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Early Morning Ice ACTION!!!


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WOW is all I can say!


I'm an idiot! And so is Ryan who decided to drag my ass out of bed at 6am to go ice fishing at his favourite (or so it was) reservoir today.


Upon talking to him last night on the phone I had a long discussion with Sugarpacket about how things would go the next day. She had higher hopes than I did. Here's how the conversation went:


Rich: "I don't think he's ever been ice fishing in -33 degree weather"

SP: "Sure he has. He fishes with a pro the majority of the time, he has to know how to battle conditions."

Rich: "I'm not too sure about that reservoir. This cold front might affect things.. maybe we should go to that quarry pit I know of, loaded with crappies"

SP: "Ohh, I'm pretty sure he's got his heart set on DC. Besides, he's the one driving. Don't bother him"


Therefore SP (And I can say this because she's out of town) is idiot #3 in this story.


Anyway, my alarm went off for some unknown reason at 3am. In my house, no alarm or sound shall be made before 4am. I promptly smashed the alarm clock with a bat and went back to bed.


The dog started barking shortly after 6 as Ryan had made his way to the door. I crawled out of bed and took probably a half hour to get ready, all the time dredding what we would be facing once we left the confines of my house.


Sure enough, it was brutally cold out there. We continued on after a quick Timmies stop for 12 pounds of breakfast sandwich and our double-doubles.


When we got to the reservoir, full of ambition, we made our way to the ice and found Ryan's holes from earlier in the week. We figured this was a good starting point. We wasted no time in dropping our lines and in just a couple of minutes I had hooked the day's first decent perch.. which of course we took no pictures or evidence of at the time.


I said with confidence "It's not that cold out here, I'm warm!" And ripped my heavy coat off so I could fish in my sweater. Another minute of that and I was back in my coat. Okay, not that warm. But still not bad... however the wind hadn't started.


Anyway I hooked into perch #2 later on a plain minnow/hook (the first one was on a gold Dollarama jigging spoon). Ryan missed a couple of fish and began his crusade of donating every minnow in the pail to the sick perch foundation.


Our choices were simple as things cooled down..


Choice #1: Set the hut up, stay comfortable and wait it out for the perch to come back, since this has always been a pretty reliable spot.

Choice #2: Walk all over the reservoir, drilling a ton of holes, wasting time dropping the camera and lines, wasting minnows and attempting to find a new spot in -33 weather.


We opted for #2, I mean, who wouldn't? We confidently began our crusade across the nether regions of the DC reservoir. Well as luck would have it, I was next to hook into a fish. A largemouth! So after taking 12 pictures we released the fish. (jk, we only took 11)


We began fishing points, weedlines, heck I even threw the tip up out in 40 feet of water.. and actually had a hit - from who knows what. After getting to the very back of the reservoir the wind was in full swing and was battering us like an unstoppable rebel force from hell. HELL!! Add to the weather the foot of slush on the ice and Ryan's wet feet, and we weren't feeling so confident anymore. Actually I felt more like setting myself on fire.


We had to, at this point reluctantly revert back to choice #1.


We set up where myself and my buddy Mark caught our few perch last week. After trying to tough it out more in the cold we decided we had enough and set up the hut/underwater camera. Before setting up the hut, I landed another perch.. the smallest of the day which would still be considered a LPB jumbo. Unfortunately, for some reason we yet again didn't take any pictures.


Inside the hut we remained comfortable for a little while and I was pleasantly surprised that whatever problems I had with the hut's stability last week had somehow worked themselves out. It was working relatively flawlessly except for a problem with the zipper on the door - but that was my fault.


I continued to jig my plain spoon with no bait and hooked into a small bass, which resulted in more PHOTOS!


We stuck it out in the hut for about an hour longer and said noooooopppeeee that's enough. I think the only reason we stayed in the hut so long is that A) we kept seeing fish on the camera (bass mostly) and B) we dreaded leaving the hut to take it down and put it back in the carrying bag. That job was a lot simpler than it seemed but my gloves had frozen earlier on so I was exposed to the arctic temperatures with no gloves and Ryan's gloves weren't doing a great job protecting from the elements either. We threw our frozen catch into the sled in about 3 inches of water which became SOLID BLACK ICE before we got to shore!


Headed back here and decided to enjoy beer and discuss how not to be so stupid in future fishing trips. There were a couple of options that came to mind.


#1 - in future fishing trips, choose option #1 from above list no matter what

#2 - wait until temperatures are within 5 degrees of the 0 celcius mark to go ice fishing

#3 - retire from ice fishing, and use the revenue created by selling gear to buy more open water gear


All viable options which we are still on the fence about.


Oh yeah, Ryan didn't catch anything. Just thought I'd mention that.


It was a memorable and educational day on the ice... and I caught plenty of fish - some of which were legal so it wasn't so bad. Just leave out the frostbite/trouble breathing in thin air part.


Here's some pics!




Sunrise across the road from the reservoir




Sunrise over the reservoir.. outlooks were so positive at this point




Me searching for signs of life. Should have put it in the water instead of hooking it up to my brain.




BASS #1!!!




BASS #5 (I omitted some of the other pictures, there were WAYYYY too many bass pics to sort through anyway)




The perch frozen into their container of doom


Now for the second part of the report..


Ryan and I hit another small pond up later on and he finally got into a perch! You can see the fresh, life force eminating from his catch.






Look at the colors of a fish straight from the hole. Like it jumped right out into his hand!




Here's after he just pulled it from the hole. This thing was flopping around like CRAZY! You can see it just flopping away in the pic.


Oh yeah, and if you take any of the OOS bass pics, fresh perch pics or pretty much the majority of this report seriously, you would be idiot #4.





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Well looks like all your hard work paid off. Nice Haul! I wish we had that kind of luck today at long point but we came out empty handed. Oh well it was a great learning experience and we both had fun even though my face still hasnt thawed out!! Hopefully next weekend works out better.

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Hey Rich, I opted to stay home in the warm all day so I could muster up the energy to go out Sunday and few tims this week. Kickin myself for not trying today :wallbash: but prolly just as well anyway. Good for you brave souls for goin out and battling the wind, cold and those nice perch...we won't talk about the bass :whistling: ...lol. I know ...I know ... :oops: you weren't targeting them. Anyway good for you always a laugh with your posts. ;)

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Great report and pics Rich :thumbsup_anim:


Kudos to both of you for braving the elements :clapping:

Wise decision on your part to revert back to choice #1..... especially at -33C :w00t: I sure would not of hesitated one bit in doing so :blink:


Thanks for sharing


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Looks like you guys battled mother nature today pretty good! Remember the days rich when we never had a hut to warm our selfs up in. snow storms! ha ha ha! I would of been out there with u guys but the wife and i went to the falls and i tell u i rather be out there frezzin my ass off then go look at the falls LOL!!! Good work boys hope to see ya tomorrow

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Hey its good to see the day wasn't wasted! And Darlin not sure if you forgot this little detail... I STILL HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET and I can make you sleep on the couch when I get home. Love you!! just joking good haul glad you guys had fun!! Now don't le thoes perch suffer the same fate as the last!

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Hey its good to see the day wasn't wasted! And Darlin not sure if you forgot this little detail... I STILL HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET and I can make you sleep on the couch when I get home. Love you!! just joking good haul glad you guys had fun!! Now don't le thoes perch suffer the same fate as the last!


You'll be pleased to know the fish are filleted and in the freezer this time, lol not the dog's guts

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Just for the record, every hit I had was a bass, I simply used my higher than average fish senses and pulled my spoon away fast enough so as not to hook into an OOS fish.... :ph34r: Had any of my minnow thieving hits been perch, I'd have hesitated just long enough to hook into it.


Someday you to, Rich, might be able to fish with such skill.


Thanks for the company dude! Always good times...




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Just for the record, every hit I had was a bass, I simply used my higher than average fish senses and pulled my spoon away fast enough so as not to hook into an OOS fish.... :ph34r: Had any of my minnow thieving hits been perch, I'd have hesitated just long enough to hook into it.


Someday you to, Rich, might be able to fish with such skill.


Thanks for the company dude! Always good times...








(you won't be active for 12 months anyways)





A great read!


Is there an AA video/dvd coming out??


:clapping: to both

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