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  TennesseeGuy said:
be prepared to hit nails, carry kills from the bush, cut wood, haul wood and set out bear baits.


Nuthin wrong with that TG, you can learn alot about life when your tired, bloody and dirty at the end of the day, infact it's something you can't learn from a book.


I think it's a lesson too many folks never learn and it's a shame when they don't ;)

  solopaddler said:
Hmm.... I don't know.


Personally if I was young and had a dream to own a lodge I'd wager learning the ins and outs as a guide would be a good first step.


Understand what you're saying though and that you're using the lodge example as an analolgy, but still in chickenhawks case I'd bet guiding would help him further along his career choice.

Yes the guide experience can be either a good one or the worst experience of his life.


But one must consider this, if you had a dream to own a lodge and used ground level guide experience to learn basic operations of a lodge this is fine, this experience be an asset in that field, yet it could be a roadblock and time wasted. No guarantees.

On the other hand a diploma will provide many more options for the future and other pathways to success.


Tell you what. IF you got to school...let me know and i will give em a call!


If you set a goal for youself, go hunting! As long as you make a true promise to yourself to continue your education in the NEAR future. We only live once...school is always going to be there. An oppourtunity like this might not. Like someone else said....regrets???


Follow your own internal compass. If you don't your chances for success could be diminished.


If you really want to guide, then guide. If you know that you'll have trouble going back to school after being out and earning - then perhaps schooling should take precedence.


It comes down to knowing yourself - the answer is within you.


I am with Lew and Joey on this one. Do the guiding thing then go to school. I worked and enjoyed life for a couple of years after high school before I went to university and wouldn't trade it for the world.


But be forewarned, guiding is not all that much fun if you get the wrong client. It can turn into a 24 hour per day babysitting adventure for you. I have guided on numerous hunts out here and some are the proverbial hunts from heck. Guys won't get out of the truck, too cold, too steep, too everything for them but then some are the most rewarding times you can imagine. Also be warned guides do not make a lot of money per say from the outfitter, they make their money in tips. Also be warned as the new kid on the block, you are going to get some of the more mundane jobs but as Lew said, nothing wrong with that.


I have very few regrets in life but one of them is putting fun ahead of my future. My goal in life was working just hard enough to have a good weekend. I wasted several years looking forward to 'next weekend'.


I'm not saying school is the right decision for right now but if you are to put it off, make it meaningful.


Take Lew for example. Joining the Navy is not only an adventure but a life experience. Experience, credibility and discipline that can be applied to life after the Navy.


Ask yourself if guiding for a year or two can benefit you in your life and career path.

Ask yourself if you have the discipline to get back on track after your adventure.



do both or do what you really want to do first.


Haliburton, SS Marie, many BC locations have colleges in the areas you would guide. Make money guiding while getting your education.

Could be a little more sketchy trying that out East.


wish I'd have thought of that when I was about to start my post secondary ed! :rolleyes:


I've seen too many folks with nothing but schooling. They know nothing about the world and generally putzed up their first shot at life as an adult. I'm not knocking an education. It's a great asset, probably even a must these days, but in some ways it's overrated, or perhaps misrepresented.


My suggestion is to add 30 or 35 years to your current age and if the sum exceeds 65, go get an edykashun, right quick. If not, then see the world (or go guiding), have some fun, but be prepared to postpone taking on much responsibility (wife, family, mortgage, etc) until the edykashun is completed and a life career path established.


Speaking from experience it's a lot easier to settle down to schoolin', long term career responsibilities and a family if one gets the itch scratched first. Or another way of saying it - it's a whole lot easier to grow up when you're growed up already. Back in the day they called it sowing your wild oats. I have no idea what that really meant but it sounds kinda cool. If the itch is real bad, scratch the sucker. You'll appreciate school and all a whole lot more after the itch is fixed.



Posted (edited)

If you pass up the NFLD job,please pass it on to me.LOL I be gone in a sec.

I would say as a father, your education is formost,but if I were you,I would take the job. There are many years ahead of you,to get your education.

Did that make sense? :dunno:


Hey John. We got these high educated fellas at our plant and thier pushing press buttons. They still have thier education,but thier doing grunt work. Lazy too.LOL

Edited by misfish

wow......so many replies where as i expected the mothers on the board here to come on and tell me to go to school.....lol but thank you very much guys for the replies and i have decided to go to school in january......maybe i will look into the hunting thing in a year from now but until then ill go with school.....once again thank you all for your replies and they played a big part in my decision.....at least i'll be back at Halley's next summer....CANT WAIT......


Thanks again,




For what its worth, now that you've made your decision, make sure that you know what it is you want to do in the end. Meaning after school is done. It could be the most important(insert # of yrs here) years of your life as far as direction goes. At the same time, don't make it the biggest waste of time possible. In high school, there were alot of guys laughing at my buddies and I just because we'd do enough to get through class and look toward the time afterward to get messed up and do crazy...stuff. These guys went on to college and university while we worked and carried on. These same guys now spent X amount of time in school, but didn't know what they wanted to do. They now live with their parents under a mountain of debt, or have jobs in totally un-related fields. Direction is the key.


When I first read your thread, the first thing that came to my mind was a line from a Red Hot Chili Peppers song. "It's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do."


I don't hunt, but if the option was mine and it was a fishing lodge instead...No brainer.

Posted (edited)

well the fishing lodge job i've got next summer anyways......



sorry you were using that as an example....my bad


Thanks again guys/ladies of the board



Edited by chickenhawk

Be the guide for a couple of years and SAVE the money earned to go to school when you come back.. if you ever come back. ;)

  misfish said:
Hey John. We got these high educated fellas at our plant and thier pushing press buttons. They still have thier education,but thier doing grunt work. Lazy too.LOL


Sound like the all to common type who think the world owes them something just cuz they went to school. Ya gotta make yer own opportunities.



  reefrunner said:
More girls in school than out in the bush!


But girls lead to parties, and parties are the obstacle to succeeding at school. Nothing like a wife at home to keep yer nose to the books.


That being said, yer right. The campus is definitely a happy and prolific hunting ground.



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