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Radio operators certificate


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I always wonder who starts these rumours! lol


Do the OPP have the power to charge for something under Industry Canada control? (many here probably remember little IC cars and trucks running around, with antennas on the roof, trying to catch illegal CB use 30 years or more back)


Also they'll have to see you key the mic.. because you don't need a licence to "listen" to a VHF Marine Radio.


All mute points to me.. I have both a marine and an aeronautical... but I'm just throwing the above out there as thoughts to ponder..

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Bob the reason they do this is to keep the vhf " clean " I guess would be the word. VHF is a safety network and they have to make sure it doesn't go the way of CB where it got so out of control that they just gave up. A properly worded mayday on the right channel will get a better response than "hey search and rescue ya got yer ears on 10-4."


If your responsible enough to risk lives, mobilize millions of $ worth of equipment at cost of thousands you should sound like it.

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I assume since you have both VHF licences, the aeronautical one doesn't apply to marine. Is there much more to know about the marine licence?





Edited by perodimi
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Thanks Polli, I looked up the website http://www.cps-ecp.ca


Much better to be compliant, and have boat inspections go smoothly so we can get back to fishing that much sooner :)


Plus, who couldn't use a refresher in the phonetic alphabet? my cats names are Whiskey and Tango :lol:

Edited by tonyb
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Yep, that's what we need a "crack down" on a problem we really don't have. Boy does that sound familiar.

The problem is, there IS a problem, way to many people using it for personal poop chat and everything except stuff related to being on the water. If you interrupt them, they get right ornery and tell you to "get lost" and "mind your own business". Maybe if a few of those idiots got wacked, the rest would fall in line. The day someone needs help, some pinecone will be yacking about their previous nights BBQ and drunk party...use your phone. If it was up to me, you wouldn't be allowed to buy a VHF without having your licence first.

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Friend of mine ran his boat aground off TO islands in a storm that came out of nowhere (sail boat , who wants a boat you got to blow on to get it to move) called marine unit on his UNLICENSED radio. Think it was over 4 grand in fines and towing costs when they came out to get him. Seen a few threads lately where people have bragged they ran their boats in the harbor with no license etc. and they had no problem . While when things go wrong !!!!! poo poo happens . radio license is easy thing to get why temp the fates ????

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The problem is, there IS a problem, way to many people using it for personal poop chat and everything except stuff related to being on the water. If you interrupt them, they get right ornery and tell you to "get lost" and "mind your own business". Maybe if a few of those idiots got wacked, the rest would fall in line. The day someone needs help, some pinecone will be yacking about their previous nights BBQ and drunk party...use your phone. If it was up to me, you wouldn't be allowed to buy a VHF without having your licence first.


I see you've been to the BOQ in the fall Fisherman! :D


Peter...The way I read thru the IC site last night you need the specific certificate for each application. There is none that covers them all. I just happened to have a Marine.. before I had to get an Aeronautical and why I have both. If I only had an Aeronautical I wouldn't be running out to get the marine, I'd just be showing them what I had if requested. We've been taught to say Mayday.. Mayday.. Mayday with better urgency!

Edited by irishfield
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Funny, I have had a VHF radio on-board for 24 years now. Fishermen use 68 & 72 while all other channels are for other purposes and of course channel 16 for contacting someone including the US Coast Guard. My radio always is set to scan 16 for emergency purposes while maintaining usually channel 68. In all those years I have never heard any problems what so ever. BUT if you say there is a problem or the government says there is a problem to justify there high paying jobs then there must be a problem I am not aware of. But then again maybe it's just a Canadian problem.

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I would have to agree, People should get there radio licence and people who think they are jokers should remember they can triangulate your position in about 1 second.


Last year on the water there were a couple of jokers who were piping through music on one of the channels.

VERY annoying !!!


Good thing is the coast guard is very aggressive about keeping 16 free

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