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What? You thought I was beat? Done? Gone? Better luck next time 'ol karma..


With a battery of bad luck and bad times thrown at me since my birthday in January.. there remained one constant thing in my life and that is fishing. And while the camera didn't start riding with me until a few weeks ago, fishing got me through. Moved to a new place and lo and behold 50 feet down the street is a river full of brown trout. Not to mention carp to keep me interested.. though trout fishing is actually easier here. I don't have any pics of these many browns I catch, but there's a limit in the freezer and I usually go catch/release a couple every evening.


Catfish and carp have been biting great, as per usual during the spring months. Haven't tossed a line for Lake Erie pike yet, but am anticipating a trip soon enough.


Perch? HA! Perch. Too many!


Crappies? Well how can I keep myself away from a good feed of slabs?


The only thing that truly evaded me was walleye this year so far... and that leads into a report from last weekend.


Sugarpacket and I headed up going into my vacation week to the kawarthas with visions of wonderful, wonderful walleye in our minds. We got to our destination and fished a dam in town.. 2nd cast - 10 inch walleye. Filled with high hopes now, we were en route to the campsite, where walleye fishing went directly downhill. Luckily there were panfish to keep us occupied - namely crappies.












How about a typical Filth Hound breakfast?








Followed by a KAWARTHA DAIRY stop!




So after the weekend getaway was finished, we returned to our haunts to retrieve Splenda. Splenda however was very jealous that his parents got away to fish while he was at Gamma's. He forced us to immediately make up for the lack of Splenda-fishcapades with a trip to a local reservoir, where he schooled ma & pa on big bluegills.




Sweet fishin' chair eh?


Afterwards was a few wind down days, featuring only some minor backyard trout angling for me. I never bring the camera for those excursions.. just seems to detract from the experience. However Friday night was my night.. well sorta. A friend from work decided to head out catfishing. Within 5 minutes of fishing I had somehow busted the handle right off my Shimano Sedona. Time to quit? Heck no! I decided as long as the drag still worked, I could handline just about anything in. First hookset... odd fight... odd species. Ahh yes, the mighty GT Snowracer ski.




Great start!


Next up comes a feisty - unusually attractive (to me) little carp. What happens at the cat spot - stays in the cat spot.




Stretching close to 1am now, things have slowed considerably... when BOOM - the busted rod doubles over with a vengeance.. she's on the run! It's time, it's time - it's 10lb cat time!




Finally in an end all I put a worm on the hook and whip it out, looking for a bullhead. Quickly it's smacked, but this is no bullhead.. it's the mighty Lake Erie trib carp of modest size. My hands start to bleed after this fish, handlining a couple of fish over 10lbs tends to do that to ya. Didn't weigh this carp, but it was heavier than the cat IMO by at least 5lbs.




That concludes the pictorial escapades of the week. Good to be back!

Edited by Rich
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Glad to see you back Rich! Those are some nice slabs!


and... wow... the handle of the sedona actually broke?


That last carp looked kinda strange, super long, and it looks like it's deformed.

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Love that shot of Splenda! Too flippin cute!

Glad to have yah back, great to see you still have that sense of humour and lookin forward to more reports... now someone go out and buy that boy a sandwich! Your lookin like a stick man BBR!


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Yes yes, I lost 130lbs from proper diet and regular excercise and have actually put back on 10 gaining muscle mass.


There were/are some problems that I was dealing with but the main reason for my absence is I simply didn't have the internet since January - and I rarely bring the camera out fishing anymore. Guess I'll start to bring it again now that I have the 'net back. :) Heading out right now for some carp/cat action!


Thanks for the comments everyone!

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