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Hey Guys,


Thought i put this post up because im young and still wondering what i wanna do in life... thought it would be interesting to ask everyone:


What do you do for a living?


Maybe a lil description?


Maybe what you wanna do in the future?


Maybe just fish monday to sunday? LOL :Gonefishing:


Heres my story:


Im a 21 year old college graduate from George Brown in toronto. I diid the whole cooking school/chef thing for a couple years. Love food and cooking, but the industry is dirty and not alot of money is swimming around... so im thinking about doing another trade... dont like the idea of more school. Maybe plumbing/electrician (anyone need an apprentice? lol)

Right now I work for a software company that GM hires. I am a customer service rep the for GM Internet program and sit on a phone and computer monday to friday.. I dont mind it. Clean and decent money. More time on weekends to fish now...

Obviously i wanna find a career that makes me alot of money and that im partially happy/interested in...(goodluck cuz im a fickle person) *sigh* Just taking life a week @ a time.

Got in for adversting in school and marketing and stuff. But dont wanna do it. Might take some courses next year in real estate or financial planning, or trades. WHO KNOWS??!?!


lets go fishing


Go Italia Go (euros)


I would love to hear your story...

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I find people jobs for a living! My best advice to you is to find something that you really enjoy and stick with it! You are young enough to be able to make some mistakes, without it affecting your "career".

Money should not be an object of concern at this time, because if you don't like what your doing, the money will never be enough... conversely, if you love what you do, the money will not matter.

One last consideration... pick a field or industry that has longevity... working in the automotive industry might not be the best long term decision!


Ps... I always remember something my mom told me many years ago... work with your brain, not your back... the brain lasts longer!

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Civil Engineering student at the U. of Waterloo. It's a co-op program; I work for 4 months and then go to school for 4 months. Working at an Energy Centre in the meantime helping with some research.


What I want to do? I guess I'd want to be a Civil Engineer lol. (other than fishing 5 days a week)

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Well, in all my 26 years i have learned one thing to pass on to you. Go West My Son, Go West! LOL......seriously...lol again.


Ok, well im a GIS technician and I love it, great hours and am able to have lots of time to hunt and fish. I did at one point work for Fisheries and Oceans Canada, doing Sea Lamprey Control...litterally the greatest job in the world, but hard on family life. If you are looing for a career change, get into a trade...they are in such high demand right now and will be for quite some time, that you will be able to set yourself up good, but dont count school out yet, you are young, as i am still (kind of). I am always thinking about going back to school....its never a bad idea!!


The future well, who knows, just trying to get through each day with a smile!


Forza Azzurri :thumbsup_anim:



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I had a security in the slums for 4 years, company shutdown 2003. Took 2 years off work looking for an opertunity in the bass fishing field, did the CFT for a year or two. Always loved carp fishing and relized that carp is my fish of choice, so I am pursuing my dream, have a few full and partial sponsers I am dealing with, but it's unofficial. Future, well, I will go day by day and see what it brings. If I have to say what I want for the future, high hopes, sponsership by Korda, Fox, and travel to France to catch huge carp. LOL, I'll go day by day.


yes 5 years now with no job, but 150+ days a year fishing. LOL :Gonefishing:




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Heres my story:


I diid the whole cooking school/chef thing for a couple years. Love food and cooking


I've been retired for close to 8 years now but I was a fireman here in Toronto for over 32 years and it's a well known fact that firehall food is excellent, and if your that good of a cook, there may just be a place for you on the Fire Dept. :lol:


You'll never get rich being a fireman, but you'll have a job that you'll enjoy going to every day of your career and there's not many jobs that can offer that.


It's tough to get in, but well worth it if you can make the cut.

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Translator. Working on getting my professional certification. Right now, I'm stuck at a desk and I don't get much done (thanx OFC LOL) and the pay isn't all that great. Once I get that little piece of paper... OH BOY, It's weekends away, everything done wi-fi, and a whole lot more fishing time...


Kewl thread!



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I'm 26 and Law Clerk at a downtown TO firm for just over two years. Can't beat 'em, so I decided to join 'em.lol. Taking my LSAT this Monday (ouch, heart attack). If all goes well I'll be returning to school fall 2009. Where? Any school that I can have access to good fishing nearby, hahahaha.


Never too late to go back to school. If you do it while your young, the chicks should be around the same age B)


Good luck,



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Recent University grad - Convocation was today :thumbsup_anim:


Tutored Managerial Finance part time at my university (still do). Pay is decent for the amount of time spent doing it and helps finance my addiction to high end fishing tackle. Challenging but personally very rewarding.


Currently helping to write DIY manuals on how to assemble and disassemble washing machines and dryers in a language that a grade 6 student would understand. Challenging and boring but the stories you hear about people doing stupid things with dryers keeps me motivated. Hopefully household accidents involving these large appliances will decrease globally because of me.


Dream jobs


- Catalog designer for Sage fly rods or St. Croix rods...Haven't decided yet.

- Fishing rod designer for Harrison advanced rods, Sage or Lamiglas

- Fishing consultant - A consultant to all things fishing

- Jedi Master who uses his powers to abolish evil

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Hopefully the MNR in a few years... Will be going to UNBC for Fish and Wildlife Management... Hopefully it can help me land an enjoyable job, otherwise I will just know a heck of alot of the biology and habits of fish and Big game (look out!)

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I work in a steel factory cutting bevels on pipes for oil well and water well casings. Don't choose factory work cause its going down hill. You work get laid off, then work and get laid off, it sucks. I am changing my career choice as well. Have my ATS testing on July 12th and I am gonna try and get onthe Niagara Regional Police Force. I would consider the fields you are thinking of (Plumber/electrician). There is always a demand for them for sure. You can also make a good living as a plumber or electrician. Good luck in the future.

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Ok here's my story. I went to school for hotel and restaurant management. Got one year under my belt. Went out to Jasper Albeta for a summer (three months). Got a job as a bartender/server. Decided not to go back to school and went to Australia instead for 6 months. Worked there as a bartender.


I then proceeded to go back out to Jasper. Again as a bartender. Then I moved on to Vancouver as a bike rental dude. That lasted 3 months. Ended up back in Jasper. This time as a bike mechanic. Also did some bartending on the side. I then got into being a white water raft guide. Moving into management positions with all three jobs. Man I worked a lot.


Fastforward to here in Brockville. My van broke and I had to get a job to fix it. Spent a winter here in a sports store. In the spring I moved back out to, you got it, Jasper. When the summer was over I headed back east to a job in the sports store again. I then got the oportunity to manage a new bike shop in town.


After a year and a half, I bought the business. Going on my third year now. For the most part I love it. Although this spring has been very draining on me as it is really busy. A great problem to have, I am in no way complaining.


I never did finish school. I will never be rich. But I have lived one heck of a life. I have some regrets about not getting the "suit" job, because of the financial stability. But for everything I have seen and done, I would never change a thing.


Moral of the story, live your life. Things always happen for a reason. Your career will find you.

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I'm 25, I do marketing sales and business development for a tech startup in Toronto, we do web/online customer experience/service/interaction management. Lookin to get 2 more years of work experience, and do an MBA. Then go to Dubai or another place in the UAE and make a lot of money in a few years. Then I'm going to come back here, buy a boat and cottage on Stoney Lake, and become a professional bass fisherman. Then i'm going to buy a yacht and sail the world!

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I'm in waste management...or maybe pest control :rolleyes::D:P been doing it for a lil bit and it's the only job that i've wanted to do...Have a BA from the U of Waterloo in Sociology


Have done numerous jobs priorty to getting my dream job.....probation officer, probation and parole officer, child and youth worker, educational assistant...lion tamer, astronaut, body guard, mascot, mr burn's assistance, poochie, immitation krusty.....


oh yeah....according to OMERS...my official retirement date is April 24, 2032

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I am 32 and manage a custom high end home builder.. I went to UWO, Com.Sci. it was pounded in my head from a young age to work smart, not hard.. (this from a construction family) I worked in several IT jobs.. my last one being Network Admin for Globalserv Communications..(Now Primus)


Anyways... I got back into construction of and on back and forth (I started at the tender age of 5 holding ladders etc)... and finally figured out that I loved it..


I spent 3 and a half years under probably one of the toughest, most demanding carpenters you would ever meet.. Perfection was NOT good enough.. He was a English wooden ship builder and cabinet maker.. this guy was tough on me.. But I thank him every day for it!..


Then I shattered my wrist....


Just so turns out that Headhunter here on the board, had a friend that needed someone with my skills... it is not everyday you meet a carpenter with computer skills or visa versa.. we were a perfect match..


I am now his right hand man, have crews under me and life is looking up!


all in all I am still involved in doing what I love, without the blood sweat and tears!



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Ok seriously, not really a thong model. Thankfully for all who have eyesight.


I manage a Residential Heating and Cooling company here in St. Thomas. Work for good people, job is enjoyable, meet lots of interesting people.


However, if I had a choice, I would love to be in the same industry just further east (Kingston - Perth area) or further up north (Sudbury - North Bay area). Like what I am doing just don't like living in this area.


(cough cough - Tinman, know of any openings up your way ;) )

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I am 35, working as IT consulting project manager from past 5/6 years, earlier in my career work as business analyst for 4/5 years. As far as job I love what I do, being a consultant it’s risky at times but the payout is good…

Moved to this part of the world around 10 years ago, got an MBA from University of Dallas, TX, worked in south for around a year and then moved back to lovely T-dot!!

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