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Would any member of this board knowingly post a link that contained a virus?

Big Cliff

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In a recent thread it was suggested that a post by a member of "The old boys club" was allowed to post a link containing a damaging file and the mods allowed it to stay. Well, I have been a proud member of this board since the early days and I highly doubt that ANY of the board members would knowingly post a link to a site that could cause problems. If they did, then they deserve to be banned from this board for life. The key here is "Knowingly".


I defy anyone to show me where a mod has knowingly allowed any post that could be construed as improper for any reason to be allowed to remain just because they are an "Old Boy". If anything they err on the side of caution and that is as it should be as far as I am concerned!

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Agree 1000% Cliff.


The mod's help make OFC what it is. As in any part of our lives there are those we come in contact with, on this board, whose aim is to disrupt and to cause dissent either through wilfullness or immaturity. They will, (and some have been), weeded out and lost their privileges.


There is no old boy's (or girl's) club. Some have been around longer than others and some through their actions and dedication have earned more repect around here than others, that's all....

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If I ever caught anyone posting to a virus..which is debatable whether or not it can happen without the end users relative compliance...I would immediately ban them without hesitation...I don't care who it is.

Quite often there are links posted on the internet that once they reach what is called 'viral state'( that is very, very popular)...an unscrupulous person will switch out the popular image for an infected file, or porn or an ad for something.

Any up-to-date computer, however, will recognize the incoming threat.

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I assume this "rant" you talk of has been removed... cause I can't find anything but a newbie complaining he has to reformat his drive.. which is doubtful since he was still posting. Couldn't figure if he was complaining about the link New Angler had in his signature.... or Doug's link to spam.crap.turdburger.com that is still there and appears harmless. Either way...you sure can't expect the mods to click every link that gets posted here. They do have their own lives to live..... places to go... kids/dogs to feed and chase after.. you get the picture. Stop this ME world in it's tracks and take some responsibility for what you're doing yourself.

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When I posted that link, I just made it up, expecting that it would return a '404 - Page not Found' message. I checked the link, and found that it actually led to a real website that seemed to be a 'parked domain' with a placeholder link page. I didn't and still don't see a risk to other board members by doing that.


Old Boys' Club? Turdburger? Who knew?

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Well, since you've started a new thread about this, allow me, the "newbie" you're trashing to state my position.


It's one thing to have your post deleted. Fine, I can live with that. That's what mods are supposed to do. But it's another thing all together to then start a thread about the deleted post. :huh:


If a mod deleted the post in question, the subject should be laid to rest, in my opinion. After all, that's why it was deleted in the first place right?


Even a "newbie" as you refer to me, got the message. I was prepared to leave it alone, but this thread now proves my point.


Does it make sense that you all should be allowed to discuss my post, when it's not even there for people to judge on it's own merit? Why is it that a "newbie" (me) can have my post deleted, but then you can go to town on the same subject? :dunno:


I say that if you're going to trash someone's post, then leave it there for people to see. Otherwise, zip it as Stoty would say.




First of all, my apologies to the guy who posted the link. I didn't realize that you just made it up, since it was an actual site that I believe infected my computer to boot. But the point of my deleted post was that I was amazed that the original poster's link (newbie) to free fishing lures on RFD got deleted, whereas a long-time member's link to a trojan was allowed to remain in the same thread.


I may have jumped the gun accusing the site of containing a trojan, not sure. What I do know is that shortly after going to that site, a trojan somehow got past my firewall without me clicking on anything on that site. The only other site that I had been on shortly before or shortly after was this one. So I assumed the linked site caused it.


Just for clarification, contrary to what the mod said, there are malware sites that don't require compliance on the part of the user. (I would remove the link just to be safe)


Anyway, I'm happy that the thread in question has turned around and the original poster (a newbie) got the advice that he was looking for thanks to the intervention of Bly who was very kind and helpful as opposed to the others in the thread who had done nothing up to that point but ridiculed the original poster. (a newbie)


Anyway, I do believe that the site contains malware, but I have no way to prove it. You have been warned.


Oh, one more thing - May I ask why do you guys bash "newbies" so much? It's newbies that make your site grow. On one hand you guys brag about how large and active this site is, but on the other hand you make it very unpleasant for the very people who make it continue to grow. That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. :dunno:

Edited by jonnybass
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I think this "old boys club" you guys talk about is a bunch of bunk.


I have been here since the beginning when there was maybe 3 posts every couple days

and I havent once seen anyone bully a new member.


Fact is, I think some of the longest standing members are the most helpful people around.


If you do something that people dont agree with, you will get called on it....makes no difference if

theyre part of this "club" or not.

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I think this "old boys club" you guys talk about is a bunch of bunk.


I have been here since the beginning when there was maybe 3 posts every couple days

and I havent once seen anyone bully a new member.


Fact is, I think some of the longest standing members are the most helpful people around.


If you do something that people dont agree with, you will get called on it....makes no difference if

theyre part of this "club" or not.




I can't believe how many of you guys this clown suckered in.

C'mon boys, he's not for real he's just playing with you :) .


Good luck with a successful lift Louis..


... and New Angler go




somewhere else !


they're referring to the newbie who was asking for help in the thread we're talking about. :rolleyes:

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What??? Solopaddler and Irishfield would be "old boys"?? Hell, I have two sons older than they are! What the hell does that make me?? You should be muzzled just for thinking that!

Johnnybass, get an older person to make you a herbal tea, sit down nice and quiet and chill for a while ok? Noone wishes you any harm at all...I promise. You can even shut down the pooter and when you return, things will still be as they were. We will not have suffered through your absence at all. You'll also find that once you return, we all will have aged just a little tiny bit more.

I don't remember if I had welcomed you when you registered but if I didn't, WELCOME! Looking forward to your REPORTS!


edit: I should make it clear that jonnybass is NOT our shirtless "Johnny Bass" that we've grown to cherish over the years for his obscenely hairy chest and unwaivering political (read Liberal) views. Our Johnny will be back once there's no snow on the ground. Then we can all chant "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE's JOHNNYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

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now wait

solopaddler has be here about a year and one half..hardly in the old boys club.....LOL..a good fisherman who can tell a great story with pictures

Irishfield I think I have been around here 3 times as long or longer, he just posts a lot and helps out anyone who needs it along the way.did I say he post a lot ......I will pay for that one


just because someone around here states his opinion, doesn't mean he's in the old boys club..

I know. cause I'm the doorman for the club........

people around here do state what they think.......it's not a personal attack...just their opinion

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But that's your own fault, Gerritt. I told you not to buy a centerpin!



True I should have listened! LOL..... Ohhh I should not have talked politics with Canadave as well :).... I think my stance on the seal hunt and who in fact owns the arctic might have had something to do with it... Ohhh well live and learn.. My only comeback to him was... I saw you in Bass pyjamas.. lol



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Twilight want in? It'll cost yah though.... 7 years of your free time sounds appropriate LOL


Just kidding...


There really is not some inner sanctum here, there is no conspiracy either..... some people just know each other better.... only reason for that is the time committed by the individual... Some of us have met on many occasions be it on fishing trips, swills or just to help one another out... is there a greater community here at work then just chatting on the board? For sure their is.. and anyone can be a part of it if they choose... All they have to do is be selfless of them selves, Show up at events and network and put yourself out there!..


Trust me not everyone is going to like you, and that is ok! we are all very different individuals.. but you will find the people you feel comfortable with and you too will have more then just the board alone can offer....


I cant say it any plainer..


Put yourself out there... and think of someone other then you're self... and you would be surprised at some of the amazing friendships that can be formed...



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JB you need to buy a Mac I did not get any virus from the link.



I am in the FF club and was not aware of the change of name thanks for the heads up.


All kidding aside the nice weather is here and things will be back to normal soon enough this is a huge family and were disfunctional at most times just stick it out you will see that you are welcome here and we dont come across the same on the puter.


Oh heck maybe its just you LOL JK hope ya stick around to see what this place is like.

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haha Gerritt ....no, no...I do not want in. I like my freedom.


Just to be fair to the newbies as I too was one not that long ago. It does take time to gain some respect and there are certain members who because of the friendships formed, do take a different role when one of their "friends" is being...for lack of a better word...criticized.


Take you and I for example. I hated your guts. hahaha That's not true Gerritt...I am just trying to bring some humour here. But...one time you did tell me something that yes hurt me, but also woke me up. I was utilizing this board to help me with a personal issue. You pointed out to me how wrong it was for me do that. I didn't like hearing it, but I respected you for that. I now attend psycho therapy twice a week, am on anti-depressants and run into walls on occasion. (again just kidding)


There is always something to learn from constructive criticism.

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haha Gerritt ....no, no...I do not want in. I like my freedom.


Just to be fair to the newbies as I too was one not that long ago. It does take time to gain some respect and there are certain members who because of the friendships formed, do take a different role when one of their "friends" is being...for lack of a better word...criticized.


Take you and I for example. I hated your guts. hahaha That's not true Gerritt...I am just trying to bring some humour here. But...one time you did tell me something that yes hurt me, but also woke me up. I was utilizing this board to help me with a personal issue. You pointed out to me how wrong it was for me do that. I didn't like hearing it, but I respected you for that. I now attend psycho therapy twice a week, am on anti-depressants and run into walls on occasion. (again just kidding)


There is always something to learn from constructive criticism.




Ahhhh..... but you are free... Free to associate yourself with whom you feel comfortable with.... with life you will not get along with everybody.. to think so is foolhardy... everyone has their detractors. but you can not let those people define who you are or how you carry/define yourself... Be yourself and you will have already earned your respect....


I am sorry if I hurt your feelings in the past... but the things I told you needed to be said at the time. You seemed like a strong woman that was a touch confused and was coming here looking for advice but being new you were exposing yourself too much, I said what I said to prevent you from taking any more abuse because of the nature of you're posts... I did not post with the intention of hurting your feelings.. infact the exact opposite.. to prevent you from being attacked from the masses... I hope you can see that now.. I also hope you understand my intentions.


I am who I am.. I am opinionated, passionate and sometimes brutally honest... some people can accept me for who I am... some see me as offencive (usually those that have something to hide)... others to be honest wish they could just be like the rest of us.... somehow.. we seem to make this work.. and for that reason they feel the need to try and break it down.


I have made hundreds of great friends on this board.. and sure I got my hand slapped from time to time... but I know they are doing it because they honestly care.... it is when people dont care what you do... that you have to be worried.... why? it means they have given up...


Alot of these people have seen me at my absolute LOWEST... picked me up, brushed me off and helped me along my way... some are still helping me now.. (They know who they are) Alot of people here on this board have not walked in my shoes, or for that matter the shoes of alot of the members here.. and have NO idea the amount of support we have all received... that is what unites us.. The care for one another when the chips are down and a hand to help you get back up...



I owe this board and some of its members WAY more then I could ever describe in this post.


Twilight your in good hands trust me... Your an OFC'r



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When I posted that link, I just made it up, expecting that it would return a '404 - Page not Found' message. I checked the link, and found that it actually led to a real website that seemed to be a 'parked domain' with a placeholder link page. I didn't and still don't see a risk to other board members by doing that.


Old Boys' Club? Turdburger? Who knew?


Yeah, ya gotta watch this douG guy... he's a real rascallion!!!

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