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Headhunters Vacation


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We managed (and I’m not really sure how!) to leave the house by 8:00am, fully packed and ready for the 8+ hours I was expecting to be spending in the truck. Elk Lake sure seemed to be a long way away!

Earlier in the week, I bought a portable DVD player for the kids and I can’t recommend them enough, if you have kids and a long drive ahead of you!

I asked my wife and kids, please go to the bathroom before we leave… well, we made it as far as Orillia, before our first stop! It had just begun raining and it looked like we were going to be in for a wet and long ride!

Somewhere in the Muskoka’s, the highway came to an abrupt halt. After not moving for about 20 minutes, we began inching our way forward. We were re-routed off of the highway, onto a side road… I had no idea where I was going, but just kept the tail lights in front of me in sight. We eventually made it back to 11 and onward we went.

My goal was to reach North Bay by lunch and after a quick toot of the horn as we passed through Powasson, we were in “Rotten Ronnies” in North Bay by 12:30pm.

After lunch, as we were heading north again, somewhere south of Temagami, it started to come down in buckets! Luckily, there was very little to no traffic and we made good time. Scooby Doo playing in the back seat, we arrived in good standing at Golden Eagle Camp, just outside of Elk Lake at 4:30pm. After quick introductions to Kerrie, the camp owner and “Hunter” her very much oversized Lab, we were at our cottage and un-packing.

Didn’t fish Saturday as, well I was kinda Nackered!



Decided to take my wife and two kids out to try and get them some pan fish… honestly, just about anything that would pull on their line. Well, if you’ve ever fished with a 4 and 6 year old, you know that if the action isn’t fast and furious, they won’t be interested very long! No bite and I learned later in the week, no real pan fish to speak of in this system! Oh well, they liked the boat ride and no one got stuck with a hook, so I’d say, it was a success!

My brother and his two kids, !4 year old boy and 11 year old daughter had decided that they would join us on this trip and arrived Sunday afternoon around 3:00pm from London. They were tenting it, so while the kids played in the playground, we got them all set up . They were to be leaving on Thursday for a four day trip to Moon River. I made a Pot roast with all the trimmings for dinner and we just hung around the cottage and had a few bevies! Here's some pics of the kids playing on the beach, the water slide and play area.





We hit the water, my brother and his two kids in his boat and me in my rental, searching out places that might hold fish. We did manage to catch a few small Pickereyes, which we kept for our up coming fish fry. Did some exploring and just basically messed around. After dinner, we got again for the “evening bite”, found a spot where the river narrowed, with lots of current at both the top and bottom end of the pool, with depths between 15 and 25 feet. We did well here and it ended up being our go to spot. My niece caught a nice smallie and we all ended up cathcin atleast one Pickereye.

Here’s my nieces smallie!




****Note**** This smallie is considered a really good fish in these waters… so far north with such a short growing season. I think the smile says it all!

Got back to the cottage just a dark and after a quick filleting job, we were ready to play some cards! Ok, I’ll admit it, Monday was the night I was very much “over-served”! I don’t drink very often, but this was my vacation and well, I had the urge… Apparently, I was not a pretty sight! (no animals or people were hurt in the making of my stupidity!)

As I am a smoker and don’t smoke in the house, I also found myself sitting outside the cottage when the need for weed became overwheliming. So there I was, sitting on the picinic table, finished my smoke, got up to stagger back in to the cottage and what do I see on the cottage porch… SKUNK! Well I light another smoke. Went next door to the folks from Buffalo’s cottage and told them not to let their hunting dogs out… at least that’s what I tried to say… they thanked me the next day.

Also, staying at the camp were two guys from Timmins who work for Ontario Power Generation. They had been working at the nearby station and staying at a cottage at our camp. The one dude brought his boat with him, so after work, they could hit the water for a fish. It was around 11:00pm when we heard a very strange sound coming from outside our cottage… sounded almost like a P.A. system was blaring away. I went out to investigate. Here’s what I saw:




Apparently OPG boy had left his keys on the back bumper of his truck when he backed it into the lake. These guys were also staying at our camp , had been drinking for a number of hours before they volunteered to look around the ramp and docks, for OPG’s keys! Not every day you see this!


Tuesday: (brush with greatness)

Fished the morning with limited success, again some small Pickereyes, but not much worth mentioning. Around mid day, I hear my name being called and low and behold, who’s there, but TJ and the lovely Monique! Oh and Musky the Husky too! Well, trying to chat with TJ and M. while their dog is about to be raped (read Hunter here) and the fact that they were already running late, the visit was short but very appreciated.

TJ… Hunter was not the same for a few days after Musky left… I think he broke his heart! LMAO

We decided to take a look at Indian flats dam , which is what makes this creek an actual reservoir. Beautiful scenery and very pretty place.


That night after dinner, back to the pool, a few more Pickereyes and smallies , back to the cottage and a few bevies.



We had been saving up our fillets for a fish fry and this was gonna be the day. My brother and I decided to try another part of the river/reservoir, some really deep water, in hopes of securing a nice Pike. Nope, nadda… but always fun anyway!

Fish fry was awesome, we had a few more bevies and hit the hay early as my brother was planning on leaving early Thursday morning.







With my brother and his kids gone by 9:00am. My wife suggested a change of scenery. We drove into to Elk Lake and found the public beach where the kids could play and swim and we could just chill for a bit. There were two lifeguards “protecting us” while we were there, actually we were the only people there!

I was watching my daughter, sitting at the water’s edge and I noticed this black thing sliding down her leg toward her foot. OK, I knew what it was, but I certainly wasn’t gonna tell my wife or worse yet, my daughter! SO, I lit a smoke, casually walked over to her, held her foot and applied the heater to the Leech. My daughter says to me, what are you doing daddy? Oh, you’ve just got a bug on you and daddy’s taking it off. Ok daddy she says and not another word from her. As I walked back to my chair, I spot my wife and she’s as white as a sheet. I asked the life guards if there are leeches in the water and they say “oh yah… but mostly by the dock. Ha ha, the whole beach is surrounded by dock!






That night, after dinner I was on my own and headed for the “honey hole”. Picked up a nice smallie, first cast, similar to the one my niece caught. (sorry guys, forgot my camera in the cottage.) Anyway, I ended up catchin 6 smallies and two Pickereyes that night. I had an absolute BLAST! I don’t think I went more that 5 minutes without a bite and probably 10 minutes between fish. I would simple rip up to the top of the pool. Drift down with the current and try and keep my jig as close to the bottom as I could. Not rocket science, but a ton o fun!





The camp rules dictate that all rental boats must be parked and inspected by 4:00pm, the day before your departure. After discussing it with my wife, we decided to leave on Friday afternoon as quite honestly, the kids were absolutely DONE from playing on the water slide, the park and the beach. I saw no point in staying one more night if I couldn’t fish and I also felt that the traffic heading south would be better on Friday night then Saturday afternoon.

I got up a 6:30 Friday morning and headed out by myself, again, to the honey hole. I caught numerous smallies and one decent Pickereye. Next thing I knew, it was time to get going. Back at the cottage a12:00pm, packed, paid and on our way by 2:00pm.

Stopped in at Kelsey’s in North Bay for dinner and after yet another toot of the horn on our way through Powasson, we arrived home at 9:45pm Friday night.


Many thanks to those who offered suggestions many months ago, including Wendel and Oxbow Cowboy for suggesting Golden Eagle Camp. Kerrie and her people were wonderful to us and genuinely try to ensure that their guest have a fantastic time.

Thanks Kerrie, Bob and Hunter!



In closing… this place is loaded with fish… heck, even I caught fish! Just don’t expect to catch much if your only using artificials. We also found that there was virtually no difference between fishing worms or minnows, they both worked. As was mentioned to me by Wendel and Oxbow, ORANGE is the colour they like with green bladed worm harnesses also contributing to our success! I highly recommend this place for those with families who are not looking for a five star resort, but are looking for a beautiful place that has clean cottages, well water which was just excellent, an attentive staff and well some good old fashioned RnR!




Edit!!!! - it seems as though only one of the pics will actually post here.... my apologies! I have tried to post about a half dozen more , alas, without success!

I will take another kick at this Thursday as my hairline is now receding and my desire to look at this computer junk has gone!

Sorry folks, maybe more luck tomorrow!


Edited by Headhunter
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glad ya had a good time, its almost like heaven up there, atleast the way i picture it. one of these days we will get together and go for some of the bigger boys that lurk around those parts. cant wait for the pics to come through.



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Hi folks!

Well, after numerous attemps yesterday to get all the pics working, my frustration got the better part of me and I gave up! I had every intention of doing a proper fix today, since I seem to have calmed down, but alas, the best made plans went down the tube!

My 6 year old is sick and I'm home with him today... and my report and pics are at work!!!

My appologies to all looking forward to the pics... hopefully I'll be back at work Friday and will get the pics up for you!


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You didn't mention weather Joe.

Seems anytime you come to visit here you bring a rainstorm in the winter or freezing temps in summer. Must have been those other guys. :D

Glad to see you caught some fish too.

Honk the horn as you go by? :huh: You could have made it a pit stop here.

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Hey Bernie! The weather up there for us was great! It rained virtually all day the Saturday we travelled up, pretty much stopped within 1/2 an hour of us arriving and did not rain again until the Thursday afternoon and only for about an hour. Early mornings were a little nippy at 8 and 9 degrees, but the fire box worked great, with a couple of logs to take the morning chill out of the cottage.

On the way home, we caught some rain in the Sundridge to Bracebridge run, but other than that, we were looking at "Simpson's skies" the whole week.

Bernie, I would have stopped by for a quick visit, but with the kids with me, I really had to keep them locked down in the truck. As you know, it's a pretty long drive at 8 1/2 hours for a 4 and 6 year old... I promise next time, we will stop. :thumbsup_anim:


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Ok...when I first looked today, the pics in your original post didn't show up....


After I reposted them (Hope you dont mind, I stole them from your filesharing site and uploaded them on my own photobucket account), and came back....all the pics in your original post showed up...



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Thanks Cliff! I have been again struggling with this pic posting thing, but decided to check in again on the board a voila there they are!

You sir are a true gentleman (no matter what FnS says! LMAO)!

I hope you like the pics... I just noticed that I wear socks too much in the summer... that shot on the beach make me feel like "Billy white shoes Johnson"!

Thanks again Cliff!


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No problem! I was waiting to comment on the thread until the pics were up....when I saw they still weren't showing up I thought I'd mess around a bit. Looked like a great time....oh yeah...if it's not a sock tan, then it's a sandal/croc tan instead.....6 of one half dozen of the other I suppose....hehe.

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Glad you had a great time Joe.

We didn't get as many fish as we had in years past, but I knew it must have been a fluke. It was tough fishing in Mid July.

That slide is awesome for the kids. Were the bugs bad(the horseflys were relentless some days at the slide!)

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Thanks for the "nice" coments guys!

Terry, I offered the guy in the cottage next door a beer if he would let me hold his fish! :whistling:

Wendel, the horse flies and deer flies at the slide were only bad on and off most days... I taught the kids how to kill 'em. When they're flying around your head, driving you nuts, just put your hand on your the top of your head, palm down, and they just can't resist landing on your hand. Smack'em with your other hand, stomp on 'em until they are burried inches into the ground, soak the area with gas, light it on fire and put a boulder over it. That usually get's 'em! :w00t: (Seriously, the hand thing does work!)

Bugs were really not a factor, except at dusk, I wouldn't know about them at dawn. :whistling:

I did make a little friend out of the chipmunk at the fire pit. He'd run up and down you once he found out you had some peanuts! Little bugger would take'em right out of my mouth! Funny when I'd be sitting, talking to someone and he'd run up and practically put his head in my mouth lookin for a peanut! First time viewers were quite surprised!

Glad I could offer you some humour B!

Micropterus hole - I had a good chat with one of the divers about their work... they have been hired by OPG to dive many of their power dams, to ensure that the gates were clear of lumber and to power wash the facings of the dam, obviously under water. Apparently the sound of the power washer attracts smallies because he told me that when they look around while working, it's not unusual for them to be surrounded by smallies, having a look to see what the commotion is about. And big one's too!!!!



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That's a great family report all around, thanks for taking the time to post about that big adventure. If you thought the people around really got off on the fact that the chipmunks would come right up to you and even take peanuts out of your mouth....next time try this one , we been getting the kids to do this for years,idea of course inspired by a few wobbly pops at the camp fire, here is a pic of my oldest daughter doign what we call.."chirpy fishing" :lol:

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