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First Walleye


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Was out on Lake Chemong this Saturday targeting Bass on the south side of the causeway, near one of the smaller islands...Been hitting a few smaller LMB when we went out a little further from the island in about 7-8 FOW caught my first ever Walleye. Haven't seriously fished for too long, probably only out 2-3 times a year in the past 10 years. Only this year have started to really learn to fish and been out on the water more often.


It measured 25", but we didn't have a scale on the boat so don't know the weight of the fish.


Very good feeling and good fight....Will definitely target the walleyes more often.


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lol...don't want my face all over the internet.....too many enemies out there...lol


any idea on what it weights?


Looks like it weighs in around 4 lbs. Walleye are funny though, some can be long and thin with big heads and others surprise you with their weight because they are round and pudgy... hmmm kinda like ppl hehehe lol ...


Nice catch by the way!




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lol...don't want my face all over the internet.....too many enemies out there...lol


any idea on what it weights?


This one was 25 1/2" & weighed 5 Lbs even on my Rapala Pro digital scale. So yours should be around the same.


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thanks all for the replies.....what are the typical size for walleyes up here in ontario?

And the skin on the one that I caught was very 'yellow' , while i see others are more pale.

Is this typical colour for walleyes caught at Chemong? Are there many walleyes at that lake?

All I have caught at Chemong on the south side are Basses....On the north side, I once hooked a walleye, but my line snapped.

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wow.....thats a good walleye for a first one....i fish for them at least twice a week being on a lake full of them...and my best is a good size 30", it took me a while to warm to walleye fishing as they are extremely tricky to locate on our lake, but once you find 'em its very addictive...beware....lol. Great report (and pic???) thanks for sharing.

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Nice fish!


Weight?? Hmmmm..... I'd say you are about 140 pounds...maybe 145 tops.


The fish is likely around 4 to 5 pounds.


That's a nice sized walleye for the Kawarthas....for the big lakes (Ontario, Erie, Bay of Quinte) larger ones are quite common.


Congrats on your first....it's a great one no matter what the weight was.

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