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Posted (edited)

To celebrate Canada Day, we decided that we'd head somewhere close to fish, so we could get home nice and early to have a nice dinner and then off to see some fireworks.


Lake Scugog fit the close bill....plus the holiday traffic wouldn't be too bad on the route that we take. By 845 this morning, Bly, our little one and I were driving up to Port Perry. We got there at around 915 and the parking lot and boat launch were PACKED!!!! Not too bad of a wait and we had the boat in the water.


We were pretty anxious to test out the bowmount wireless trolling motor that I just installed. Problem is that, and we knew this going in, that there are LOTS of weeds there....LOL. As long as we could avoid the thick stuff we were ok with it. Having a trolling motor on the bow has SOOO many benefits over the small 30lb thrust transom one that we've used in the past. This one actually turns the boat in the wind....LOL.


Anyhow, we decided that this would be a Hammerhead Lure test day for us. Since the weeds were in thick, both Bly and I were throwing some pretty cool looking top water lures. We casted and casted and casted, but unfortunately nothing was enticed by them. I even put on some of their spinners, but to no avail. Who knows...we were probably fishing where they weren't!! Our little one in the meantime lands the first fish of the day.



As you could tell from the pictures, there was NO wind to start, and she got very hot...she even put an ice cold water bottle inside her lifejacket to keep cool. The heat got the best of her and her mood changed radically, so we headed in and I took her home. Bly stuck around with the boat and fished while I ran this errand.


I got back there just before 1am, Bly came by to pick me up and we were off again in search of some bass. We went as fast as our 18hp could take us to a section of the lake where there were lots of cottages. This is where the trolling motor was so important....it was impossible to fish near those docks with our old trolling motor, but this new one handled it beautifully!


I put away the Hammerhead Lures for a bit and put on one of Basskicker's home made senkos. About 3 casts later and I have a hit! Here's my first bass of the year....a small skinny one, but a fish none-the-less.



About 15 minutes later, as we moved from dock to dock, I get another hit...my first decent sized bass of the year measured in at 17.5 inches.



After that, we headed out to troll along some weedlines, but nothing was biting. By this time the winds had kicked right up and since we wanted to be home in good time we decided to call it a day.


Now...here's our boat launch bozo story.


As I headed closer and closer to the dock, I began to slow down. This guy in a very nice bass boat decides he wants to beat me to the launch, which was fine. He soars by me, docks his boat and then heads off towards his vehicle. I dock mine and followed behind him. I passed him in the parking lot as he chatted away with some of his buddies. I get in my car and start heading towards the launch and he's still chatting away, so I begin to back up. I get the trailer in the water and notice that his boat has pivoted away from the dock and the wind is causing it to swing around and repeatedly pound into our boat! He had a bar that came off the back of his boat that kept it in place, but it kept on swinging away.....no one could grab the front of his boat to hold it in place. Bly is doing her best to keep it away, but it was impossible to do so. We wont mention any names, but here's a few pictures.





As I head down the dock to move our boat in front of his, one of his buddies walks down the dock, takes a look at the boat and says "Oh well, that's what bumpers are for". No apologies....no other words. Another guy on the dock can't believe his nonchalant behaviour and is actually more ticked off at the guy then we were.


Anyhow, that was our Canada Day. In a few hours, we'll head down to get our seats for the fireworks display.

Edited by ccmt

Hey Cliff, nice bass there. Sucks to here about the launch incident - we had a crazy busy landing as well but luckily no boat bashing. Enjoy the fireworks and don't let it get to you.


Great report and pics Cliff!!! :thumbsup_anim:


Fishing docks with plastic worms???... How disgusting is that? :dunno: What are you tryin' to do?... Turn into one of the :asshat: -holes like ol' Darrin Schwenlibeck?... those rude obnoxious Bass tourney guys really whizz me off!!! :angry: I know all of them aren't that way, but it seems like more of them are than aren't!


Glad you and the Fam had a good day out!!!


You may want to consider a tilley/bimini top or umbrella for the young'un during the hot days.

Posted (edited)



Website for Darrin "shipwreck" Schwenkbeck


Glad you got out on the water Cliff.... me? I had to entertain Spiel! LOL


Sorry to hear about the idiot on the water.... (PS...Google will index this thread in short order )


LOL! you have you're revenge my friend.... you have you're revenge..



Edited by Gerritt

Well Cliff, you must have eaten some "mellow cherios" this morning, I guess I would have applied a "little more bumper" to his boat to keep it from banging into mine. There's all sorts out there.

Guest Johnny Bass

Nice bass.That sucks about the launch incident but hopefully no damage was done to your boat.

Posted (edited)
  Gerritt said:


Website for Darrin "shipwreck" Schwenkbeck


Glad you got out on the water Cliff.... me? I had to entertain Spiel! LOL


Sorry to hear about the idiot on the water.... (PS...Google will index this thread in short order )


LOL! you have you're revenge my friend.... you have you're revenge..





LOL Gerritt


The boat is fine, it is more that someone would just leave a boat swaying like that at a launch. I will admit that after pushing it away a few times I was sort of wishing it would just float away. I then decided that a few pictures would be more entertaining. Cliff and I have many adventures to share with the boat and I see this as just one of them.


Side note...


The bowmount rocks! Felt like a kid at Christmas. :thumbsup_anim: Oh, and Lake Scugog still hates me LOL Spending the day with Spiel doesn't sound sooo bad

Edited by bly

An American bass pro with bad behaviour at a boat launch? UNHEARD OF! You were obviously the one causing the trouble Cliff, those bass pros own the lake! :lol:


Glad nothing was damaged.


Other than that - great report! Good to see the little one out enjoying fishing with you two! I gotta get me a bow mount for the filth hound too. I hear ya about controlling with a transom mount in the wind. Impossible!

  Rich said:
An American bass pro with bad behaviour at a boat launch? UNHEARD OF! You were obviously the one causing the trouble Cliff, those bass pros own the lake! :lol:


Glad nothing was damaged.


Other than that - great report! Good to see the little one out enjoying fishing with you two! I gotta get me a bow mount for the filth hound too. I hear ya about controlling with a transom mount in the wind. Impossible!


LOL Rich...yeah...our thousand dollar boat and motor must have been pretty intimidating to him. I think his seats cost more than that... :lol:


The bowmount vs transom...no question. It's like having dial up internet...and then moving to high speed....you can never go back now.


Great report and nice fish Cliff!


  Greencoachdog said:
You may want to consider a tilley/bimini top or umbrella for the young'un during the hot days.


I have a few "rod holders" made out of PVC pipes on my boat and I should be able to put in a beach umbrella. Still gotta figure out a way to keep it down/secure in case of some wind but it might be a cheap way to get some shade.

  Victor said:
Great report and nice fish Cliff!

I have a few "rod holders" made out of PVC pipes on my boat and I should be able to put in a beach umbrella. Still gotta figure out a way to keep it down/secure in case of some wind but it might be a cheap way to get some shade.


Drilled hole and spring clip?




Funny how petty some people can get, calling tournament anglers aholes, and how they have no respect, and how they bully all you out of your spots, and how they hurt the resourses, non of they people that seem to do all the crap flinging even have a freakin clue, as to how the top pros behave on or off the water, all of the top run series in Canada have code of ethics, that must be followed, and they are, if asked to move from a dock they will, they know and practice boat launch protical, they regularly help with fish surveys and tagging, they practice catch and release. How many of you that seem to want to call them aholes can say they do any of these things. Jealiousy is a terrible thing.


And being at a boat launch at least 200 times a year, the funny thing about your story and your pictures is, you said he arrived at the launch before you( and there is no 10k zone so passing is allowed) but your 1 pics shows that you had at least 100 feet of open dock ahead of this boat but for some reason decided to park right up against this boat, when you clearly had enough open dock to get 5 boat lenghts away. Maybe when one of the larger series runs a tournament on a lake close, go down and watch how 100 boats unload and load with not any where near the trouble that you had with 2 boats at a launch.

  TOM C said:
Funny how petty some people can get, calling tournament anglers aholes, and how they have no respect, and how they bully all you out of your spots, and how they hurt the resourses, non of they people that seem to do all the crap flinging even have a freakin clue, as to how the top pros behave on or off the water, all of the top run series in Canada have code of ethics, that must be followed, and they are, if asked to move from a dock they will, they know and practice boat launch protical, they regularly help with fish surveys and tagging, they practice catch and release. How many of you that seem to want to call them aholes can say they do any of these things. Jealiousy is a terrible thing.


And being at a boat launch at least 200 times a year, the funny thing about your story and your pictures is, you said he arrived at the launch before you( and there is no 10k zone so passing is allowed) but your 1 pics shows that you had at least 100 feet of open dock ahead of this boat but for some reason decided to park right up against this boat, when you clearly had enough open dock to get 5 boat lenghts away. Maybe when one of the larger series runs a tournament on a lake close, go down and watch how 100 boats unload and load with not any where near the trouble that you had with 2 boats at a launch.


I didn't care that he passed me on the way in...my report said that...I was in no rush.


There were boats in front of him when we docked, so I took my place in line....and we were at the end of the dock. Even if there was space in front, would it not be taken that I was trying to exit the water out of order? The other boats were gone by the time I came back. I know he had no intention of waiting either because I heard him say "It's my own fault, I got caught chatting or I'd be out of the water already".


I'm not in any way jealous of any tournament angler either...or any angler period and I don't remember anyone saying anything about bullying out of spots or hurting resources. Anyhow, what's done is done....I wasn't that upset....the other boaters who were there were the ones who were really ticked off.


Yeah I'm not sure about jealousy either. I've never fished one, but seen it on the tube, and it's not something I personally want to try. I'm sure for the most part they're good folks, but bad apples are in every bunch. Unfortunately, ccmt seemed to have found a rotten one.


What I don't like about them is they'll wizz by you at warp speed while I'm fishing, which is fine as no one owns the waterways. But when I go by them while they're in a tourney, they get all up in a fuss sometimes, or at least it seems that way to me.

Posted (edited)
  TOM C said:
Funny how petty some people can get, calling tournament anglers aholes, and how they have no respect, and how they bully all you out of your spots, and how they hurt the resourses, non of they people that seem to do all the crap flinging even have a freakin clue, as to how the top pros behave on or off the water, all of the top run series in Canada have code of ethics, that must be followed, and they are, if asked to move from a dock they will, they know and practice boat launch protical, they regularly help with fish surveys and tagging, they practice catch and release. How many of you that seem to want to call them aholes can say they do any of these things. Jealiousy is a terrible thing.


And being at a boat launch at least 200 times a year, the funny thing about your story and your pictures is, you said he arrived at the launch before you( and there is no 10k zone so passing is allowed) but your 1 pics shows that you had at least 100 feet of open dock ahead of this boat but for some reason decided to park right up against this boat, when you clearly had enough open dock to get 5 boat lenghts away. Maybe when one of the larger series runs a tournament on a lake close, go down and watch how 100 boats unload and load with not any where near the trouble that you had with 2 boats at a launch.



I rest my case on Bass Tourney :asshat: -holes... you just proved my point!


Had this Bozo been the "Ethical Angler" you speak of, he'd have gone straight to his truck and trailer and removed his boat in a quick and timley manner instead of tieing valuable dock space while he shot the Bull with his boyfriends.

Edited by Greencoachdog

Great report Cliff. It was a beautiful day to get out on the water. I feel your daughter's pain. Last week there were a few times out on the boat I was very tempted to jump in the waters with them there muskies and pike on Muskrat Bay :lol: A few dips of my hat in the water and getting my shirt wet helped.


Sorry to hear about the docking incident. I think an apology would have been nice, but since you didn't get one, well....... speaks volumns doesn't it.



Posted (edited)
  TOM C said:
Funny how petty some people can get, calling tournament anglers aholes, and how they have no respect, and how they bully all you out of your spots, and how they hurt the resourses, non of they people that seem to do all the crap flinging even have a freakin clue, as to how the top pros behave on or off the water, all of the top run series in Canada have code of ethics, that must be followed, and they are, if asked to move from a dock they will, they know and practice boat launch protical, they regularly help with fish surveys and tagging, they practice catch and release. How many of you that seem to want to call them aholes can say they do any of these things. Jealiousy is a terrible thing.


And being at a boat launch at least 200 times a year, the funny thing about your story and your pictures is, you said he arrived at the launch before you( and there is no 10k zone so passing is allowed) but your 1 pics shows that you had at least 100 feet of open dock ahead of this boat but for some reason decided to park right up against this boat, when you clearly had enough open dock to get 5 boat lenghts away. Maybe when one of the larger series runs a tournament on a lake close, go down and watch how 100 boats unload and load with not any where near the trouble that you had with 2 boats at a launch.



Morning Tom


I thank you for comments. I would like to clear up a few things.


Neither Ccmt or I referred to this Angler by an inappropriate name, challenge his ethics or comment on him as a person in any fashion. You may have not been referring to us with your comments however the use of "you and "your" throughout the post does seem to imply that.


Our boat was positioned behind his because we arrived only a moment after him. We pulled in BEHIND him with the intention of waiting our turn. There was no reason to pull ahead of him and even IF we thought there was need to pull ahead of him, there were other watercraft in front of him at the time we all arrived. He was still in his boat as we were tying up our lines, we had no way of knowing that his boat was going to swing out. When his boat first began to swing out from the dock, a few bystanders (myself included) were more concerned that the boat had come loose and was going to float away. I suppose I could have started my boat, untied the lines and attempted to move our boat but I was busy trying to decide if there was a need to assist this boat from floating away. Again, a bystander noticed that the boat was secured with whatever that bar is called and we realized that it was not going to drift away from the dock entirely but by then it had swung a 180 into our boat. I was doing my best to keep the boats apart while attempting to release our bowline in preparation of moving our boat....during the process, I could hear one of the anglers rewmen (guessing this as he was wearing the same jersey and helping) and a bystander discussing the situation. Quick version..the crewman expressed that everything was just fine and had no worries about the boats hitting, that is what the bumpers were for. I decided to snap a few pictures, as yes, I was annoyed and the pictures helped me laugh about it.


I have never commented negatively in reference to tournament anglers, I personally do not have any issues with them as a group, I respect their abilities and contributions to the sport. I have watched the loading and unloading of the tourney boats on previous occasions...it is impressive. I wish the guy no ill will and there is not, nor was there ever any intention of contacting anyone regarding the matter to make trouble for him. Ccmt overheard him say "It's my own fault, I got caught chatting or I'd be out of the water already", would have been nice if that had been said to us rather than what we did hear regarding his boat hitting ours ("that is what bumpers are for"). The incident would have been forgotten


I have learned a few things from this experience and for that I thank him.


Have a great day Tom.

Edited by bly
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