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Whats the point?


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I'm becoming increasingly frustrated over the years with some posters. It has to do with certain posts and fishing reports. Why do people just put up pictures and give no real relevant information to help others? Now I'm not talking about people posting pics of PB fish. Or new anglers catching their first fish or first fish of a species that has eluded them until now. I'm not talking about guys that go on trips to locations far and away. Because alot of what goes into those types of posts are more of an emotional one. People are really exited and details get lost in that situation.


What I'm talking about is learned fisherfolk who put up pics and give maybe some fleeting info on what it is they got the fish on and thats it. They make no effort to really help other anglers on the board with details like structure, wind conditions, and ask what general location you were fishing in is like pulling a tooth for crying out loud.


The generic information you want can be found using the search engine. To really help someone who wants to be better, it would do the community as a whole alot of good to know why you made the decisions you made and specific things you did to make your outing a successful one.


Don't get me wrong, I've more than likely fallen into this trap as well. Its easy to just post some pics up and maybe your hands are tired frfom palming a reel and fighting fish all day. But for the most part, I think that I try and make a point out of squeezing every last ounce of info that I can to try and help someone who may be fishing some similar water. Maybe next time they'll have a different outlook and consequently turn a day around.


You hear it all the time. Pay attention to the details when you're on the water and your partner is out-fishing you 3 to 1. Why should it be any different on the sites? No one is asking for your spots, especially on trophy waters, but a little help goes a long way for people that just need to be pointed in the right direction.


I was recently talking to another member about fishing G.Bay for Musky, for example. He fished the deeper sections of the North, whereas I was to be fishing the relatively shallower portion around Honey Harbour. Regardless, after a few messages thrown back and forth, I had a new perspective on how to approach my trip. I didn't catch a musky, but I left with a completely different view of how to approach that waterbody in the future.


One of my favourite sayings from way back is...Mans mind streched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimension. And thats what I'm talking about. Expanding our understanding and giving others the confidence they need to make their next outing as fruitful as it can be.


Catching a fish and putting it back is great, but why are you doing it? So others can catch it? Or so that you can catch it again? Same with hoarding your information. Why do you keep it so tight to the vest when writing a report? Is it so that you can have your ego stroked and still have your little secrets?


Think about it next time you post. Helping others and sharing info is easier now than ever. Why not put a little more effort into it?


Sorry for the rant, but it's becoming a bit much these days and my participation level just isn't what I'd like it to be and I think this is a major reason.


Thanks for reading and remember that helping someone is good Karma and will definately come back to you.


Tightlines everyone.

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Well Said.


I will tend to agree with you, but for the most part, from my expeirences so far, is that many of the people that use this site are from S. Ontario, and not many who post are from up my way. There are a few. However, when it comes to techniques, it is much different up here than down there and becomes almost irrelevant as to the way i caught a fish. I say this, cause many people on the board are fishing S. Ontario and there are a lot of people that fish those lakes as it is, so what i might suggest will likely fall to the waistside and be forgotten. If you fish my way, i will gladly tell you what, where, and when so that you are in the right direction.

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Aggressive panhandling


If you are so keen for info, go spend the time, money and shoe leather, get skunked here and then along the way, then lets see how you spew it out for everyone riding the seat cushion eating potatoe chips wondering where they can go to haul in 700 lbs of fish in five minutes or less within two minute drive of their residence LOL


I get it dockside when we use public launches, coming home with a catch.


"where did you get those'


'in the lake' is my answer

Edited by Kirk
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For walleye I use jigs mostly. Sometimes other stuff.


For pike I use spoons mostly. Sometimes other stuff.


For the troot use jigs mostly. Sometimes " stuff.



I think Jigger you somewhat solved your own way out of any future frustration. PM's. I too have found many people very helpful in that way. But, best gained knowledge is often achieved on the water.

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I don't exactly agree with you that people should be giving there fishing spots out to every one to fish. Like said in a post above there is a lot of money time and energy put into finding and catching fish. I dont think its fair for you to think that everyone else is being selfish because they aren't telling you how and where they catch their fish. I dont think this board was designed to just be a place to find out where the fish are. If you need help ASK cause there are more then enough people on this board willing to help.

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I have learned a ton of info over the past year and most of it has come through pm's to board members. I find most people on here who are actively posting reports are the most helpful and willing to share information in a pm. I have also had people ask me for tips or help on a location I fished and I gave them every last ounce of info I could remember, hopefully it helped someone.


I always have trouble paying attention to the details and paying attention to what the fish want, but I am trying to get better at that this year. Maybe I need to go into the day thinking I will report on how I was able to catch these fish and not just what I caught, then maybe it will help me pay more attention to what i'm doing rather than just reacting to things without really thinking about it.


I love helping people catch fish, just not sure if I want to make every little detail public for the world to see. I have no problems responding to questions to help someone out though.

Edited by evster
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I was recently talking to another member about fishing G.Bay for Musky, for example. He fished the deeper sections of the North, whereas I was to be fishing the relatively shallower portion around Honey Harbour. Regardless, after a few messages thrown back and forth, I had a new perspective on how to approach my trip. I didn't catch a musky, but I left with a completely different view of how to approach that waterbody in the future.



I was sure that you were gonna give the details....maybe I missed something - will reread it again...and this is not meant to be rude but I honestly did think that you were going to share some of that new knowledge with us...

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i use giant red bobbers a huge worm hook and10 year old 30 lb mono on my snoopy rod. tipped with a nice red wiggler.


it has yet to have failed me! nothing like bobber fishing lake ontario for some salmons.

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i use giant red bobbers a huge worm hook and10 year old 30 lb mono on my snoopy rod. tipped with a nice red wiggler.


it has yet to have failed me! nothing like bobber fishing lake ontario for some salmons.


Snoopy rod.. so that's what I'm doing wrong. I was still using bamboo. Guess everybody has to upgrade to the new techniques eventually.

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Jigger, I am guilty of doing what you describe on this site.


My thoughts are there are far too many lurkers and people expecting a handout here. For better or worse, the powers that be decided this to be 'much more than a fishing site' which has worked to bring in volume. There are other places where I may go into more detail. Walmart vs JBs.


I do post fish porn here, cause as a fisherman, I love fish porn and I know there are people here who like to stare at fish porn. However, I choose not to divulge info in any reports. As you found out, ;) I'll probably share it in PM.

Edited by Raf
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people put whatever they want into their posts


and that is fine by me


and the internet is not the place to reveal all


and as I have found too much info can hurt a lake


let people reveal what they want and if you want more ask them....

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Jigger, I am guilty of doing what you describe on this site.


My thoughts are there are far too many lurkers and people expecting a handout here. For better or worse, the powers that be decided this to be 'much more than a fishing site' which has worked to bring in volume. There are other places where I may go into more detail. Walmart vs JBs.


I do post fish porn here, cause as a fisherman, I love fish porn and I know there are people here who like to stare at fish porn. However, I choose not to divulge info in any reports. As you found out, ;) I'll probably share it in PM.


You took the words right out of my mouth Raf!!!....my sentiments exactly!!

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Jigger, I am guilty of doing what you describe on this site.


My thoughts are there are far too many lurkers and people expecting a handout here. For better or worse, the powers that be decided this to be 'much more than a fishing site' which has worked to bring in volume. There are other places where I may go into more detail. Walmart vs JBs.


I do post fish porn here, cause as a fisherman, I love fish porn and I know there are people here who like to stare at fish porn. However, I choose not to divulge info in any reports. As you found out, ;) I'll probably share it in PM.


Kudos Budday... you've got the gift of the gab for sure.


I post for the sheer enjoyment, and for bragging rights.. I guess I could be less aloof in regards to specific details, but I don't wanna. There's just too much at stake.


PMs are definately the way to go. I've never steered someone wrong this way.


I love fish porn too. The dirtier the better!! I've become so desencitized that nothing excites me, exept for good ol fish porn.




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First of all Jigger, there's the reply button at the bottom of the thread. If you would like to know some particulars, just ask!... but it would probably be better to PM, as most folks that take the time to post here don't want to give away particulars to the lurkers (people that only take and never give anything back to the board)


I've found that members that post regularly are usually more than willing to help out other regular posting members... and it doesn't stop there. There's a lot of help for the Newbies too... but don't just take and not give anything back, the helping hand will be a waining one under those circumstances.

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Hey just wanted to know in case there was any good fishin there! :whistling:


Geeze reminds me that I haven't been to Brooklin in years!

if there is, I don't know about it. never looked anywhere around here but I might start to now... :rolleyes:

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i use giant red bobbers a huge worm hook and10 year old 30 lb mono on my snoopy rod. tipped with a nice red wiggler.


it has yet to have failed me! nothing like bobber fishing lake ontario for some salmons.


Whats the point!!! You mean like the silly reply above. LOL



I tend to agree with some of your points trying to get some of the people here to share useful information about a lake,techniques or specific baits is akin to pulling teeth the exception would be if you belong to the old boys network you will probably do okay.

Sharing info on batteries,fishfinders,trailers,boats, what kind of trucks and motors you like or dislike etc. is no problem as they do not actually involve a fish or a body of water.


I asked a question recently on a specific lake (and I was not asking for GPS locations) that I was planning on fishing with my son for the first time and I recieved 1 response that was helpful and a handful of the usual responses from guys who think they are funny.


My advice if your looking for useful information buy a map book or a chart or visit the local bait shop or marina and spend a couple of bucks you will probably get all the info you need.

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