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  steve_paul said:
(cough cough - Tinman, know of any openings up your way ;) )



I was going to ask the same thing! lol Tonnes, I work in new home construction division for the company i work for and had 2 companies this week ask for my resume. Its busy here! and with the heat lately a/c installs have been huge!


Worked at Safeway, IGA and another food store for first 2 years after grade 12. Knew then that that was not the career path for me so I went to U of A and got my BSc in Forestry in 1987. Been employed as a forester with the provincial government here for 21 years now. Enjoyed most every minute of it from fighting forest fires to quadding in some spectacular areas looking at timber. Unfortunately as one rises up thru the ranks you get more desk bound but I still sneak out for a mental health day and get back to the woods. Along the way I also was a volunteer firefighter which was truley enjoyable and allowed one to give back to the community. Retirement date is June 2017 at age 55 and then it is full time fishing, hunting and relaxing time.

  Tinman said:
I was going to ask the same thing! lol Tonnes, I work in new home construction division for the company i work for and had 2 companies this week ask for my resume. Its busy here! and with the heat lately a/c installs have been huge!


You ever hear of a sales or mgmt position up that way, PM me lol. Would move up that way in a heartbeat.


(Sorry to hijack the thread, just showing a quick lesson about networking)

Posted (edited)

What i do

Owner / Operator/ Franchisor of http://www.TheGroutDoctor.ca


And i would be interested in putting up a location in the Pickering Oshawa or Markham area. B)


I have been self employed since 1994 doing what I love to do. (Putting a smile on my customers face when i can solve their problem.



What I would like to do

Open more locations and help potential entrepreneurs realize their goals.



Edited by splashhopper
  steve_paul said:
You ever hear of a sales or mgmt position up that way, PM me lol. Would move up that way in a heartbeat.


(Sorry to hijack the thread, just showing a quick lesson about networking)



you betcha, i'll keep an eye out

Posted (edited)

I am 38, self employed, working as a LAN/Communications Cabling Technician..my business is JL Cabling (just my initials like jwl..lol). For the last 10 years I have worked as a 3rd party subcontractor between Chase-Paymentech(Scotia Bank) and thier merchants setting up the LAN cabling networks for thier debit/credit card terminal networks, set up the related terminal devices and related admin function programming so all these places can swipe your card and take your money..lol, at a vast array of locations all over Ontario, some of the large scale merchants I provide services for over the years are, Sobey's grocery stores and all thier related outlets (IGA,Foodland,Pricechopper,Knechtel foods) to name a few so I guarantee you if you shop at any of these outlest across this whole province, I was the one who put thier debit/credit network in there :D . Every retail outlet in Ontario for Winners/Homesense,Cole/Chapters Bookstores,AMC Multipex Cinemas,Passport Canada,Canada Revenue Agency,Swiss Chalet, to name a few of the large scale merchants, along with countless other merchants along the way.


Although I am based in Fort Erie, I provide my services for Scotia Bank all across Ontario, and have had some great adventures on the road along the way, with many opportunities to see alot of places and little towns I probbaly otherwise would never have a reason to visit ever. This work is on an on demand basis of course and often leaves me with alot of free time and a very flexible schedule which allows me to spend a great amount of time with my family, and enjoy having my trailer on the lake, as well as frees me up for alot of fishing adventures along the way. Here and there, my work calls for me to stay "out of town" over night over the years, and when this happens pending the time of year ect, I often pack up my fishing gear and take it along with me and find some time to check out any available shore fishing options where ever I may happen to be. I also use my trailer as a second starting point for travel/summer office kind of deal in the summer/fall months when work calls me to thatarea, the Ottawa area and Quebec, of course I always take advantage of this and squeezea day or so extra at my trailer out of the deal too so i cna get in some "extra" fishing for the season ;)


Being self employed is not all it's cracked up to be all the time, and sometimes self employed is unemployed, but we do ok, and this has allowed for me to spend alot of time with my wife and kids over the years, and also allows for alot of great times at the trailer, and of course allows me to spend many.many dayd on and around the water fishing throughout the year.




I do not do this for my job any more, but I am also a papered Chef, in 1988/89 I went to school for this after spending a few years with that sort of summer job starting out as a teen, growing up in Niagara Falls, the tourist sector was where most teens got thier first jobs, I went to school to further my career in this and seek better paying employment,completing some College courses in Hotel/Restaurant Management, Business, and of course a few Cooking programs along the way, completed all the related apprenticeship hours, and work for about 12 years in that field with some odd jobs in between....I decided this was not the career for me once I became a Dad and did not want to spend every weekend ,holiday and many hours on the job and miss out on my kids growing up.


In the future, I would like to be semi-retired early, and am slowly building my business all the time, I hope to over the next say 10 years build my business up to the point that I am making all my money by putting other people to work, and kind of sitting in the back ground being the one to start and set up any large scale projects, and just basically provide any needed technical support that the technicians working for me may need.....then is time for lots of fishing :Gonefishing:

Edited by jwl

Mainframe Programmer Analyst / Manager for some 29 years now with the same company. Quarrying and Highway construction here in PA.


What would I like to do. Retire and own a summer home on the French River, or that general area. (Like that's ever gonna happen). Oh well ... it's always nice to dream. Ya just never know.


I'm 47 years old, a pilot for Air Canada and fly a Boeing 777. Loved airplanes since I can remember and started flying when I was 17 not to mention Air Cadets before that.


Now, flying is a job, fishing is my passion!




I recently retired from the Forces after 25 years and it has been great for the most part. I have rubbed shoulders and worked with guys that are with the Top Secret JTF, Combat Divers, Para Troopers of every Trade, Helicopter Pilots, and so on and so on. Ive met people from all over Canada and the World. I have trained RCMP, Brits, Civilians, Americans, Russians, French, Serbians , Croats, Muslims, and so many others on Mines and Booby traps. I have trained to Rappel out of helicopters, Shoot a machine Gun out of a Helicopter, and escape from a helicopter underwater upside down. I have disarmed Mines and Booby Traps, Blew up Roads, Runways, Equipment, Bridges, ice Roads and so on. I'm an Arctic Winter warfare Instructor, Combat Engineer Instructor, Taught and Facilitated Soldier Qualification and Leadership Courses. My hands have been on Trip Wires, Mines, Unexploded Ordnance, Antitank Weapons etc. Ive supervised our Soldiers, other Countries Soldiers, Civilians in the Aid to the Civil Power, as well as Prisoners when the Guards went on Strike. My Family have Lived in Ontario, Alberta, BC, as well as Germany while in the Forces. They have lived the Life of an Army Brat although Spoiled, Learned to be Independent. They have rided in APC, Tanks, Helicopters, Rappelled and just about anything that a Base offers in the way of clubs, and Recreation and family Days. All during that time I have been exposed to fantastic Fishing, Competitive Sports, and fantastic Physical Training. I have done things that I never dreamed of, or though I could Handle, till the age of 22. Most important though, it has given me so much confidence and CAN DO attitude that separates me from the normal majority. By the way, you can cook anywhere in the Military even in a Submarine. Beat that


Right now I am unemployed.... Just finished my second stint at University. Most recently I received my B.Ed from the University of Windsor, and before that got a B.Sc with Honour in Human Kinetics from the U of Guelph.


I'm hoping to catch on with a school board for the fall. I'd like to stay in the Kingston area, but really am open to going anywhere in the country. If there are any board trustees or people on the hiring committees please keep me in mind.


I think teaching is the ideal job for me, long hard hours during the school year, but enough time off in the summer to go out fishing lots.


A meathead for 25 years, (MP) and another 10 years as one of their civilian 911 dispatchers, then my cup ran over dealing with the retards of the world, my cat's up the tree...quit buying cheap catfood, she's pouting, ever see a cat carcass in the trees, no, they eventually fall down from hunger. 911, there's a racoon giving birth in the tree, can you contact the MNR(10:30pm) right away, leave the damm coon alone, they have been doing it without human interference for thousands of years. 911, someone stole my underwear, were you wearing them? No they were in the dryer, unattended personal Queens kit eh? Go compain to your Seargeant-Major in the morning, he'll rip you a new "O" ring for bothering us. Major snowstorm, can you go check the road to Barrie for my wife, she had to go for a coffee at Timmies, buddy, you should have your wife certified for Penetang, maybe check yourself in for having let her go on the roads in that weather. 5:30 am, Midland PD,(maybe it was Midland OPP) ya there's a UFO in the eastern sky, and what would you like me to do, have you certified for Penetang too, hell, it's just a couple of klicks up the road, go book yourself in, (planet Venus). And after 10 years of that, I got real lucky, work as a Range Patroller(Holdfast knows what that is), good job to make sure everyone is playing safe on live ranges on the Base. And no, I'm not joining back up to keep an eye on Holdfast, he can take care of himself. As a matter of fact one of his co-horts just finished today, maybe you know him, Luc Hopkins, Combat Engineer.

Posted (edited)

I am a high school teacher. Not too much time off ;)

Graduated from U. Waterloo as well. Nice to see some other Warriors on the forum.

Edited by Cudz
  Highdrifter said:
Selft employed then. Do you deliver?! :thumbsup_anim:


What do you tell your bank when you wanna deposit a whack of doe?





Well the good news is Iam Selft employed, The bad news is Iam not a dope dealer <_<

I started out going to school to be a Electronic Engineer but during the summer after the first year i picked up a job at a machine shop.

It only took me a few weeks to realize that i was fascinated with being able to cut metal into products with mill's and lathe's.

I didnt go back to school and stayed with what was really interesting to me. Before long i was Into the CNC machines and teaching myself at home on my own time all different cad/cam programs.

I continued to stay with this company for the next 6-7 years learning the lastest technology, how to manage employee's, A medical product line and most of all the In's and Out's of running a company. After my adventure ended there and seeing how and why a company can fold i decided to go work for a few other local machine shops and learn the tool and die skills. This only lasted for a few years as i had bought my own manual lathe and milling machine and put them in my basement (try talking your wife into that one!) The reason i had bought these machines was to build a locking mechanism that i felt i could patent. It wasnt long before i had the concept proved and working. At this point i decided to go into buisness for myself and the great adventure began!!!!

A long story short........... I got my patent...... And now own a medical company with state of the art technology and a product line 10 times larger than the company i started working for :)

Didnt come easy...... I still remember working my 9-5 job then rushing home to build prototypes of my lock till 2 or 3am :( Weekends? What were they? I carried on like this for the first 2 years of my current medical company as well......... It would be dark when i got to work and dark when i left.......

Finally now some of the hard work is coming back to me... I have built a company rather than a job :) So now i can enjoy things like fishing more often than if i were to be stuck working for someone else.


Cheers and good luck.


I will second the statement of getting i job you like and not for its pay. It makes a world of difference if you like what u do for a living.


Doing PhD in biochem....


What I want to do... I have no idea. As long as I can finish up that stupid degree and get out of here. Any job that pays well (ok, at least decent), I dun care anymore.



Things that really suck, in no particular order:

- friends/ppl around think "oh my, u the only ppl i know that do PhD, damn u'r smart"..... while at the same time I kinda hate doing it now

- 1/2 of the friends are getting married, buying apt/house, popping out babies.... and yet I'm still "in school"

- makes little to no money

- ppl asking "so what exactly that u do"..... if I actually try to explain what I do, 1/2 the time ppl won't understand, 1/2 the time they don't really want to know

- parents, even after all these years, ask "so when do classes start?... when'r ur holidays".... hello, I've said it a gazillion times, I DON"T have classes nor school holidays,... I'm doing research!!@#$

- parents asking.... "what exactly that u LOOK (yes they like to use the word "look") at in lab?".... same as point #4 above....

- parents/relatives/friends asking "when'r u graduating"..... gosh plzzzz don't remind me anymore, can I have a somewhat less depressed weekend not having to think about this.....



In, retrospect, maybe I should have gone for a doctor (MD) degree instead.... it's more difficult to get in, but I think it's easier to finish.

Posted (edited)
work with your brain, not your back... the brain lasts longer!


Gotta agree with that one. I'm a Chiropractor!


btw. also a U Waterloo Grad!

Edited by Doctrt

Started out of high school working a warehouse. Great fitness program but hardly a career. Then drove tractor trailer for 6 years. Did enjoy it but got bored. Decided to turn my hobby of working on cars into a career. Went back to school and apprenticed. Been doing it for 24 years. Now have my own shop and a couple guys working with me. Been pretty good job to me. Getting a little tired of it now but it still has lots of good days.

Remember this. No matter what you do or who you do it for you will have good days and bad days at your job. When you absolutely can't stand your job-find something else to do. Retraining is always an option.

Good luck in the future.


I won't say my age, I have no degrees, and now I drive a Subway train, don't mind it, but don't love it either, it pays the bills. Too long to go before I retire, wish I could go back to school....not sure what I'd do at this point though....find something you enjoy what ever you do.




I'm 17 years old still in highschool and i work part time at homehardware in the lumber and building department. In the future i want to get into electrical or plumbing.


I started out working Construction in High school and college. I took Mechanical Engineering but grew tired of it pretty quickly. When I was 19 it was time to find a new job, I found an Elevator company that was close to home so I got a job. Soon after I realized that it was a great choice. I am now 24 and I'm the Service Manager for the company. Turns out the elevator trade is one of the highest paying trades there are. So if you wanna make over $100g's a year get in somewhere. I love my job even though the hours can get long and the jobs may be dirty. One thing you have to remember is that people will always need to get upstairs!


As for my dream job I think like most others I would just like to fish and get paid for it.

Posted (edited)



Sweet job, sometimes challenging but it's nice doing something different everyday, and I find I always learn a thing or two after every job - Pay is great especially when you put in 55-60 hour weeks (but sucks because I have no time to fish)


If you don't mind getting dirty, sweating all day in a hot shop, getting burned or injured, then it's a great trade to get into (If you have some common sense)


oh yeah, for a dream job I would would want to be a cop, so I could harass people and abuse my authority.



Edited by allbusiness

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