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What part of the Bull didnt anyone get????????????????????????????

As for the cop,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sorry policeman bashing,get over it as most have. I was asked once here by a policeman to see my lic. I held it,a good 6 ft from him he said ok ty. Yeah, thats doing yer job eh.6FT how many of you can see fine printing from that distance. Dont get me wrong. Thier doing thier job,but please,DO IT RIGHT.


And here end,edth the lesson.

I,ll be talking to my blue party in the AM ,about this . After all ,I did vote and I deserve some kind of service from them.


i don't stream fish don't even know wear you are talking about but i was river fishing in england every part of the river had it's own zone if you were fishing every couple miles you had to have a new ticket every pit you fished out of the zone a new ticket it cost an arm & leg just to fish right now i need 2 ny& ontario no need to spend more money we don't need this type of fee


So then, I am concluding from all this conversation that this $40 fee is basically a trash clean up charge. OK, fill up the pick up with all your junk, pay the 40 bucks and dispose of your garbage. Pretty cheap dumping fee I'd say. That would teach them a lesson!

  pikehunter said:
So then, I am concluding from all this conversation that this $40 fee is basically a trash clean up charge. OK, fill up the pick up with all your junk, pay the 40 bucks and dispose of your garbage. Pretty cheap dumping fee I'd say. That would teach them a lesson!

That would be the opposite of a good idea.

  pikehunter said:
So then, I am concluding from all this conversation that this $40 fee is basically a trash clean up charge. OK, fill up the pick up with all your junk, pay the 40 bucks and dispose of your garbage. Pretty cheap dumping fee I'd say. That would teach them a lesson!

Boy, I really wonder what some of you have stuck between the ears, after reading some of the comments, this one too, it's a wonder the world is in a state of turmoil. Why waste your gas bringing your garbage up north, it looks far more natural in Hamilton.


Whats so special about Essa that they get to charge a special fee? Lets imaging every municipality did this. Would that be feesable? No.


They have to come up with a better plan.




The problem is they are ticked at the people littering the riverbanks. I'm just playing devils advocate, but why should the township have to pay for that cleanup? Personally I won't buy the permit and I guess I'll never fish within Essa twp.


yeah but if every town starts charging 40 bucks to fish or launch ad boat to go fishing...it could become impossible for many people to afford to go fishing


and come to think of it, I do not litter

I have kicked people out of my boat and truck for littering........


I have brought garbage bags to where I use to ATV to pick up other peoples garbage in hopes that the town didn't close access to the spot


so why the hell would I give them money


punish the person who is littering and leave me alone



with the same logic as they are using, rather then have cops trying to catch thieves why not just have everyone in Essa pay to replace everything that has been stolen....you know I call up the town and say hey someone stole my ATV and they go door to door and get 40 bucks...yeah works for me

  BillM said:
The problem is they are ticked at the people littering the riverbanks. I'm just playing devils advocate, but why should the township have to pay for that cleanup? Personally I won't buy the permit and I guess I'll never fish within Essa twp.


Just because a person(s) is ticked does not give them the right to do wrong.

Fishing access is no different than any other access to the river and its surrounding area.


All fishermen are being targeted with an unfair and broad brush stroke. Hike the fine for littering, threaten to ban all fishing like Bowmanville has a sign threatening that they will close the boat ramp. Try those things before implementing a fee most people obviously won't be paying.


Not that I fish there but what happens if I told a by-law officer to kiss off? What powers do they have?




Terry, you can thank the actions of few to ruin it for many.


I know exactly what you are saying and completely agree, but we gotta look at the other side of the coin


I also think $40 is WAAY to steep. I could see 5-10 bucks.. And how much of that is going towards the derby? hrmmmmmmm


Oh yeah....I forgot all about that fishing derby part.


1) Fish in river are owned by the people of Ontario.

2) Essa forces people to enter their derby if they want to fish


Does this mean that Essa is illegally charging a fee (Derby part of fee) for for fish they do not own?

Sounds like an illegal scam to me.



  forrest said:
Oh yeah....I forgot all about that fishing derby part.


1) Fish in river are owned by the people of Ontario.

2) Essa forces people to enter their derby if they want to fish


Does this mean that Essa is illegally charging a fee (Derby part of fee) for for fish they do not own?

Sounds like an illegal scam to me.



Wrong, and where does it say that you have to enter the derby? Don't want to enter the derby, don't, just pay your dues and catch the longest one, and then bite yourself for not having entered. Plunk your canoe in the river and fish, no fee for that.

Posted (edited)
  Fisherman said:
Wrong, and where does it say that you have to enter the derby? Don't want to enter the derby, don't, just pay your dues and catch the longest one, and then bite yourself for not having entered. Plunk your canoe in the river and fish, no fee for that.



Where does it say I have to enter the derby? I am just reading the threads here....my mistake


I certainly would no be kicking myself for not entering the derby; just the same as I don't kick myself for entering 100's of derbys and lotteries across the province.


And why would I want to go through plunking my boat in a canoe (that I don't have) when I can just walk down a road until I hit a river, hop in and start fishing?


I heard that a few people from Angus are real litter bugs so Durham region is charging a $100 "access" fee for anyone from Angus that comes down here to fish Lake Ontario. Sounds very wrong to me, but, other municipalities on the lake are starting to do this too. :w00t:


I guess someone with a legal and unbiased brain has to look at this.....nuf said...endless thread this will be.



Edited by forrest
Posted (edited)

If You own a piece of property, you have, within reason, the right to determine how, and by whom,

the property is used. A municipality, as an owner of municipal park land has that same right whether we like it or not. It does not matter if the municipality enforces the by-laws or not, or even if it is impractical to enforce. I believe Niagara-On-The-Lake requires that you posess a permit to fish the town shoreline. Preference being for residents of the town. Numerous municipal parks now have rigid curfews enforced by police. IF your vehicle is in the park it gets locked in, or towed, after dark. If you are on the property after park closure you are charged with trespassing.


Local residents have demanded action from their municipality and are quite happy with such restrictions. We may like to grumble but think about this. When the law is being broken, how many people look the other way and pretend they saw nothing, not their business, don't get involved? We who actively get involved are a minority. Civic pride and responsibility have been forgotten. The result is another layer of rules and restrictions.


Considering the horrendous messes I've seen, I understand the harsh measures that are being imposed. One group of night anglers were caught having broken up and burnt 3 picnic tables in the bonfire and using 2 more as fishing platforms along the marsh bank in a local park. In Charles Daley Park I have seen people leave 20 odd carp dead on the grass tied on a rope for all to see. Shore lunch carcasses left where they were filleted instead of being disposed of. The mouths of most L. Ontario tribs are littered with trash during the spring and fall spawns. We are getting painted with a very broad brush, and that just means "we" have to be more diligent in policing ourselves, because all anglers will pay the consequence.

Edited by bigugli

All I can say is WOW to all of those comments. I have fished alot of the Upper Notty including some places in Essa and I know abuot the location being reffered to and to my knowledge it is the only parking spot in the whole town that posts the sign about the $40. I only went there once and didnt even fish mainly due to the crowds.


If the fee is for garbage pick up (pigs), then I would like to know if there is a garbage can or several with signs posted above them to please place you trash in the bin or you will be charged $500???.


Never in my life have I thrown a peice of trash into the environment and certainly not on a river bank while fishing. I have however diven into other more secluded locations in Essa which dont see many fisherman at all, but have also seen big piles of garbage along the back paths to get in there that were abviously dumped by a commercial contractor of some sort to avoid his landfill/transfer station fee's and I can bet that this had nothing to do with fishing.


5 cubic yards of garbage in 30 sq. ft,....I would have to think adds up to more than a few timmies cups on the ground. Not that I am condening any type of littering, but for fisherman to pay that much for a minute amount of garbage considering Bill or Tonys carpentry are the ones doing the damage, seems a little unjust to me.


Why doesnt Essa just instate a Martial law by-law and give someone the right to discipline the bumpkin that is polluting...lol

  StoneFly said:
Why doesnt Essa just instate a Martial law by-law and give someone the right to discipline the bumpkin that is polluting...lol

:thumbsup_anim: Only one problem, where do you want us to "dump" the dead bumpkins, far too many for our cemeteries..we would have to take them someplace else to dump. BTW, this is not the only place, have you ever travelled Cooks Bay on a sunday afternoon during the hardwater season, garbage, wine bottles, beer bottles, 50lb bag of potatoes half peeled, bunch of Winos that couldn't take their crud back home because the were probably too blitzed.


That 's more like it ! Finally some passion coming on this thread.


I like what Terry said about the ATVs.


Fisherman, I was wondering way back at the start of this post, you said by-law guys read this


...just wondering if anyone of them want to throw their two cents in or should I say their 4000 cents.


Looks like some of you are just as thick between the ears if you can't see the sarcasm in my comment. Guess some don't see sarcasm or irony as humour. Lighten up will ya! Geesh!


Oh well... at least I added a couple of logs to the fire. :whistling:


I don't agree with fees, but then again maybe the idiots that leave a mess behind everywhere they go will wake up when they are hit in the wallet. I see this problem anywhere I go. It doesn't matter if it is public property, a private park or boat launch, people just don't give a damn!


If I had a nickel for every Tim Horton's cup left behind on a store shelf, park, sidewalk or fishing area that I've picked up.


Maybe I am pretty thick between the ears because I honestly thought that all those class trips we made back in grade school to pick up garbage around Burlington, the times my son went out on the same missions when he was in grade school or the kids groups I myself led in the townhouse complex where we used to live to pick up litter would make a difference in peoples conscience. Guess I was wrong. There are still too many slobs around.


I also heard a couple of years ago that the school litter clean up days ended because some "parent" didn't feel their kid should be picking up trash. WTH!

  pikehunter said:
Looks like some of you are just as thick between the ears if you can't see the sarcasm in my comment. Guess some don't see sarcasm or irony as humour. Lighten up will ya! Geesh!


Oh well... at least I added a couple of logs to the fire. :whistling:


I don't agree with fees, but then again maybe the idiots that leave a mess behind everywhere they go will wake up when they are hit in the wallet. I see this problem anywhere I go. It doesn't matter if it is public property, a private park or boat launch, people just don't give a damn.


I also heard a couple of years ago that the school litter clean up days ended because some "parent" didn't feel their kid should be picking up trash. WTH!


In a lot of schools, environmental action has gone the way of the Dodo. As for trash cleanups, that is now a punishment reserved for those on detention. It all depends upon whether the staff actually care any more or if they are just marking time until pension day.


As for the average Canadian they don't really care, unless someone cleans up for them. The dogs and I just came in from the morning walk and, surprise surprise, we've picked up another full bag of pop cans in the neighbourhood. Just like we do every day, anywhere we go.


And to answer a question I get all too often, I don't pick up all the trash in view for 3 reasons. The walk would be very short after filling the bag in the first 2 blocks. Secondly. I would have to pay a $1 a bag to dispose of all these bags of garbage, or excess bags of recycling. Third, the cans get recycled at the scrap yard and the funds have gone into several worthwhile youth projects over the past 8 years ( the beer empties fuel my boat :thumbsup_anim: ). Besides some people are getting paid to, supposedly, keep our streets and parks clean.


As I've already said, We anglers are an easier target to find when we make a mess. Worm boxes, fishing line and lure pkging are dead give aways. So we become the scapegoat. We just have to police ourselves better, or face further loss.

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