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tipping and charters


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I know I said I would'nt but I just cannot help myself..


I manage a custom home builder... when I hand you the bill of 1.9million.. I would like my ten percent tip please.. JUST FOR DOING MY FRIGGEN JOB!... Yes thats right I want my 10-20% tip


Get real these guys CHOSE to do this as a profession, they set their rates so as to earn a profit.. dont give me the Bull about insurance, docking, employee wages etc... as these are pretty much set expenses and are known... so the point is mute.


Cant turn a profit without tips? it is called bankruptcy.


I would have little issue to offer up a few loonies to a kid making 4.95 (below minimum wage) serving me my supper.. as I know the kid gets the $$ directly and not his manager/boss, that is make the real money... only if I was pleased with the dinner.. if the kitchen screws up? no tip..


But I will be damned if I will tip someone for doing their job. Dont like the pay?? get out of the profession


PS how many of you HONESTLY report your "tip" as income to revenue Canada?


I provide a service... and am damn good at what I do.. i easily deserve a 190,000.00 tip... fair is fair right?



Here is a tip for you.. dont tip.



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I know I said I would'nt but I just cannot help myself..


I manage a custom home builder... when I hand you the bill of 1.9million.. I would like my ten percent tip please.. JUST FOR DOING MY FRIGGEN JOB!... Yes thats right I want my 10-20% tip


Get real these guys CHOSE to do this as a profession, they set their rates so as to earn a profit.. dont give me the Bull about insurance, docking, employee wages etc... as these are pretty much set expenses and are known... so the point is mute.


Cant turn a profit without tips? it is called bankruptcy.


I would have little issue to offer up a few loonies to a kid making 4.95 (below minimum wage) serving me my supper.. as I know the kid gets the $$ directly and not his manager/boss, that is make the real money... only if I was pleased with the dinner.. if the kitchen screws up? no tip..


But I will be damned if I will tip someone for doing their job. Dont like the pay?? get out of the profession


PS how many of you HONESTLY report your "tip" as income to revenue Canada?


I provide a service... and am damn good at what I do.. i easily deserve a 190,000.00 tip... fair is fair right?

Here is a tip for you.. dont tip.




:clapping: I agree 100%, prices are there for a reason. There shouldn't be any extra 'hidden' fees.

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So I guess none of you guys tip waitresses or waiters? The price you pay is what you see on the menu?


What's the difference between a waiter/waitress and a 1st mate on a charter boat? If both hourly wages are below average because they depend on tips to make up for it, why not tip the 1st mate?

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So I guess none of you guys tip waitresses or waiters? The price you pay is what you see on the menu?


What's the difference between a waiter/waitress and a 1st mate on a charter boat? If both hourly wages are below average because they depend on tips to make up for it, why not tip the 1st mate?

The thing is that "tips" were originally intended "to insure prompt service" in the food industry, maybe the clients aren't the "cheap" dude's" as someone else mentioned above, maybe the Captains the cheap pr---(thorn) for not adequately paying their employees.

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I'll be doing a few charters this summer. Just wondered what the going rate for tips is.



This thread has been interesting to follow... It is amazing how much controversy the issue of tipping can cause.


When I do something that I truly enjoy, and someone else has added to that enjoyment by working hard to ensure that I leave happy I think nothing of putting in a little extra to say THANKS>


That truly is what it is all about.


However in saying that, I mentioned that my son has been working on Fishmasters boat as a mate. His wage is reasonable and he is learning and that is what keeps him happy. When at the end of the day he receives a tip from one of the clients it tells him that he has done a good job. That is what being in the service industry is about... Doing a good job! Going above and beyond.


There is nothing wrong with letting the people that make your experiences a little better know that you appreciate the effort they put in.


From what I can tell this thread has jumped all over the place from tipping Mates, to the cost of running boats and charters... the original questions was " What is the going rate for tips?" To answer that ... Tips are given not expected... So it is a personal choice...made differently in each and every instance...





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In this country, you tip what you want, when you want, if you want. Every person should follow their own standards. I'm sure that if you didn't tip them, you wouldn't be the first nor the last. I personally tip well when the person puts out effort to make sure everything is good with me whether it's a service or product. It's the same reason i shop locally for most fishing gear, the personal service is worth that extra cost. Do you have to tip the charter, no. And i wouldn't if the guy just sat on his ass and ignored me the whole time we were out. But if it was good service, i would tip well, just as i would in a restaurant. A friend and i frequent a local restaurant going back to our university days. (Mel's Diner heh) Some of the wait staff is amazing, some are mediocre. The best ones we eventually got to know well and tipped them accordingly, sometimes up to 25%-30% of our tab. I don't have a problem with that, especially knowing how certain jobs pay less and they're busting their butts all day.


2 other comments on things i read in this thread.


-it's a myth that tips is an acronym for "to insure prompt service" ...more importantly, it would be wrong even if it was it should be "ensure"


-people who think the charter boats, with rates like those, must be raking in money hand over fist couldn't be farther off. I personally know about 5-6 serious charter people and guess what....they all have full time jobs. Like others have said, it takes a whole whack of money run a full service charter boat. If you think you're going to attract a lot of charters by tossing clients into a 17' open skiff with no amenities, you've got another think coming. My friends who do this run boats between 26' and 36' with a full head, heated cabins, bunks, full instrumentation and they all tell me that the chartering basically keeps their boats in the water for free most years. i.e. it pays for itself + maintenance and not much more.

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I thought I was done here but I will try again . First let me tell you the best tip I ever have recieved is the return Business of some of my 10+ years custermers these guys who come back year after year is the best tip I can recieve.As Jen said I NEVER EXPECT to be tipped , I have not caught a salmon myself yet this year and of all the hundreds of fish that went into the box last year maybe one or two were mine , I learned a long time ago I love the hunt ,I love finding the fish ,day in day out, all kinds of condishions, the fun comes when the plan comes together and I see the faces of the people who truely in joy the chance to catch a fish of a life time (and on my boat you have that chance), THATS MY TIP !!! Now for the deck hand he spends all day (most days if we do a double it will be 14 hours )with people he dosnt know and would never met otherwise and he gets paid a fair wage for it (IM not cheap I pay fare) yes BUT he can make or break a trip . How about getting thrown up on by a seasick custermer whos allso not your idea of a GREAT GUY, hooked in the leg arm or ass,cleaning up an accident in the head,or he can help you land that fish of a life time etc etc I can tell boat stories all day,and if he miss netts your PB !!! . FOR THIS OVER AND ABOVE he USUALLY gets tipped (as I said I hire students from sir sanfod fleming takeing fishers courses , I give them a room aboard the boat for the summer to live and they get first hand experence with fish and can earn money for school)He does not expect to be tipped but I will tell you HE APPRECiATES every cent of it ,(would he do a lesser job if he wasnt tipped ,NO NO NO and more NO not on my boat) as for the amount I dont think it matters to him as much as the fact he got tipped ,that his job was 110 percent ie better than just what you paid for and was reconized , if you do tip ,tip what you feel is fare. AND as an aside for GERRITT I tipped the guy who built my deck , he did a great job over and above what we had agreed (a ffair price at the time but when I saw the finished job I was so impressed) and i grave him a few hundred more for a job well done , I thought it was fair.

Edited by capt bruce
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I'm one of the cheapest dude's you will ever meet.

I would not even think of tipping the owner/ operator.

They have already calculated there cost to make a profit.

As for the deck hand I have and will tip.


Back in the 80's I had a friend that ran a charter on lake O.

From time to time, he would take me out for free and I still tipped

the deck hand.

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Interesting question....In all the Guiding Fishing Adventures I have done of the years I get as much as $100+ in tips or as little as Zero!... I always go out of my way to exceed my customers expectations and 990% of the time get tipped but never do I expect it.


I think it comes down to the client experience in terms of what they learned.. how may fish they caught.. how they were treated etc.


.... Greg.

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Why let other people's opinions decide whether you should tip or not?


You let others pick your wife, husband and job to?


If you feel its right to tip and have the money to burn............tip


If you dont ..........dont....


Now ill please take my tip for the wise advise :)

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