drift".....Lets keep it fun !!! Bottom line,no pun intended.....Know one owns the river and assault is against the law. Cheers !!
mrdylan Posted August 29, 2009 Report Posted August 29, 2009 timmeh said: The best thing to do is to start talking to the guy and just keep chatting away until he gets so annoyed with you he'll usually leave on his own. Really chat him up and bother him. It usually works. This has worked for me. And really your being anything but rude
StoneFly Posted August 30, 2009 Report Posted August 30, 2009 Some interesting experiences and tactics LOL, 90% of the time I fish the less populated areas and still have a great day with many fish, although there is the odd time a couple buddies and I will hit one of the crowded holes at the beggining of the season simply because the fish havent made it up any further. I have always found most guys get along, respect the space and when you hear 'Feeeeesh on' everyone reels in quickly and gives you room to play the fish. There is the odd tangle but this is usually accidental and gets striaghtened out. Upon approach to a hole, if things are tight, I usually ask if they wouldn't mind if I shared the drift, and noone has ever said no. I find most river fisherpeople to be pretty friendly. The most fun is when you see 20 guys fishing a hole with roe and not much action, so I start out with a fly and get a strike the first drift, Lol. However, one thing that bugs me is when you get guys intentionally snagging salmon. I always take some patience and try to help them fish properly and show the difference that every fish they hook into in the belly or tail and every one I hook into is in the mouth. So if the guy keeps doing it, I have in the past done one of 3 things. 1) Tell them that is illegal and there is a warden around the corner. 2) Get in the river, tail the fish unhook it and release it. 3) Pull out my scissors and cut his line. Never had to resort to pushing anyone in, YET, Lol One of the funniest things I have ever seen was taking BOWSHEP out for the very first time at a quiet little salmon haunt. I loaned him a pair of my old rubber chestwaders and at the time he had a 46" waste, so they were like spandex on him, Lol. So after a few drifts he hooks into a good size fish and as he is fighting it (musky style), was pulling and leaning back so far that when the fish turned and swam straight at him he fell back flat on his ass in 2-3 feet of water and was nearly submerged. I almost fell in laughing so hard and instead of reaching to help him, all I could do was reach for my camera, LOL. Even funnier is that he should have been soaked inside his waders and out, but they were so tight that he was completely dry. LMAO Its almost time river people, lets all play nice out there and have fun!!!
Canuck2fan Posted August 31, 2009 Report Posted August 31, 2009 (edited) bigugli said: Unfortunately, the etiquette of fishing that some of us were raised on, has basically died. It has been replaced by the North American mentality of " anything goes until you get caught". It's not just fishing where you find this selfishness. It happens hunting, golfing, hiking the trails, on the sidewalk, and worst of all, our highways. I agree that things are getting out of hand but it isn't JUST because of the North American mentality in my opinion.... It is because there are a very few people from EVERYWHERE who are just plain ignorant these days. What I always find interesting is that the people who will horn seem to have went to the same school of bad manners even though you know that is impossible LOL. I mean the scenerio is the EXACT same every time it happens to me and it goes like this. Someone approaches with the gleam of a 49er hunting ore in their eyes because a fish was landed. As they wipe the drool from their lips you or the person fishing there tell them politely, "listen I know you want to fish there but there isn't room and you are going to tangle the rest of us up." They reply word for word with, "This isn't your river, pier or lake it is a free country, I have a licence I can fish anywhere I want...." yadda yadda yadda. And bam first cast they have snagged everybody 3 people over on either side of them. Then they don't even have the moral decency to be EMBARRASSED about doing it. Not much you can do about it when even after the third tangle up they are still sitting there fishing smiling just as happy as if they had a brain... However having a cigar lit to use on the person's line each time they snag you can have a calming effect or your blood pressure ;o) Edited August 31, 2009 by Canuck2fan
StoneFly Posted August 31, 2009 Report Posted August 31, 2009 Canuck2fan said: I agree that things are getting out of hand but it isn't JUST because of the North American mentality in my opinion.... It is because there are a very few people from EVERYWHERE who are just plain ignorant these days. What I always find interesting is that the people who will horn seem to have went to the same school of bad manners even though you know that is impossible LOL. I mean the scenerio is the EXACT same every time it happens to me and it goes like this. Someone approaches with the gleam of a 49er hunting ore in their eyes because a fish was landed. As they wipe the drool from their lips you or the person fishing there tell them politely, "listen I know you want to fish there but there isn't room and you are going to tangle the rest of us up." They reply word for word with, "This isn't your river, pier or lake it is a free country, I have a licence I can fish anywhere I want...." yadda yadda yadda. And bam first cast they have snagged everybody 3 people over on either side of them. Then they don't even have the moral decency to be EMBARRASSED about doing it. Not much you can do about it when even after the third tangle up they are still sitting there fishing smiling just as happy as if they had a brain... However having a cigar lit to use on the person's line each time snag you can have a calming effect or your blood pressure ;o) If they are River meat hunters,..just tell them,.."look bud dont mess with my drift,..I will catch a female fish and you can keep it minus the eggs,...just dont throw your line in as you will decrease the chance of ANYONE catching anything,..I will even take a pic with you holding the fish to show your fans... sound good?",.. THAT has actually worked for me. The bonus is you can teach a Hack snagger how to fish properly while you do it. if its Salmon, biggie..; Steelhead is a different ballpark, get the scissors
Fishnwire Posted August 31, 2009 Report Posted August 31, 2009 I have to admit I didn't read the whole thread...that said, people who think they own public property because they happen to be standing near it at the time are way off base. If someone is standing so close to you that your lines become tangled in the normal course of fishing, that's one thing. However, some posters on this thread have suggested purposely casting your line at your neighbour's, thereby intentionally causing a tangle to send them a message. It would seem to me that purposely fouling another angler's line is a much, much bigger example of "poor fishing etiquette" than crowding others at popular public fishing areas could ever be. Basically, if there are two anglers, one minding his own business and the other trying to tangle lines...the second guy is clearly the bigger jerk of the two. No doubt about it. You want to see a crowd? Try smelt fishing during the spring run on the Magnetawan river, south of Sudbury. It's shoulder to shoulder with almost no room to work your net...and if you don't like it, your only other option is to stay home. Often times in this province, there are more anglers than there are desirable angling locations. Unless you own lake-front property, or are prepared to travel off the beaten path, sharing space is a part of angling.
Jonny Posted August 31, 2009 Report Posted August 31, 2009 (edited) Where we live on Nipissing there are no distinct shoals to attract spring fishermen in the first couple of weeks of the season. Fishing the flats off river and creek mouths can be productive too, but it tends to spread the boats out more so they don't get in each others' way. I recall times, however, fishing the Laronde Rocks with my Dad and my Grandpa, where the boats crowded so close together that they were in each other's way. If you started catching pickerel one after the other, other boats would sidle up so close that you couldn't cast, and sometimes even so close that you couldn't properly fight a fish you had hooked. There were some frayed tempers at those times too, as I recall. The other thing I've seen often enough is somebody cutting across your troll lines, even if they can see that you're obviously trolling. It's aggravating but there's no percentage in getting too belligerent. This talk of pushing somebody else into the water is too extreme for me, even though I can sympathize with the thought. It sounds like a great way to ruin your day, as well as possibly being charged. I do like the idea of cutting somebody else's line if it gets tangled with yours more than once or twice because the other fellow isn't paying attention to "personal space". Edited August 31, 2009 by Jocko
bigugli Posted August 31, 2009 Report Posted August 31, 2009 Fishnwire said: You want to see a crowd? Try smelt fishing during the spring run on the Magnetawan river, south of Sudbury. It's shoulder to shoulder with almost no room to work your net...and if you don't like it, your only other option is to stay home. I can remember a few occasions when every Holsteiner along the 17 was busy doing crowd control during the smelt run. There used to be some right wicked brawls some 25 years back, and the law came down with a heavy hand.
Canuck2fan Posted August 31, 2009 Report Posted August 31, 2009 StoneFly said: If they are River meat hunters,..just tell them,.."look bud dont mess with my drift,..I will catch a female fish and you can keep it minus the eggs,...just dont throw your line in as you will decrease the chance of ANYONE catching anything,..I will even take a pic with you holding the fish to show your fans... sound good?",.. THAT has actually worked for me. The bonus is you can teach a Hack snagger how to fish properly while you do it. if its Salmon, biggie..; Steelhead is a different ballpark, get the scissors You say River meat hunters like that is a bad thing.... I see far more problems with the C and R guys actually on rivers.
Jonny Posted August 31, 2009 Report Posted August 31, 2009 (edited) Canuck2fan said: You say River meat hunters like that is a bad thing.... I see far more problems with the C and R guys actually on rivers. I don't do any elbow-to-elbow river fishing, C2F, so I'm intrigued by this comment. Can you elaborate? I do agree that "meat hunting" (i.e. fishing to eat fish) is not a bad thing. Actually I think it's a little aberrant to fish and NOT eat fish. Edited August 31, 2009 by Jocko
Jonny Posted August 31, 2009 Report Posted August 31, 2009 LeXXington said: Buy a boat.. no issues Fewer issues.
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