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I just wanted to introduce myself as I have been reading your posts for a while now. I am impressed with the knowledge that everyone openly shares and your friendship for each other. Those are the two main reasons I am posting... and I don't want to work on my report cards. I am a Grade 8 teacher from Chatham who usually fishes from shore for perch and crappie in Lake Erie. I also always work fishing into the vacation when I go to Myrtle Beach, the Florida Keys or Manitoulin Island. This summer I think we are going out east for a few weeks. Thanks in advance for all the help as I am looking for a boat and I am certain to have questions over the next few weeks about that and other matters.

Matt C. B)

  Matt C. said:
who usually fishes from shore for perch and crappie

You got my attention! Welcome to the board and enjoy your time here. :mellow:


"I am a Grade 8 teacher from Chatham"


toughest job ever .. welcome aboard.


Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I feel like I am in detention right now marking Math tests and working on my report cards. Don't get me wrong... I love my students and my job... I'll probably have boat questions tomorrow as I am going to be calling around to some places.

Thanks again....

...Matt C. :Gonefishing:


welcome, glad you joined, im sure you will love it. i am also a teacher grades 9-12 vocational agriculture in southern ohio.




Welcome Matt! You will find what you are looking for here.


Ahh, report cards. I remember what mine used to look like in grade 8:


History: :blink:

Math: :oops:

English: :dunno:

Art: :asshat:

Science: :wacko:


No wonder I never wanted to show my parents!


Welcome aboard Matt.


I always did well in skool. A few bucks will go a long way. A coupla pics of the skool director dressing a sheep in a nightgown don't hurt either.

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