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What is your favorite bug spray?

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Saw in another thread something about bug spray. Well everybody gets bugs when you are camping or out on the water so share what is your most favorite bug spray. I have tried Deep Woods Off and it works fairly good for me but this year i am going to give Muskol a try. It has 23.5% Deet in it.

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Saw in another thread something about bug spray. Well everybody gets bugs when you are camping or out on the water so share what is your most favorite bug spray. I have tried Deep Woods Off and it works fairly good for me but this year i am going to give Muskol a try. It has 23.5% Deet in it.


none....yep...no bug spray for me. Too many chemicals and they scare away the fish. That and after the first 20 bites of the season they don't bother me.


I say...suck it up or wear a skeeter hat.



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me too, as little as possible...if I do put some on it's most likely the Off Skintastic kind I have for the kids....but if I am feeling romantic and want to put out a more manly scent it's Muskol all the way :lol: . I generally try not to use it at all really. They don't usually bug me too much..if it's bad for skeeters at night time I generally just roll myself around in the camp fire smoke for a bit....don't shower for the whole time camping/fishing :P and sit beside as many girls as you can, the bugs like biting them better than boys....seems they are warmer than us so the bugs are more attracted to them.

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I don't use any at all! I do a lot of camping but usually don't get into black fly swarms so it's only mosquitos I have to deal with and they don't bother me much.


On the other hand my recent trip to Bay of Quinte saw quite a few bugs, and the three other people I was with tried out the Burt's Bees all natural bug spray. They were very happy with how it worked and it actually smelled nice compared to many other bug sprays.

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I have not tried this yet but a couple of friends have told me that it works: I am not a great fan of some of the chemicals in the commercial bug sprays.



The best way of getting rid of mosquitoes is Listerine, the original medicinal type. The Dollar Store-type works, too. I was at a deck party awhile back, and the bugs were having a ball biting everyone. A man at the party sprayed the lawn and deck floor with Listerine, and the little demons disappeared. The next year I filled a 4-ounce spray bottle and used it around my seat whenever I saw mosquitoes. And voila! That worked as well. It worked at a picnic where we sprayed the area around the food table, the children's swing area, and the standing water nearby. During the summer, I don't leave home without it.....Pass it on.



OUR FRIEND'S COMMENTS: I tried this on my deck and around all of my doors. It works - in fact, it killed them instantly. I bought my bottle from Target and it cost me $1.89. It really doesn't take much, and it is a big bottle, too; so it is not as expensive to use as the can of spray you buy that doesn't last 30 minutes. So, try this, please. It will last a couple of days. Don't spray directly on a wood door (like your front door), but spray around the frame. Spray around the window frames and even inside the dog house if you have one. Also can be used to dab any bites you receive. It will stop the itching quicker and go away faster.

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If you are sitting out at home...plug in a fan!!! Seriously...it works real well. Debbe and I discovered this a few years ago while trying to sit out one evening and enjoy some time on our front porch. Just like a windy day...lotsa wind....no bugs. However 2 fans would be optimal as a few of the little buggers figure out how to sneak up on you on the leaward side of the fan!!! Other then that go for the highest DEET you can get, but be warned this stuff is NOT good for you. Better to plan outdoor time around those little buggers schedule/peak season's

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I have not tried this yet but a couple of friends have told me that it works: I am not a great fan of some of the chemicals in the commercial bug sprays.

The best way of getting rid of mosquitoes is Listerine, the original medicinal type. The Dollar Store-type works, too. I was at a deck party awhile back, and the bugs were having a ball biting everyone. A man at the party sprayed the lawn and deck floor with Listerine, and the little demons disappeared. The next year I filled a 4-ounce spray bottle and used it around my seat whenever I saw mosquitoes. And voila! That worked as well. It worked at a picnic where we sprayed the area around the food table, the children's swing area, and the standing water nearby. During the summer, I don't leave home without it.....Pass it on.

OUR FRIEND'S COMMENTS: I tried this on my deck and around all of my doors. It works - in fact, it killed them instantly. I bought my bottle from Target and it cost me $1.89. It really doesn't take much, and it is a big bottle, too; so it is not as expensive to use as the can of spray you buy that doesn't last 30 minutes. So, try this, please. It will last a couple of days. Don't spray directly on a wood door (like your front door), but spray around the frame. Spray around the window frames and even inside the dog house if you have one. Also can be used to dab any bites you receive. It will stop the itching quicker and go away faster.



i think i might try this out

and a plus i will smell minty fresh lol

but serious i will test it at let yous all know how well it works

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Hasn't government ruled that all these products have only a certain amount of deet in them now? I recall as a kid when Muskol first came out and it worked amazing...then again what did we have for comparison...the old original OFF (remember them dumb commercials of sticking your arm into the clear box with the mosquitos? LOL) My dad was convinced that the stuff actually attracted the bugs....lol.


My dad used to have a jar of some kind of cream with oil of citronella in it. The smell of it will forever take me back to camping and fishing trips with dad...but effective?....nope.


Now that regulations have put all of the bug repellents pretty much on the same level, I don't imagine there is much real difference (at least of the ones that rely of deet).


For the record tho...I have always used the Deep Woods OFF (once I got over the trepidation from using anything from OFF after the orange stuff) I found it worked best and now that they have the no scent variety, even better!


(Remember the great commercials for Deep Woods....where the people would be out in the middle of nowhere and that deep voice saying DEEP WOODS would make them look around....)

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I also think Muskol is the best spray on the market, however, for those that don't like the chemical, taking 100 mg of vitamin B1 every day (starting well before the season) helps repel mosquitos and those that do bite, the bite itself is small and heals up right away. I've done this the last several yrs and it works noticably well.


Mary Penny

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