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Snow Snow and More Snow


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Well its official...im tired of shovelling that white Stuff already! We are getting hammered again, and i think after this is done we are going to have more snow now that we did at the end of January last year. I have shoveled my driveway 5 of the last 7 days :wallbash: Yeah i know... :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1: but I am getting depressed...and tired.


Anyone else feel like this.

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AND it's only the beginning of December.............. LOL


You are more than welcome to keep all that white puke up there. This year we haven't had to once clean out the driveway. However, being in the Buffalo area that can change with the blink of the eye as we are known for our snowfall.

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Nine years ago, in the Banana Belt in January, we got 4 ft (47 in) of that heavy sticky white crap in one month. I declared a domestic snow emergency, all hands please report. I also moved 5 yds of winter junk from the driveway, 15 yds into the back garden.

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I lived in The Soo the winter there was so much snow that the Station Mall roof partially caved in..I think from green grass the day before we got something like 72 inches over night :o . it was like 1996 I believe


The average height of the snow banks all winter long was the top of the street signs..and of that when they cleared the sidewalks you where left with 2 giant walls of snow on wither side..you couldn't see the road until you got to the corners :lol:


We had to dig our way out the front door the morning of...I looked outside saw all the snow...opened the door and it was pretty much up to the top of the door..a wek or so later I noticed the roof was leaking nito my oldest daughter's bedroom who was like 1 or so at the time..to go up on that part of the roof to check it out I just had to walk up the snowbank agaiunsty the side of my house.


Somewhere I have a couple pictures of how much snow thier was and a big path I had to cut through my yard to get to my shed..it's unreal..that year the city was trying to tender out anyone they could for snow removal..they where hiring dumptrucks like crazy to haul the snow out of city limits.

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In the Soo, either 83 or 84. . 3 days after Boxing Day we started to get lake effect snow every night from Superior for the next 10 days. The walkway got drifted in so much we dug a tunnel from the house to the sidewalk. The father-in-law had the snow from the driveway trucked out by a neighbour.


I don't remember any winters prior to that year where there wasn't a lot of snow. In fact, that was my first green Christmas with freak 70F. temps Xmas day.

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I remember both of those winters in the soo ahhh the good old times. I was at the bar that night in 96 my buddy dropped me off and got stuck at the top of our driveway and wanted me to push him the 250 feet to the road haha. It took me 3 hrs to snow blow the driveway the next day and after a hour break had to start again ohh the joy.

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We're going to drive up the price of gas here in Elliot lake cuz of all the hours being spent on our snowblowers! Ice conditions may be scary this year!?


Thats what i am afraid of too....with all this snow...some lakes are still open in the middle here, and where there is ice, there is not much and a ton of snow! Good news is that we are supposed to get a warm day with rain. Maybe it will help

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Im the kind of person who wants more snow, only cause it gets me out of school, but I totally feel the same way, today, I spent over an hour trying to shovel my driveway all by myself during the snow storm, I'm getting tired of it, but... the up side is that more snow= better ice fishing conditions :)

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Hark, Hark, did you hear the latest news. Elizabeth ( ex Yank) Mays was embarresed to be a



If its fat, and feels comfortable. Maybe its a Senator. I'm a Global Warning Alarmist, just like a Big three Auto Alarmist. Come on down. Saskatchewan is minus 40 but the sun is Shining and nobody is crying. Lots of jobs.


Remember while your shoveling, every scoop is improving your SLACK and IDEL BODY

Edited by holdfast
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Hark, Hark, did you hear the latest news. Elizabeth ( ex Yank) Mays was embarresed to be a Canadian.http://pelalusa.blogspot.com/2008/12/elizabeth-may-embarrassed-to-be.html


If its fat, and feels comfortable. Maybe its a Senator. I'm a Global Warning Alarmist, just like a Big three Auto Alarmist. Come on down. Saskatchewan is minus 40 but the sun is Shining and nobody is crying. Lots of jobs.


Remember while your shoveling, every scoop is improving your SLACK and IDEL BODY


That last comment reminds me of a D.I. from Cornwallis " Thank you Master Corporal for building my weak body and feeble mind"


I love winter. Bring on the snow.

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. the up side is that more snow= better ice fishing conditions :)

not a chance profisher what happens is the snow acts as an isulation to the ice the water underneath being above the freezing point as well so when u stick something in between the insulation and the "warmth" of the water it doesnt freeze as well it also creates more weight on the ice which in turn pushes the ice down therfore the water rises above the ice and meets the snow creating slush, which equals more weight again. and i personally dont enjoy walking/fishing/drilling holes/snowmobiling or doin anything else in the slush.


look it up and do a bit of research and ask yourself , if heat rises and cold drops then why doesnt the water freeze from the bottom up? so do a little research on things before u sound silly in the future no hard feelings by any means!


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yes profisher bassasin is right on the money

i just spent 2 hours on a lake about 1/2 mile by 1/2 mile across

6-8 inches of ice and about 3-4 inches of water and slush on top due to

the foot of snow we received last weekend

not a single splake to show for my efforts either


hope to get some walleye on another lake this evening



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December 8: 6:00 P.M. It started to snow The first snowfall

of the season. The wife and I took our cocktails and sat for

hours by the window watching the huge snowflakes drift down

from heaven. It looked like a Grandma Moses print. So romantic.

We felt like newlyweds again. I love snow!


December 9: We awoke to a beautiful blanket of crystal white

snow covering every inch of the landscape. What a fantastic

sight! Can there be a more lovely place in the whole world?

Moving here was the best idea I have ever had! Shoveled for

the first time in years and felt like a boy again. I did both

our driveway and the sidewalks. This afternoon the snowplow

came along and covered up the sidewalks and closed in the

driveway, so I got to shovel again. What a perfect life!


December 12: The sun has melted all our lovely snow. Such a

disappointment. My neighbor tells me not to worry. We will

definitely have a white Christmas. No snow on Christmas would

be awful! Bob says we'll have so much snow by the end of winter,

that I'll never want to see snow again. I don't think that is

possible. Bob is such a nice man. I'm glad he's our neighbor.


December 14: Snow, lovely snow! Eight degrees last night.

The temperature dropped to minus twenty. The cold makes

everything sparkle so. The wind took my breath away, but I

warmed up by shoveling the driveway and sidewalks. This is

the life! The snowplow came back in the afternoon and buried

everything again. I didn't realize that I would have to do

quite this much shoveling, but I'll certainly get back in

shape this way. I wish I wouldn't huff and puff so much.


December 15: 20 inches forecast. Sold my van and bought a

4x4 Blazer. Bought snow tires for the wife's car and two extra

snow shovels. Stocked the freezer too. The wife wants a wood

stove in case the electricity goes out. I think she is silly.

After all, we aren't in Alaska.


December 16: Ice storm this morning. Fell on my rear on the

ice in the driveway while I was trying to put down salt. Hurt

like hell. The wife laughed for an hour. I think she's very cruel.


December 17: Still way below freezing. Roads are too icy to go

anywhere. Electricity was off for 5 hours. I had to pile the

blankets on to stay warm. Nothing to do but stare at the wife and

try not to irritate her. I guess I should have bought a wood stove,

but I won't admit that to her. God, I hate it when she is right.

Can't believe I'm freezing to death in my own living room.


December 20: Electricity's back on, but had another 14" of the

damn stuff last night. More shoveling. Took all day. Damn

snowplow came by twice. Tried to find a neighbor kid to shovel,

but they said they're too busy playing hockey. I think they are

lying. Called the only hardware store around to see about buying

a snow blower and they're out. Might have another shipment in March.

I think they're lying. Bob says I will have to shovel or the city

will bill me. I think he's lying.


December 22: Bob was right about a white Christmas because 13

more inches of the white stuff fell today, and it's so cold it

probably won't melt until August. Took me 45 minutes to get all

dressed to go out to shovel and then I had to pee. By the time

I got undressed, peed and dressed again, I was too tired to shovel.

I tried to hire Bob who has a plow on his truck for the rest of

the winter, but he says he's too busy. I think he's lying.


December 23: Only 2" of snow today. And, it warmed up to 0.

The wife wanted me to decorate the front of the house this morning.

What is she.....nuts??? Why didn't she tell me to do that a month

ago. She said she did, but I think she's lying.


December 24: 6". Snow packed so hard by the snowplow, I broke

the shovel. I though I was having a heart attack. If I ever catch

the dude who drives that snowplow, I'll drag him through the snow

by his family jewels. I know he hides around the corner and waits

for me to finish shoveling and than he comes down the street at a

100 miles and hour and throws snow all over where I have just been!

Tonight the wife wanted me to sing Christmas Carols with her and

open our presents, but I was busy watching for the darn snowplow.


December 25: Merry Christmas! 20 more inches of the darned slop

tonight. Snowed in. The idea of shoveling makes my blood boil.

God, I hate the snow. Then, the snowplow driver came by and asked

for a donation and I hit him over the head with my shovel. The wife

says I have bad attitude. I think she's an idiot. If I have to

watch "It's A Wonderful Life" one more time, I'm going to kill her.


December 26: Still snowed in. Why the heck did I ever move here?

It was all her idea. She's really getting on my nerves.


December 27: Temperature dropped to -30 and the pipes froze.


December 28: Warmed up to above-50. Still snowed in. The wife is

driving me crazy!!!!!


December 29: 10 more inches of snow. Bob says I have to shovel the

roof or it will collapse. That's the silliest thing I have ever heard.

How dumb does he think I am?????


December 30: Roof caved in. The snowplow driver is suing me for a

million dollars for the bump on his head. The wife went home to

her mother. 9" predicted.


December 31: Set fire to what was left of the house. No more


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