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Long term decline of the Toronto fishing show


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I gotta agree... I didnt do much shopping, for me, personally the show is a great chance to get to see some people, clients , OFNrs and otherwise. I think the seminars which were always on, were worth the price of admission. As for not getting any deals, if that's all your looking for Im not sure that that's the main point of the show, I always thought it was to showcase new products and the like. I aggree its not as big as it used to be, but I still had a great day!


Also... I dont think the organizers of the show set the price for the beer and water....


Yeah, what he said! I didn't go with the idea of getting deals. If ya want a deal on a boat go to the dealer and deal, likewise on tackle. The seminars were great and had to be worth the price of admission. Sorry I missed Pete's. Getting to meet up with OFNrs, some whom we knew and some that we didn't, was an opportunity that only comes around once or twice a year, if that.


Oh yeah, I went to the Sabres game last night and the pop and the bottled water was $3.50 US. The price of beer was damn ugly!

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All valid points people. I stopped going to trade shows years ago when ticket and parking costs increased to a certain point. I will never line up and pay money to have the chance to spend money on anything.


If I needed to look at boats to make a decision, I would let the dealers know I was interested and expect free admittance as well as a cab ride to and from the event looked after by whoever wanted my business.


I see a lot of free tickets being thrown around now, so I guess some dealers are feeling the pinch. They need to stop charging all together and make it easy for people to spend money. :rolleyes:

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It takes a while to get anything this big really up and established from square 1.


You'll notice that big players tend to avoid start-ups until they've established themselves, and can demonstrate numbers to justify exhibitor costs. Smaller businesses will jump in for the the first few rounds because they have to do more outreach to become known. Nothing weird here.


On that note, I've been involved as an exhibitor in other trade shows (NF) over the years and it's a big decision to decide what the best trade-off of your money and time vs attendance and exposure really is. As more shows of any type start up targetting the same audience it gets even more difficult to choose, and sometimes the dilution of the audience reduces the value of all the shows.


In my mind a really good trade show like a fishing show is one that offers something for the widest range of audience, but that something has to be quality something. This show I thought had excellent presenters working. I thought boats for the everyday fisherperson were decently represented. The taxidermy (or whatever the name is these days) guys were kinda interesting. I liked seeing the folks from the Kawartha tourism industry there. Perhaps I missed them but did any other tourism area attend? The resort and cottage operators were nice to see, to the limited extent they were represented. I'm relatively new to this fishing thang and I'll probably spend some money at a few resorts in the next few years, if I can find places I want to visit. It would have been nice to have seen the MNR represented in some way (if they were I missed 'em). I know they have people working at spreading the gospel of conservation and wildlife management and it would have been a great opportunity for them to present their case in person and get some live feedback. Unfortunately the retail sector wasn't all that well represented. I don't mean the retail stores themselves. There were a few although they were so full of displayed merchandise and bargain hunters I avoided them. What I would have liked to see were more manufacturers presenting their latest wares on behalf of the retailers who sold their products. And instead of the TV shows having their own booths, why not put the celebs in the manufacturers booths to tout the products they endorse? Loomis had a nice booth and a couple of lure makers were there but where were the big boys with the rods and reels and lines, probably the biggest items for us everyday fisherpersons?


I suspect the problem for those manufacturers and resort operators who were missing is that there are too many shows of this kind and only so much time and money to go around. The new department store fishing retailers don't need to attend these shows when they put on their own shows in their huge facilities already, and that also provides the manufacturers with a better outlet for their new product introductions & demonstrations as well. The internet is their main advertising vehicle these days.


All that being said this show was fine as far as I was concerned. I didn't go there to eat so the food prices meant nothing to me. I had to drive almost 100 miles home so I wasn't going to be drinking a bunch. I got to see a variety of boats up close just in case my good wife ever weakens. And it was a pleasure to meet the other OFNers who attended. I guess I didn't work hard enuf at it though as it seems there were some I missed but I'll catch them next time around.



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I thought the show was good,being the second yr. for it Andy has done a great job.What has to be realized is that this is a great venue for Manufacturers/Reps. to showcase products,I noticed several LARGE Co.'s in the industry didn't have a booth and think they missed a great chance to profile and ultimately sell product through retailers.I believe the retailers were limited in number due to space cost and costs accociated with doing a show.I have a shop 45 minutes from the show but choose not to have a booth,the math just doesn't add up.I guess it comes down to your expectations and the direction the show takes in the future,but for $12 a great way to spend a day in my opinion.

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I have heard it said that "The first sign of Spring in Ontario is the Leaf's are falling." HAHAHA!

For 40 years, in my world, that first sign was the Sportsmen Show.

In more recent times we have had the Spring Fishing Show and now this new show in February.

It's true, I suppose that the shows have become smaller, or less fishing oriented.

Others have already pointed out that the Inter-net has given us access to the latest baits as fast as they appear on the market. Years ago your first look at new gear came at these shows.


Good or bad, most of us will keep going, because we need the reassurance that Winter will end and that we will soon see another open-water season.

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Just got back from the show. I think Andy and Vita have done a good job on their second show :clapping: I caught 2 seminars. Got to meet Dave Mercer ( I'm a little rounder than he is :P ). Got to spend some time talking with Mike Miller one to one.

Picked up a supply of my fave spinnerbaits, Black Fly.

I spoke with a couple of outfitters. I do not book based on what I saw on a web page. I want to talk to people from a lodge. You get a really good feel on what a place is like by finding out what the people are like.

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This is only my second year at this show... and I know this version has only been going on for two years, but I enjoyed myself quite a bit.. It's the middle of February.. it's freezing cold outside.. there's only frozen, dismal, Lake Ontario Pike fishing going on right now.. and going to this show is quite a nice little escape.. I got to price some new boats that I have been looking at, along with buy some tackle to top up my tackle box for 2009.. For $12 (or free admission in my case - thx again TJ) it's well worth it on a cold Ontario Winter day.. as for the deals, yeah.. they were weak, but spending a day around boating and fishing stuff is too good to pass up for me.. Plus c'mon.. Dave Mercer talking about his own crap for 10 minutes.. how can a guy go wrong?

Edited by Spiel
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I really like the show.We got there at 8;00am for the walleye master angler seminar with Gord,Ted and Jim.It was very good.We got to take in Jim Sarics muskie show and listened to Italo,Ron and Leo,Babe and Dave.Were else can you see a line up like this for 12 bucks.The master angler seminars are worth twice that alone.We left at 4:30 so that was 8.5 hrs of thinking about nothing but our favorite pass time for 12 bucks.


As far as the deals go I saved some cash ( $150.00 ) on a new LMS-520 with great lakes chip and ram mount from radio world.So I can't complain about that either.


All in all I had a great time!

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Spoke with several exhibitors at the show. The absence of several major manufacturers and Lebaron was no coincidence according to them. The manufacturers were basically told they could not be there if they wanted to keep their products on Lebaron shelves. That was the reason why Shimano, Pure Fishing, Quantum were absent. They definitely left a big void in the show. I heard a few marinas also had to pull out after poor sales at the Boat show. Kinda a sign of the times and how competitive and cutthroat it is right now. I don't think you can blame Lebaron for pushing their weight around, after all, why give an advantage to out of town competition coming to one of your hometowns to sell gear? Each rod, reel, bait or whatever that Tightlines, Fishing World, Natural Sports, etc. sells in Mississauga is probably one less sale for Lebaron, right? I'd probably try to defend my turf too in their position.


Still, hopefully the vendors sold enough stuff to make it worth their while as it would be discouraging to lose one of the first signs of spring.


Been a while since I actually bought anything at a show, and this show was no different as I did not buy anything but spoke to a lot of enthusiastic fisherpeople and saw 1 heck of an entertaining seminar by a pretty loud big dude. Dave something. :)

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The absence of several major manufacturers and Lebaron was no coincidence according to them. The manufacturers were basically told they could not be there if they wanted to keep their products on Lebaron shelves.

I don't understand that. On one hand, Lebarons decide to stay closed for half the weekend, driving us to Bass Pro...and on the other they're trying to chase their suppliers out of town?


Considering how utterly useless Lebaron's site is, you'd think they'd be thrilled to have the manufacturers educate potential customers on their behalf.

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I noticed the show wasn't the same last year. Wasn't quite into it but then again I got a call that day that a good friend died so I just didn't feel like being there. Then Lindner announced that he had no time for autographs after his seminar as he had to leave to catch a flight. That was a BIG disappointment. He's the only reason I went. Waiting to see him for years. One of the big draws for me is when the have the American pros. What happened to Grigsby this year. They were advertising him a few weeks ago I'm sure. Met him anyway 2 years ago. Well got to meet Winkelman and Takasaki this time. Babe had some good advise for sure. Even caught him talking about shooting some hunting shows. And I didn't see the Fish'n Canada guys there. Weren't at the sportsmen's show last year either I don't think. Even if the show isn't quite as good as before, at least it's something to do in February.

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I don't understand that. On one hand, Lebarons decide to stay closed for half the weekend, driving us to Bass Pro...and on the other they're trying to chase their suppliers out of town?


Considering how utterly useless Lebaron's site is, you'd think they'd be thrilled to have the manufacturers educate potential customers on their behalf.


I agree. Maybe because of tight times they have to save their show dollars for the Sportsman's show. They will probably have a big presence there.


I had no idea they stay closed, I woulda thought they would do a no tax sale to compete with the show at the very least.


Strange indeed.

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the Lebaron business model and thier method of retailing is strange for sure.......but to not allow a supplier to showcase thier products is even stranger.


Besides, while Im not one of thsoe star stuck sotra guys ( well angela Jolie not included in that ) I did finally get to meet next to Red fisher a true fishing hero babe winkleman, it was a great 15 minute talk in the isle !!!!

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I doubt that Le-Baron could dictate to the big multi nationals.

What's Le-Baron going to do when they decide not to stock Shimano, or Pure fishing, who own Abu Garcia, All Star Rods, Berkley, Mitchell, Fenwick, Penn, Pflueger, Shakespeare, Spiderwire, Stren, Trilene, and Coleman???

Without them Le-Baron might as well close their fishing department.

The big names have all signed up for the Sportsmen Show in a few weeks. I suspect that is why they weren't at this show.

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That's what I'd think too... but... This wasn't like one person I spoke to that said it, was several from several booths. Where there is smoke there is fire usually. But on the manufacturers and the organizer of the show probably know for sure.


My response was the same as yours, how can one company dictate to all those manu's, sounds a little strange indeed.


Maybe just your average run of the mill fishing show gossip. :)

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I went to the show on Monday.

I thought it was quite good really. I had a coupon out of the paper for $2.00 off admission (thanks Fishing World) and the free parking is a God send.

As far as deals go, I thought that there were some to be had (YUM Dingers for $3.33/bag, selected Rapalas $6.00 each), and my nephew bought two reels that were at one vendor for $160, for $120 cash (each) taxes in! There were also vendors there that were out to lunch on their prices.

I enjoyed talking to the few factory reps that were there, and I met Lew and his wife (Lew was actually too busy haggling for his new boat at the time, but his wife is charming).

All in all a good couple of hours in February.


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Charles I'd say about zero chance of LeBaron's dictating to Pure Fishing how/when/where they choose to do their marketing,in real terms LeBaron's would be a fly on their *** lol.I have heard Rapala had another commitment therefore couldn't attend,no idea about Shimano.

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lol, thanks hirk, good to know no one store has that much pull. You being in the business would definitely know. Guess the cabin fever has me more gullible than usual.


Can't wait to head out your way some time and watch that Ally fly. There was a real pretty Ally at the show and I looked her over up down and around and really really like the deeper cockpit and the second row of seating. You certainly can't compare the construction with the mass-produced bass boats out there. Would also make it better for taking my kids out. Being able to run 95 once in a while would just be a bonus. :)

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for the small amount of money i had to spend, I had a great time listning to the speakers and a better time talking with everyone (taro, dave chong, mark kulik, pete mania, dave mercer) and sharing some laughs, also meeting fellow OFC'ers tangled lines tj cliff and carol ect (ok can't remember the rest).

there were some deals to be had but since my house already looks like bass pro shops there wasn't much use in buying more stuff (which is why I took my tiburon to the show 2 fat guys and 4 t-shirts she was full) and after running my hands over the alliston and the ranger comanche at the show i was in love.

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