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Spring Fishing Show - Or lack there of


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Okay so I decided to bite the bullet and head down there today to check it out. Not too much that I was looking for, but you never know, always some good deals right??? Well all i can say is that it's pretty sad. I have no idea how they can justify this show to the public. Declining attendence numbers should be like bells going off in their heads, but to no avail. Heck it's Rogers that owns Ontario Out of Doors anyways so as long as they sell some phones at the show they don't care.


The worst news of all is that i couldn't even renew a license because the MNR is AWOL. Where are they??? Hmmm i don't know. I asked the OPP booth where the MNR was and the officer said they weren't there beacuse of a lack of funding......that's crock. I'm pretty sure everyone on this board pays their license fees as well as the other 1,000 000 or so poor souls who dig into their pockets to stay legal on the waters. Where is all the money going?? We have one of the largest areas for natural resources in North America and yet there's no CO's on the water, the land and certainly not at the show. What kind of message are you sending to the people of this province if you can't stand on your own two feet with the help of our money.


Sorry just had to get that off my chest.

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Well we drove yup from Sudbury and I spent 5$ of grubs 8$ on drinks and 12$ to get in. Got to meet my first OFNer in person do, that was my high light. The boats got me dreaming again for a newer one. All in all i can't say that I will be making this trip again next year. Ho ya stopped at BPS ans spent over 80$ there, so maybe just go straight there.

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well i agree it sure isnt what it used to be...there is alot of fishing tackle stores that are not there anymore,as well at gagnons told me the rent is like thousands of dollars and they dont really make alot of money so they dont bother anymore,i just like to go and check things out and talk to some people i know and check out all the fly-in loges and talk to the reps of the companies that are there,and its at least something to do during the winter and see some new boats,so what do we expect for 12 bucks....cheers maybe it will get better but i doubt it???

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Its not what we expect for 12 bucks, its what they get that makes it good for us. Put on a good show, make it cheap for vendors, and get the word out to the personalities that it would be nice if they made an appearance (I remember meeting Bob Izumi, nice guy) . Bigger turn out means cheaper spots next year for vendors who will show up. Instead, greed takes precedent, vendors are charged way tooo much for floor space and No one wants to pay 12 bucks to walk in a store to buy fishing gear. With all due respect.

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The MNR was going to pass on the Muskie Odyssey in St. Catharines, same reason lack of funding...It took an Email from the President of Muskies Canada to the Minister of Natural Resources reminding him that MCI funds numerus MNR projects to get them to actually commit to sending someone.


Maybe its time to start a protest, we stop purchasing licsenses till the funding returns...

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Do you think that the shows get worse, or do we just get older and expect more?


I think we just get older and expect more...


Here`s my take on this years show....It was GREAT ... they all are...


I`m kind of lucky, in that my birthday usually falls during the show.... So I get to go and have a great time regardless, I mean who doesn`t have a great time on their birthday no matter where you go???

The better half and I went yesterday with free tickets :worthy: THANKS TJ :clapping:

Her first time at the show was last year and we had a good time, so this year she was all for going again...

I didn`t buy much this year, a few packs of power worms 3 for $10, and some new slimy kinda bait stuff that looked pretty good so I bought some pink eggs, leeches and white grubs for $20. Anyone else buy any of that stuff???

Tami replaced her rod that she broke in the fall, a new reel, and some topwaters so she was happy...

We watch alot of fishing shows so she was really excited about meeting Cronzy and getting to chat with him for a minute. I was happy I could meet some fellow OFC`rs and put some faces to the names...

I was surprised at the lack of people, not that I like fighting crowds but these shows sure aren`t like they used to be.

I remember going to the Sportsman Show when I was a kid with my dad back in the early 80`s.

Back then I don`t think you had a separate show for fishing/hunting/boating... They were all under one roof at the Ex.

I met Red Fisher and got Terry Bradshaw`s autograph, saw a big bear (can`t remember the name??), numerous seminars that we sat through (and I don`t remember because I wanted to go check out the bear again..what was it`s name??? anyone remember???) we were there wandering around for the whole day. Not like the 45 minutes to the hour it took to wander up and down the few isles at this years show (we still stayed 5 hours).


It seems to me that maybe the powers that be should go back to one big show for everything???

You had better deals because there was alot more people going to them, boaters, fishermen and hunters.

The International Center is a huge place, you could probably hold them all at once, still charge 12 bucks and get 3 times the people through. Who wouldn`t wander through them all??? Even if you weren`t a hunter or looking for a boat???


It was a big shock not seeing the MNR there.

Imagine that.... cutbacks so they can`t afford to set up an information booth?? You would think our govt. would get it`s priorities straight and spend 100 million on the MNR and not some Bull "Canadian Museum for Human Rights"... Sorry shouldn`t go there...


Oh well that`s my dimes worth :blahblah1:

tight lines all


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I remember that bear ...his name was Bart ...big Grizzly....trainer even stuck his head in his mouth while he was wrestling with him ....pretty impressive ...I have noticed the shows have gone down hill in the last few yrs as there are now shows for everything ....and more gates to collect my hard earned dollar ...I really have a problem paying to shop and really don't like fighting my way through crowds to do it ...with todays technologies one can check out just about anything online ...both the product and pricing and get a good deal locally with some subtle negotiations...



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Well I guess it's all a matter of perspective. Me, I'm not looking for or expecting any great deals. I'm going to see if there are any new products out there, look at some boats and dream a little, hopefully catch a seminar or two and maybe learn something. Most importantly I hope to meet up with some fellow OFC'rs and chat for a bit, so all in all I expect to have a good time.



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You guys bit ch about 12 bucks.... lol


I'm spending two nites in a motel, 2 days of food, gas and I'm still looking forward to tomorrow morning...


why... cause I don't get to see big events like this every day.. my whole tackle shop is 1/2 an aisle at canadian tire... you city folkes are pretty jaded if you ask me... its like a fishing flea market for a day.. and I get to stop at bass pro on the way home... geezzz... wake up... try to find an event like this in afghanistan.. i dunno... sometimes i think were pretty spoiled...


Ya want deals.... theres always ebay... ya want the whole fishing world in one spot.. well theres the show.


"Oh god I had to drive 1/2 an hour and I wasn't super stimulated so im dissapointed..." Booo.. Fn Whooo...


brookieman... its not the shows fault the mnr is too stupid and cheap to be there....


Sorry just my "the world owes me " rant.... i guess im just sick of it....


If ya paid for parking... well then thats another matter....


by the time i get outta bed in the morning.. im gonna have to walk a mile to find the entrance...

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You guys bit ch about 12 bucks.... lol


Ain't that the truth!

Some of these guys would feel short-changed had this years show featured Bob Izumi, Al Lindner, Pete Maina, Marc Thorpe and the late great Red Fisher juggling jellyfish on stage while the Beetles reunited to perform Led Zeppelin covers to an audiance of unicorns. :wallbash:

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I mentioned on another thread that I was at the show on Thursday for 5 1/2 hours and had a great day, even though 1/2 the time was spent yakking with other OFNers, but that was one of the main reasons I went.


There aren't as many vendors as a couple years back......Lure Making.com, Gagnons come to mind......but some of the bigguns are still there, JB's, Tightlines, Fishing World, Le B's, plus alot of the rod & reel manufacturers. I've never used a GLoomis rod, but stood talking to the rep for 1/2 an hour.


I sat down for 30 minutes aand caught the musky seminar from Gord Pyzer & Big Jim and that was worth the price of admission right there


Even had a nice chat with the OPP too.....nice guys.


I found the show started to go downhill last year and isn't nearly as good as a few years back, but I still really enjoyed it on Thursday and will be back again next year. There weren't nearly as many people as usual, but that's a good thing.


The only bad thing was $3.00 for a lousy Coke :w00t: but I got in for free and parking is free, compared to $10 at the boat show, so it's definetely a cheap way to spend a day and meet up with a bunch of OFC friends and plan some fish'n trips for the coming season :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

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why... cause I don't get to see big events like this every day


Hey TJ, Dont ya all have a walllll-mart up der????????????????LOL



Not going to the show,so I donty have a comment.




Well just one.

Yes,we are getting older and expect more.Same ol same ol.


With the TWO new areas to be built up here in Barrie,Im thinking your going to see these shows move up here,which will draw more people,which will draw more attractions. To me I think Barrie is central.Easy drive from the north/south/east and west.All hwy.No driving through one way streets,and all that conjestion.


I think it would be a possitive move for all the shows.


Anyone else think this?



Brookie,dont you have enough tackle anyways? LOL

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With the TWO new areas to be built up here in Barrie,Im thinking your going to see these shows move up here,which will draw more people,which will draw more attractions. To me I think Barrie is central.Easy drive from the north/south/east and west.All hwy.No driving through one way streets,and all that conjestion.


I think it would be a possitive move for all the shows.


Anyone else think this?


Actually Brian, there's waaaaaaay more folks much closer to the Toronto location, with literally millions of people in the GTA and very close to the International Centre and most within an easy hours drive or less.


Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Toronto, Mississaugua, Brampton, Oakville, Burlington plus Hamilton, S/W Ontario and the Niagara Region.


The Fishing Show is only a few minutes from the 401 / 400 intersection and nearly all these folks would likely have to pass thru this intersection even before heading another 50 miles north to the Barrie area.


I'm not by any means saying Toronto is the best location, just that it's more accessible to the greatest concentration of people in Ontario. Probably the same reason BPS built their store where they did....easily accessible to millions od people.......and $$$$$$$

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Ok I guess I said it wrong.Yes Lew you are correct,but that is the southern part of the province. I was thinking it/Barrie was more central for all to travel.ie: north bay, timmins,bancroft,owensound. Thats all I meant.I think the lodges would would like it alot better as they wouldnt have that long travel aswell.Some could even make the day trips instead of hoteling it,another added expence.


Just my 2 cents. :angel:

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Well, I have always liked the show because I am a fishing nut! Tons of tackle, and some interseting new products. I feel the show has gone down in attendance than in past years. Sure BPS has affected the show, but if your a true fishing nut you know that BPS don't have everything. I am always looking for new lures and soft plastic that are not available to the general public. There are lots of new baits at the show. Check out the "Slammers" made by Strikezone , there a awesome drop shot bait! If you love smallies on simcoe these baits are deadly! So did anyone see any new baits or products that I should know about?

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Well after the show every year we get the same old complaints about the show but people still go. I don't think that for 12 bucks you can go wrong, what else can you do for that money. It's a great way to get in the mood for spring and fishing. You have all the reps and new products under one roof plus the odd deal along the way.


I agree with Rick on the mnr putting there personnel and money to better uses in the field. The cost of having a booth in the show is a waste then then to provide staff with rooms and meals while there would be a waste of needed money now to keep trucks on the road. Also they have hundreds of reps and stores out there selling licences for them so you can get them anywhere now.


I'll be back.

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I did not go to the Spring Fishing Show last year as I had become disappointed with it in the previous couple of years. I wa dragged along this year with a friend and went with the sole purpose of buying a couple of fly boxes as I have been tying up a storm lately and have a need for boxes for larger streamers & clousers. I came away without any fly boxes, however I purchased quite a bit of tying materials, hooks, thread etc. and actually found some new products and some materials which I have a need for. The prices were good, I saved a bit of money, and I was enthused with some of the new fly tying products. There were some other interesting booths and I must say that I enjoyed the show. The flea market type vendors were mostly gone, probably they will surface at the Sportsmen's Show, but I was looking for some of the vendors and exhibitors that weren't there, most notably the MNR. I used to stop at the MNR display and speak to the CO's to get any news or updates and pat them on the back for a job well done. It really is sad that they were not present, kind of a reflection of the governments commitment to fish, wildlife and nature as a whole even when the federal government, in a vote getting tactic, is befriending the environment. Too bad that they do not realize that fish & wildlife are real monitors of what is harming the environment.

I was glad I went to the show and will probably go next year.

One observation I noted was that there seemed to be quite a decline in attendance. I hope the show keeps improving and hopefully the people will return.

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