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Why is this site open to lurkers?

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Just thought I would throw this out there: some people have mentioned recently that after they post that they are catching fish in a certain area, they go back and there are a lot of other fisherman there, and the suspicion is that they are people who lurk on this board. Why do we allow that? Is there a reason that the board can't be for members only? I know it is technically possible, so why have the admins of this board chose to leave this wide open to people who just want to get new fishing spots but not contribute?


The resources we are discussing here are valuable, if not irreplaceable, so it is worth it to try our best to protect them. I would go a step further and suggest that there should be an "Anti-lurker" feature that keeps track of your posts with a point system, and only allows you to read posts based on how many posts you reply to or start. That way we could weed out the people that are only here to take info and not share info.


At the very least we should definitely be careful to only give out specifics in PM, so that the lurkers cannot read it. I think that the admins should be more strict about enforcing that if possible.


Just my $0.02, hope it don't kill ya

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Who says the posters on this board were the first to discover a spot, I have fished some spots for over 40 yrs. Much longer than the age of some of the people I see fishing there. Most fisherpeople do not belong to this site. 60 posts in two years ,you are close to being a lurker your -self, nobody owns a special spot. .

Edited by fishermccann
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I think the only option on these boards is to limit them to "members only". If that's the case, it is pretty easy to just register and continue lurking.


It sucks that sharing info increases traffic at fishing areas, but that's just how it is.


I have watched the decline of the Toronto Islands as the internet/message boards have increased in popularity. I used to see a couple other fisherman occasionally throughout the summer and now you can't walk 100 feet without seeing one. The fishing sucks now as well, to the point where I've only been back twice in the last five years.

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Believe it or not, but not everyone visiting this board is out there to steal the precious spots that someone else probably discovered long before you did. My main reason for coming here is to learn how to become a better fisherman by reading about different rigs/lures/techniques and their applications. From my experience, people on this board keep their cards pretty close to their chests, and it's not as if seeing a few trees and some water in the background of a photo is going to be a huge tipoff. Not to mention anyone with a car, boat, pair of waders and a watershed map can go pretty much anywhere they want. I'm going to assume that if you're not fishing off your private dock you don't have a deed for the water or the land under it, so it is perfectly within someone else's legal right to fish there too. And if someone wants to actually *shock* help out a newbie with some generic fishing information then that is their right to do so.


Obviously I am not a fishing pro so it is not like I can contribute as much information as the regulars. The point system you suggest would be detrimental to the board because it would force people to post irrelevant information or hundreds of newbie question topics instead of simply allowing people to search for information that has been previously shared.


Oh and there is one last loophole in your plan. If the board is switched to members only, all someone would have to do is register and they could view all the topics they want. So it really wouldn't make much of a difference.

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Like Ruthless said, not to many people just give away their hot spots.


There is the odd post that will give out the body of water, and maybe even a rough location on that body. But that's rare.


I don't think there's much you can do about the lurkers out there. If you're concerned about people catching on to your hot spots, then don't give them out!

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i love the board the way it is and wouldnt change a thing about it. i dont post that much since i live in southern ohio, and only get to spend about 10 days a year in ontario and always go to the same area. if anybody has questions about that area i would be happy to share info with them, and have in the past. alot of people like to lurk when they first come on to this site, i did for several months and liked it so much that i decided to join. i doubt many just see the name and want to be a member, they like to look first. if everything was blocked no one else could see what a wonderful community we have here.



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Who says the posters on this board were the first to discover a spot, I have fished some spots for over 40 yrs. Much longer than the age of some of the people I see fishing there. Most fisherpeople do not belong to this site. 60 posts in two years ,you are close to being a lurker your -self, nobody owns a special spot. GROW UP.



OK first off, a little discussion is all I am taking about here, so you could try breathing for 10 seconds before you post. Second, your logic is slightly questionable. You seem to be saying that since you are older than a lot of people, we should just post away all of our spots and let the chips fall where they may.


I disagree, and that is my right, hence why I posted this for discussion. BTW, my post count is low because I only come on from June-Sept. That is as long as I can remain distracted from the business that I run and the 2 young children that I have if I want to stay married, and I would gladly give up my own ability to use these boards and get info if it meant saving the resource. I love the fish more than the fishing.



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there are many sites out there that are members only like you suggest where people may be more likely to share a little more information. even if someone joins, administrators may prune people who don't contribute. ;) perhaps join one - and that's not meant to be mean spirited.


this site is what it is, and many people, myself included, have stopped going into detail because of this and other issues.

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Believe it or not, but not everyone visiting this board is out there to steal the precious spots that someone else probably discovered long before you did. My main reason for coming here is to learn how to become a better fisherman by reading about different rigs/lures/techniques and their applications. From my experience, people on this board keep their cards pretty close to their chests, and it's not as if seeing a few trees and some water in the background of a photo is going to be a huge tipoff. Not to mention anyone with a car, boat, pair of waders and a watershed map can go pretty much anywhere they want. I'm going to assume that if you're not fishing off your private dock you don't have a deed for the water or the land under it, so it is perfectly within someone else's legal right to fish there too. And if someone wants to actually *shock* help out a newbie with some generic fishing information then that is their right to do so.


Obviously I am not a fishing pro so it is not like I can contribute as much information as the regulars. The point system you suggest would be detrimental to the board because it would force people to post irrelevant information or hundreds of newbie question topics instead of simply allowing people to search for information that has been previously shared.


Oh and there is one last loophole in your plan. If the board is switched to members only, all someone would have to do is register and they could view all the topics they want. So it really wouldn't make much of a difference.



OK so you obviously did not read my post, because not once did I so much as imply that we should not post pictures or "help a newbie with generic info". THe only thing I am talking about is people who, and I admit it is rare, say "go here, use this kind of lure, cast it under the bridge to the left of the column" blah blah blah.


Trust me if we could not help out newbs with generic info, I would be screwed. Also I take exception to the idea that you and another person posted that everyone comes here to do the same thing you do. THat is fuzzy logic: I come here for gear tips and how to tie knots, therefore noone that comes here and lurks is looking for easy fishing spots.

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Believe it or not, but not everyone visiting this board is out there to steal the precious spots that someone else probably

Oh and there is one last loophole in your plan. If the board is switched to members only, all someone would have to do is register and they could view all the topics they want. So it really wouldn't make much of a difference.


That is correct, plus the fact that lurkers represent a tremendous amount of traffic, which enables us to pay the bills....


Also.. from our Rules section..


"Please do not post VERY SPECIFIC information on fishing spots, ie pinpoint locations and maps. It is our belief that sharing this type of knowledge to the general public is not at all good for the resource itself. When communicating info on spots, please keep it to email or a PM."


If someone sees someone breaking this rule, please alert an admin. we will delete it... we cant read every line of every post.

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I dont get why people post things that get people heated up like this when, they know some people may get pissed.


Who cares if people get spots and dont give us any info its their mistake for not posting and getting to know some of the people on here. Only letting people on the board registered is pointless. Like someone mentioned people will just make a account and continue to take info without sharing. Just enjoy and focus on main topics that will not get people so heated.

Have a good day


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That is correct, plus the fact that lurkers represent a tremendous amount of traffic, which enables us to pay the bills....


Also.. from our Rules section..


"Please do not post VERY SPECIFIC information on fishing spots, ie pinpoint locations and maps. It is our belief that sharing this type of knowledge to the general public is not at all good for the resource itself. When communicating info on spots, please keep it to email or a PM."


If someone sees someone breaking this rule, please alert an admin. we will delete it... we cant read every line of every post.



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Exactly as TJ says.

Post the pics but not the specifics ie exact locations. If the location is obvious because of certain distinguished charactreistics you have 2 options when posting. 1st option, don't post the pic.

2nd option is to blurr out the background. I have done this in the past.

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Just use discretion when posting is all.


And Mark, if you go look at your own history you'll notice that exactly half of every thread started by you is a thread asking for specific spots. So it's ok for folks to give you info but not give it to others? I don't understand your logic.

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That is correct, plus the fact that lurkers represent a tremendous amount of traffic, which enables us to pay the bills....


Also.. from our Rules section..


"Please do not post VERY SPECIFIC information on fishing spots, ie pinpoint locations and maps. It is our belief that sharing this type of knowledge to the general public is not at all good for the resource itself. When communicating info on spots, please keep it to email or a PM."


If someone sees someone breaking this rule, please alert an admin. we will delete it... we cant read every line of every post.



OK thanks TJ. I probably could have guessed the traffic part. Nothing is free. And thanks for the refresher on the rules.



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Lurkers ???? These people everyone is calling "Lurkers" are our guests and sooner or later will also become our future members....Thats the beauty of our sight and the reason we do so well...OFC has not changed its format since the day we became OFC less the C and the only reason we added the C is because we have grown so large that we have become a virtual "Community" hence the C.....

One of our motto's here is "Why fix something that isn't broke"


Cheers !!

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I saw more people fishing around Hamilton yesterday than I saw all last week combined. Obviously they're all a secret coven of lurkers trawling the internet in search of the hot sheepshead bite and my post tipped them off. I'm obscuring the background next time to keep the hot drum spots all to myself!




Reality check, there are very few spots that are actually "secret", somehow people knew how to find fish before the internet. Just because they decide to go fishing on the SAME EXACT DAY AS YOU doesn't mean there should be witch trials on web fishing forums. Lol they probably posted a report on another forum and are thinking the exact same thing when they see you muscling in on "their" spot.



But you're right, I look forward to more posts that read like this:


Had a great outing today, the trout bite was ON! Went 6-8. Um it might've been near Lake Ontario, possibly even one of only a dozen tribs, or it could quite possibly have been Lake Huron......or Georgian Bay. Was DEFINITELY within 60 miles of a Great Lake though....but not further than 70.


Anywho thanks for reading, what a great community!



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