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Pike Pickeral and Perch Report


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Guys today the plan was for Paul and I to hit McBay late morning for some pannies and then later in the afternoon meet Steve aka TroutnMuskiehunter at his place for some eyes B)


Weather wise couldn't ask for a better day, bright and sunny -10C and no wind..... Left home around 11ish, made a detour to get 1 dozen minnows and the way we go.... arrived at destination around 11:30am, did not go to our usual spot, went to the west side of the bay instead of the east and setup a couple of tipups each. We were in about 10' fow over a drop off and it did not take long, one of my tipups goes down..... set the hook and got the minnow stolen :wallbash:


Hooked on another minnow, drop it down the hole and was just about to start jigging with my jigging rod and the same tipup goes down..... set the hook and again rip off :wallbash:


Decided at that point not to hook on another minnow and got my jigging rod that was setup with Gulp fish fry and started to jig that hole..... here is the results




Back to back action..... caught 7 of them in the spawn of 15 minutes..... perch was on fire :w00t:

After this little action was over, I setup my first tipup again and started jigging another hole and what do you know.... some action on the fish fry again




Caught 6 of them in about 20 minutes..... just could not believe it :w00t: Mean while Paul was punching holes a little further and he got into a little action and caught 8 perch jigging with the fish fry.


There was a lot of traffic from ATV's racing close by while this action was happening.... then my first tipup goes down again real quick, I run to it and set the hook.... felt a lot heavier and pulled this snot rocket onto the ice




After all this action was over and that I could not take the loud noise the ATV's were doing anymore, we moved to another spot but did not had any takers.... that is when we decided to leave Mcbay and go meet Steve at his place. Off we go B)


Got there around 3:15pm, got setup and right away Steve get's a hit on his windlass.... and this is the results




Nice little eye, quick pic and back down he goes..... Then he gets another not long after




That was the closest I have been this season to walleyes and was hoping to get one but missed a couple of hits on my tipup and jigging rod.... Had a feeling that I would get skunk but did not dispare :lol:


Paul did manage his first, little guy but could not get a pic quick enough, back down the hole it went. He did manage to catch a couple of perch and another eye.


While all this was happening..... Steve gets a couple back to back on his jigging rod






Now at this point, I was really feeling the skunk was to happen when all of sudden, was scooping the ice off the top of the hole of my tipup, I give it one last smack to get the top down but it did not come back all the way.... it stayed half down.... Set the hook and felt heavy and what do you know I say "GOT SOME SPUNK" and iced a 15"er :D

Here it is my first eye of the season B) The skunk is off... Heeeeawe !!!!!!!!! LOL




Since it was my first and only.... took another pic




Man was I ever happy to land this eye!!!!! LOL

All in all was a beautiful day with lots of action.... We caught 1 pike, 23 perch and 7 eyes

Thanks Paul and Steve for this awesome day!!

Hope you enjoy

Jacques aka Leechman

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Excellent report and pics Jacques!!! :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:

Looks like some great Perch action there!!!

Always good to get out with good friends too!!! :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:


Thanks Glen :thumbsup_anim: Yeah the perch was on fire today and just can't believe getting so many of em in little time..... you should try the Gulp fish fry, that stuff is lethal :D

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Great day guys!!!! I saw a bunch of those small eyes today also, only 2 made my personal slot size so they came back for a snack and a buddy gave me one of his that was the in the right size.


Thanks Dan :thumbsup_anim: Out of the seven we caught only 3 made it back for a snack :canadian:

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The 'eye in the 6th picture down i'm pretty sure is a sauger. A few of the others have the characteristics as well. What ever they are congrats. Take a look at athis, go back and catch some more, then let me know if they are sauger or walleye lol. Fishing in the name of science.





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Saugers have spots on the dorsal, no white tip on tail. Saugeye's will have blotchy spots on dorsal, not so defined as the sauger. Saugers love to puff out there gill plates and flatten there heads out of water as well. I have seen walleye do this but sauger really love to do it.

Edited by Grimace
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Nice job Jaques, wish I could stand the cold but I am a wuss. I do want to get out and fish but not unless it is in a warm comfy shack where I can catch a variety of fish BUT NOT PAN FISH! Steve have you put your shack out? I do have the gps contour depth charts for Constance bay along with several waypoints. One of them is a go to spot not far from the creek the enters the bay.


Good job again guys.

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The 'eye in the 6th picture down i'm pretty sure is a sauger. A few of the others have the characteristics as well. What ever they are congrats. Take a look at athis, go back and catch some more, then let me know if they are sauger or walleye lol. Fishing in the name of science.




Dave, 2 out of the six little dinks were Saugers


Jacques, I had a blast with you and Paul and you're both more then welcome to come out to the house next weekend for another kick at the can....I'm sure Kevin will join us this time as well!!! I will be out all weekend and every afternoon this week ;)


Nice job Jaques, wish I could stand the cold but I am a wuss. I do want to get out and fish but not unless it is in a warm comfy shack where I can catch a variety of fish BUT NOT PAN FISH! Steve have you put your shack out? I do have the gps contour depth charts for Constance bay along with several waypoints. One of them is a go to spot not far from the creek the enters the bay.


Good job again guys.


Don, no shack this year :w00t: ....I still have over 90 eight foot logs that are stacked up in front of the shack that are blocking access for me to pull it out :( ..... and now I have to keep listening to my darling wife's favorite saying "I told you so"....The plan was to cut and split the rest of the load of firewood once I couldn't get out on the softwater any more...I kinda got into a trance of seeking Muskie every weekend including a few trips to Quinte...Maria kept saying "you better finish cutting your wood before it gets too late", but who listens to their wives? Then we got that huge dump of snow followed by +10 degree highs then -20 lows and I'm stuck looking at a bunch of frozen logs until the spring!!


Come on out next weekend with the lads!!....if it's too cold you can fish out of your truck with the door open!!

Edited by TroutnMuskieHunter
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Thanks guys..... for those who notice saugers in the pics are right. Steve's first and third and my 15"er


Nice report boyz Can't come to fish with you guys just yet lots of renovations going on at home but February is looking good.

:thumbsup_anim: MTP


Thanks Mike.... There's still lots of time left!!!


The 'eye in the 6th picture down i'm pretty sure is a sauger. A few of the others have the characteristics as well. What ever they are congrats. Take a look at athis, go back and catch some more, then let me know if they are sauger or walleye lol. Fishing in the name of science.




Thanks Dave.... your right, pic #4, 6 and 8 are saugers.


Saugers have spots on the dorsal, no white tip on tail. Saugeye's will have blotchy spots on dorsal, not so defined as the sauger. Saugers love to puff out there gill plates and flatten there heads out of water as well. I have seen walleye do this but sauger really love to do it.


That is so true Grimace about the characteristics and behavior.


Well that looked like one really fine outing you had :clapping: .

Going to have to try that Gulp fish fry on the perch here.


Thanks Bruce.... Sure was a fun day and the perch really love the fry in white color. You can also get them in chartreuse. I'm sure that you'll be surprised at the results. If you give it a try, let us know the results


thanks fer' sharing jaques some nice shots and some good lookin jumbos on mcbay

this forum doesnt smell like peppy lepieu as much anymore congrats. guessin that one went home?


Thanks Matt.... I'm glad the skunk is off and 3 of the 7 came back for a snack, including the 15"er


Nice job Jaques, wish I could stand the cold but I am a wuss. I do want to get out and fish but not unless it is in a warm comfy shack where I can catch a variety of fish BUT NOT PAN FISH! Steve have you put your shack out? I do have the gps contour depth charts for Constance bay along with several waypoints. One of them is a go to spot not far from the creek the enters the bay.

Good job again guys.


Thanks Don.... It's not so bad without a shack and being able to drive with the car can always sit inside the vehicule to warm up


Dave, 2 out of the six little dinks were Saugers


Sorry Steve but it's 3 out of 7


Jacques, I had a blast with you and Paul and you're both more then welcome to come out to the house next weekend for another kick at the can....I'm sure Kevin will join us this time as well!!! I will be out all weekend and every afternoon this week ;)

Don, no shack this year :w00t: ....I still have over 90 eight foot logs that are stacked up in front of the shack that are blocking access for me to pull it out :( ..... and now I have to keep listening to my darling wife's favorite saying "I told you so"....The plan was to cut and split the rest of the load of firewood once I couldn't get out on the softwater any more...I kinda got into a trance of seeking Muskie every weekend including a few trips to Quinte...Maria kept saying "you better finish cutting your wood before it gets too late", but who listens to their wives? Then we got that huge dump of snow followed by +10 degree highs then -20 lows and I'm stuck looking at a bunch of frozen logs until the spring!!

Come on out next weekend with the lads!!....if it's too cold you can fish out of your truck with the door open!!


Thanks again Steve..... sure was a lot of fun... will have to do it again for sure. Will keep in touch!!

Edited by Leechman
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Looks like you had a great day out there Jaques. Thanks for the report.

A bunch of sauger in that lake eh.


Thanks Ben.... Yes the saugers seemed to be more present in that part of the Ottawa river. In the Gatineau river we do catch some, maybe 1 out of 6..... was surprised to see more then one caught and the meat has a sweeter taste to them

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Great stuff Jaques....always a relief to get the skunk monkey off yer back! Congrats on the first of many eyes this season!

PS....those fish fry work awesome for whities too ;)


Thanks Simon.... feels real good to land my first and hope not the last :lol:

Were supposed to be targetting whities next weekend or the one after and will definitely try the fry

Thanks again


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Thanks guys..... for those who notice saugers in the pics are right. Steve's first and third and my 15"er


Jacques mon chum....I wasn't going to burst your bubble last night after seeing that smile on your face but today's a different story :whistling:


The WALLEYE skunk is still on :Gonefishing::wallbash: ......Sauger, Perch and Walleye all belong to the same family but are different!!!


We can't bring the cigars out yet until we see you holding a true Walleye :canadian::clapping:

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.I still have over 90 eight foot logs that are stacked up in front of the shack and now I have to keep listening to my darling wife's favorite saying "I told you so"....nte...Maria kept saying "you better finish cutting your wood before it gets too late",




Hey, Steve does Maria know that the 3 Amigo's offered to help you cut the wood ... :stretcher::stretcher:

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