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It's going to be my first one so I'm pumped to go.


Anyone else?


I'm looking at the weather and there seems to be a lot of rain. Hopefully the on 25th the tribs won't be blown.

Posted (edited)

I WAS excited to go - until my father-in-law invited me to go fishing @ Rice Lake.... so, I won't be going anymore for trout opener!

It would've been my 1st time too!! :(


EDIT: I guess 'bonding' with the future father-in-law isn't a BAD thing...hahaha

Edited by Addikted2Fishin'

Usually the final day I head out for trout.


You can fish by yourself on opener, I usually do. Just gotta do some legwork and ignore the huge pods of fish

  Victor said:
gonna be my 2nd year fishing it and my first with a pin ... can't wait!



You will break the pin in.


Droppie hens will hit ANYTHING


Its definitely a zoo, but it can be fun if you dont take it too seriously.


I mean, where else do you have to step over sleeping (passed out?) fishermen to land a fish :stretcher:


There's no closed season up here. June is a good month for me. I've caught pre spawn fish in July on occasion. It's too early to get excited, for me anyways.


I agree with most...not a chance I will be butting elbows with anyone.


Breaking out the new Ranger, and hitting up some Crappie!


As Dan mentioned, the only thing that stops steelheading here is ice cover and temps. Im fed up with the crowds after easter monday...10 people on the river....time to strap the snowshoes on and get away from that. :P


Opener day I HATE, but anytime after the monday following opener is what I am waiting for. I hate fishing when the river is a zoo. I have no problem sharing the river with others but sharing it with thousands of others is not my cup of tea.


I always look forward to the opener. For my dad and I, it’s an annual tradition. During the week before the opener, I go through the same rituals of tying flies and jigs (even though I really don’t need more), repairing or building new rods, re-spooling line, sharpening the hooks on my spinners and deodorizing my lucky socks.


Yeah it’s shoulder to shoulder a lot of the time but many times, we end up fishing spots that 95% of the people fortunately walk past or we’re fishing beside friends we’ve made over the years and only see once a year on that day.



  Victor said:
gonna be my 2nd year fishing it and my first with a pin ... can't wait!


Technically speaking, it's going to be your first true season opener...Last year we went the day after :lol: ...Try to remember the crowds that were there that day and multiply it by 4.


I gotta secret spot, and Im dropin an egg suckin leach fly right bang in the middle of er. I love fly fishing in the opener, however, stealth and keen observation are keys to success.


It is always good to respect others and their space, and do your best to not spook the fish for others by walking along the banks stomping your feet and peering over the banks at fish casting huge shadows, trudging downstream through the water like a water buffalo, and last but not least, letting your dogs jump in the water where everyone is fishing, even 30 meters away that spot will be killed for at least an hour.


Let us seasoned fisherman/woman set a great example this opener, lets show them all how its done. Monkey see monkey do.


Good Luck To Everyone!


I love the steelhead opener. I get to put the boat in the water and fish lakers with no-one around but the birds. I'll hit a local stream sometime during the week for a fish when I've got an hour to kill. Trout opener used to have a much bigger spot on my calender. These days...meh. Lack of etiquette, garbage and tomfoolery have left me with a sour attitude. Used to be streamside at midnight, camp out, yadda-yadda. Now I feel like theres better things to look forward to.


opener is an institution.....get together with the boys, drive the rivers and party. Fish are a bonus......its a catch up with the old boys and I wouldn't miss it for anything.


it's the annual "drug awareness" weekend........good times.



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