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quit smoking anniversery


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I've been 4 years and 2 months coming up on the 8th.


Coincidently to this topic, I woke up this morning, coughed up a lung and said to my wife, "why did I ever quit....I should go back just to feel better!" I don't remember coughing like I do now when I did smoke.


I didn't have any trouble quiting and wouldn't go back though.


....I think they should make a non-smoking patch out of a $10 bill as an incentive to quit. When you buy cigarettes, you have to use it and not debit or credit.


Congrats to all the have given it up and to those that will someday do the same.




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Good for you. Feels great doesn't it!

Sneaking up on 5 months for me too. Passed the test a couple weeks ago when the guys were up here fishing.

O boy it was tempting at times but held off. Few extra bucks in the wallet and a cough free morning. Not to mention I can smell things again.

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Good for you. Feels great doesn't it!

Sneaking up on 5 months for me too. Passed the test a couple weeks ago when the guys were up here fishing.

O boy it was tempting at times but held off. Few extra bucks in the wallet and a cough free morning. Not to mention I can smell things again.


Yeah, unfortunately when the guys come up fishing is not the best time to be able to smell again.

Fourteen years, never had a craving.


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12 YEARS smoke free for me, what a great thing, I will add years to my life.

It I dont get hit bya bus or anything else---I have created a number of years that

my family will have me as a Grampa.

I love our kids and our grand kids)))))))))


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Good job Ernie...WTG ! :thumbsup_anim:


I quit when one of our grandsons was born as his parents had already proclaimed their house as off limits for smoking...Ok by me as I was smoking more and enjoying them less...He will be twenty-three this coming July 30th...it was tough at first but I knew as long as I didn't have the first one...it was impossible to have the second...one-day-at-a-time... :thumbsup_anim:

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Congrats!!!... today is day 4 for me.... and was probably my hardest test... Everyone at work smokes... and here I am munching on carrot sticks! LOL.... I am all the better for it though... hell I can have a few beers and to be honest I do not want one!!!.. Cold turkey.. I wished I would have found the motivation years ago!! not sure what clicked in my head... but something did! and thank god... I am not longer "trying" to quit... I am quitting!



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just noticed looking at the calander i have been smoke free for over 3 years now woo hoo.

:clapping: breathing better and use less salt


:clapping: Congratualtions. As a life long smoker who has quit more times than anybody I know I can honestly say, "quiting is easy, staying off them, not so easy." ;)

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