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Hi Y'all,



Well here's the story.



Bought a 2nd hand snowmachine from a guy i knew, looked in great condition, took it for a test drive, seemed great.



Took it to my local garage/mechanicfor a pre-use service /once over so i could make sure i was not gonna run into too many problems out on the ice.


With hindsight i should have done this before parting with the money, but hindsight is 20/20 vision as they say.



Anyway, took the sled to the mechanic omn 12th december and called back on 18th, anyway....they start to tell me all this stuff wrong with it and start saying that by the time you add Parts and labour i'm looking at $1500. I paid $1900 for the sled.



The next day i went to the shop and the mechanic had my sled racked up with the track off and started showing me what they'd found"so far". I was not happy as you can imagine so i says to them, ok...well keep going, find all that needs fixing and when your done give me a call with an estimate. Anyway.....xmas comes and goes....no word.



I give them a call on the Monday after Xmas and am told the mechanic is not there but will be in on Tuesday 30th Dec. Call back on tuesday and am told that the mechanic is not there after all, but that the parts have started to arrive. I said i asked them not to start before getting an estimate, and was told to talk to the mechanic.



So...new years comes and goes and i decide to wait for them to call me...well no word up till today, so i decide to pay them a visit. I was told to go and talk to the mechanics in the shop. I did pass the owner who was there and mentioned to him that they had started without giving me a quote again, he kinda shrugged this off. Anyway...i go into the garage and the guy is working on my sled, he's got the new frames and sliders on the floor and is fastening the rear suspension to the frame. I say how much and when will this be ready, he tells me its still around $1500 all included. I'm not happy about this but am willing to suck up the cost and learn from my experience if its $1500, i dont tell them this, but its what i'm thinking. The mechanic says there are a few extra parts they needed to order but that these were only $10 and $20 bucks, but he will get the shop front to call me this afternoon with an actual estimate of the cost.



So this afternoon i get the call, and am told now that PARTS ALONE ARE $1800!!!!!! AND WITH LABOUR ON TOP ITS GONNA BE IN THE REGION OF $3000!!!!!!!!! I explained to the lady that i was absolutely not willing to accept this as this situation is not what i agreed to. The woman said "well there was nothing on the invoice saying hold on, and give quote first".....i told her that this is exactly what i had asked for as i am not in the habit of effectively writting people blank cheques!



I reminded her also that this exact sitiuation happened 2 years ago when i took my outboard to them 2 years ago, i.e. they went ahead with the work when i had asked them to give me an estimate first. I feel like they are for some reason taking advantage of me, surely any mechanic , even if they were not asked to wait before going ahjead would at least contact you if the price of repairs was going beyond double what the sled is actually worth....and i know they know how much its worth because its a polaris and they are a Polaris dealer.......



I'm pretty ticked off, llolol..but have so far held it together really well with repect to my dealings with everyone involved...i've learned yelling does not get you much...but sometimes it has ...and i'm getting to the point where i'm gonna go wading in old fashion style and start to curse , swear, threaten, HURT PEOPLE...lol...i'm 6'2" 215lbs and can kick the living crap out of someone if need be....sorry..........PHEW DEEP BREATH :canadian: thats better....lol



I know there are bigger problems in the world...but needed to vent....sorry for spewing this on you guys, but your like an extended family :)


I'd say.. "keep the sled" and add a few adjectives.... maybe they will get the idea. They will never get their money back out of the machine... and maybe willing to at least renegotiate. I certainly would never ever bring anything else there...



oh ya... one last thing I've learned the hard way a few times .. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER BUY OR SELL ANYTHING TO A FRIEND...


Well, your first mistake was going back to a place that had done the exact same thing to you once before. If you don't have anything in writing, you are now caught between a rock and a hard place. PM me the name of the dealer and contact information, I might know someone that can give me some insight.


I would tell them to take the parts off and put the sled back the way it was. . They must of replaced EVERYTHING that was even starting to show signs of wear . For the 3 grand they want to fix it you could buy a very nice sled that is like new ...


Well, I guess going in there and smashing some heads could help, but, talking face to face with the mechanic telling him that you were quoted $1500, and tell him to do $1500 worth of work, and also told them not to start without you. But that also risks them doing a half ass job because theyre going to be ticked at you.


Moral of the story: support the competition.

  Big Cliff said:
Well, your first mistake was going back to a place that had done the exact same thing to you once before. If you don't have anything in writing, you are now caught between a rock and a hard place. PM me the name of the dealer and contact information, I might know someone that can give me some insight.



Thanks Big Cliff, i am gonna hold off to see what the owner has to say, . but will PM ya details if they aint gonna play fair.And your right, should have not gone back to them after first time. In fact i took the outboard to actual yamaha dealer in Sioux Lookout, and they did a great job last May, took them 1/1/2 weeks to sort out all the problems that were still there after i took it to these guys the year before.



I'm doubly ticked because i've spent a lot of moneyt with them. When we moved here we needed to buy various things and spent $7000 on brand new snowblower, lawn tractor, chainsaw, weedwacker and all safety equipment etc....reasoning was they had been put forward as great people to do business with and that because it was all Husquvarna and they would service it. I am in this position where i dont wanna get pi$$y with them because of this...but my patience is now thinner than the walleye bite on Wabigoon !!!


nope do not pay, that contacting you and giving you an estimate is part of the repair act and would require verbal or written authorization, minisrty of consumer and commercial affairs can clarify this


ecmilley is right. You do not need to pay the repair without giving them authorization previously. Authorization can be done over the phone but the repair shop must document the time of authorization on the repair order and the people involved in the conversation. When you were in to the shop they should have asked you for your authorization signature at that point. I would say you have a good case against them. They also cannot hold your machine. If they do, call the cops.


take the sled back with all the old parts. keep some tow rope with you and always go with a buddy. run the thing till it no longer can move and get towed home. strip it down and sell the parts and you'll get atleast $2000 for the parts enough to put into a decent sled.


I just spoke to the owner, he had the nerve to say..."im gonna take the new parts off , then come by with the trailor and take it back to the guy you bought it from".


I nearly passed out , the dang nerve of the guy!


I asked him if he was gonna put it back together...NO...was the reply. So yeah...right...i'm gonna take a sled that was whole and running, back to a guy who wont return my calls, completely broken down and demnd my money back.



The owner of the repair shop proceeded to laugh on the phone while talking to me, saying that i was obviously ticked at the guy i bought it from and not him. I corrected him saying that what i was talking about was not being informed of cost/given an estimate before work went ahead...and yes i was ticked at being sold faulty goods...but that was not why i was talking to him, i was talking to him because they had effectively written themselves a blank cheque. I asked him that if thy had discovered the engine was completely shot whether they would have gone ahead and replaced it and not informed me...he said no.


Thats when he started to backtrack...i think hefinally understood the point i was making. he admitted that he did not know who had given aythorization for parts to be ordered and work to go ahead...which means they did not record this info...required by law.



I really hate this, cuz i feel like i'm being unreasonable, and being difficult. It is sucjh a small town, it sucks to think that i'll be seen as the villian. To demonstrate how small this town is....the guy i boight the sled from was in our cabin for the a fishing competion last year...and the guy who owns this repair garage was also in the competition in the cabnin next door. LOL...maybe if i dont go anywhere near fishing competitions my luck will change!




i found this which may help anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation.......



ontario law on auto repair estimate giving


when the guy took it apart he probably wrecked gaskets and other things are you basically have to destory to take apart and they dont wanna buy/order parts to put back a cooked sled for no reason. you gotta take it apart anyway, take it that way and find a backyard mechanic for cheap or a buddy that knows a thing or to about sleds. i suggest going to a site like harcoresledder, take pics and ppl will tell you wants wrong and what to do and they can pretty well walk you through each step on getting it back together. also there are piles of used parts for sale on there. you can pm me as to what you need and i can even find you all the parts needed.


I would be getting your sled back in the same condition you took it in there.

Next I would be going to the SkiDoo or Yamaha dealership and trade it in on something good.


Never buy anything off them again and spread the word that they are rip off artists and not to be trusted.

Hanging is too good for these :asshat: !!!


Hey Simon...this sounds real bad :wallbash::wallbash: .

Just a question...was there any motor related problems or was it all mechanical/suspension/ nuts and bolts type stuff. I am no mechanic but if it can come apart I can get it back tougether, so if it comes to it man I will come up there and get er goin'!!!!!

Give me a reason to fish that crappy lake of yours anyway :whistling::whistling:

Like I said I am not a mechanic but I have pretty much had every part of my truck apart and she still runs, I can turn a wrench in the backyard.

Let me know if you need a hand.



Posted (edited)

If this was in a big city I'd say put it back the way it was. No questions - see you in small claims court. That'll cost him a grand in parts and labour anyway.


Considering you kinda want to save face due to the community - if you can afford it try Clamp-it's take. Offer $1800 parts with no labour installed. You were heading for $1500 anyway.

He'll probably make the mechanic eat a big chunk. When they are done bring a bottle or a case o beer and say thanks. $1850.00. If they are idiots tell em to - put it back the way you got it replacing anything they damaged.


And never go back!

Edited by radar



If they put it back the way you brought it to them bring it in to our shop here and we will give you an estimate and look after you the way a customer (and friend) should be looked after.

I know who you are talking about and this is not the first such story I have heard about that place.





Sorry to hear of your troubles bud. Good shops are hard to find, glad you're not going to let the sots get away with it.

Posted (edited)

You know what guys.....i cant thank you all enough. The replies, advice and offers of help from local and non local members are just above and beyond. I was kinda feelin really crap about all this, especially ranting at the shop owner, but now i feel totally justified to be as P'd off as i am, and the bugger aint getting away with this!


Thanks for all your support,



I knew there was a reason i liked this place so much :thumbsup_anim:




Rickster....thanks man!...Brkygetr....thanks man! Pikeslayer.....Thanks man!

Edited by limeyangler

My brother got into a deal like this with a dodge truck, They were told not to fix the tranny if it wasn't under warranty but they went ahead and replaced the tranny and billed him for it because it was used commercially.

They lied and said they got the go from him but he was away when they said they called and they finally admitted they did it without consent. He had to give them a cheque top get the truck back and did not sign the bill where it says he accepted the charge. From there he went to the bank and canceled the cheque ,drove across the road and traded it for a GM. The Dodge dealer got a little upset over this and threatened to take him to court, Well my brother had been trying to get paid for a job through the courts for 5 years and got 5 or 10 cents on the dollar so he said go ahead.


Now the next thing we did was call up Chrysler Ca. and give them a blast , we never heard from the dealer again. So I would suggest you call up Polaris and ask them how they pick their dealers, if you become a threat to the guys loosing the dealership they might work something out give you some satisfaction.


Hi All,


They called this morning, still telling me that its my fault for telling the actual mechanic to hold off on the work and not the front desk. I told the front desk that it was...by law....actually their responsibility to make sure authorization had been given and to make an accurate record of that.


anyway, blah...blah...blah later....i was getting really mad....she gives me a price $2100 taxes included, and the sled is good to go...mechanically as they have not checked the engine .


This figure has dropped from $3000, and whilst now she was suddenly offering to put it back together the way it was brought in I kinda look at it this way.



Paid $1900.....a similar sled in good running order can fetch between $2500 and max $3000.


So....if i go on the low figure of $2500....and add $2100 ive paid $1600 more than i budgeted for. I am so fed up at this point i'm willing to take the hit (god i hope the engine is ok).


I can only console myself in the fact that if she runs good, i get a sled with a good engine that is mechanically sound which will do me for a few years. I pay off my truck in 3 years time....then buy a new sled with a warranty......NOT A POLARIS BECAUSE IDONT WANNA SERVICE IT THERE!!!!



I am going to call Polaris and tell them as much, and let them know i will not be getting a Polaris...ever!!!! because of this...see what they say.



I know i'm kinda letting my "wants" get the better of me...i "want' a sled now!!!! but i made the decision and will have to live with it.



Thats not to say i'm ungrateful of the offers to take the sled back the way i got it....and take it to Rickter's store, or Brkygetr to help me fix the parts up.



.....but to be honest....this sucks....but things are pretty good, my wife and i are healthy, we have a little one due in march (too cool), I might have to buy cloth nappies now and wash them given all the money we're spending....lol....but if you listen to the politicians....I AM A NATIONAL HERO....STIMULATING THE ECONOMY!



Have a great day all.......



Thanks for all the support






Your nuts if you pay for anything without consent.

Don't give in to those jerks!

Get your sled back the way you brought it in, and tell them where to stick it!


Walk in there with a police officer.


File a claim against them (small claims will cost you $100 or something, and you'll havfe that guy in front of a judge).


Also, you might want to name the shop so the rest of us know never to go there. Get your revenge that way. Better t han kickign his ass and getting yoruself into more trouble.

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