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Gas $1.05 per litre


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Yikes... I wonder if those double decker buses in UK increased their fare. :huh:

YRT is $3, (25cents more) soon enough TTC will increase its fare too.


I'm sure during the summer months, the price of gas will only be higher. SUV + Boat(x2 engines) :s

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Big difference is that we export it to places like the US who sell it for about 1/2 of what we pay for it here in Canada. Yes, I think we are getting ripped off! the UK doesn't have the oil reserves so they have to import it.

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The prediction here is gas prices could hit 4 bucks a gallon this summer, diesel fuel prices are already like 3.70 a gallon. If you have it chances are it moved on a truck, rising transportation prices passed on to consumers. Increased expense to farm and raise food.


Recession? This one might turn into a depression? Not much good economic news here. One way to offset fuel costs, would you like fries with that? Get a second job?


Time to nationalize the oil companies? Our governments can do a more efficient job running them? :clapping:

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Time to nationalize the oil companies? Our governments can do a more efficient job running them? :clapping:



Here, here!


The profits generated by the oil and gas industry are sick. Imagine if the government ran them, along with the banks and insurance companies. We'd pay about half what we do now and get a better product and/or service. Don't believe me? Look at the LCBO...it's run brilliantly.


Some things are too important to be left in the hands of people whose prime motivation is ever increasing profits.

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Time to nationalize the oil companies? Our governments can do a more efficient job running them? :clapping:


Where do you think Bush is generating most of his money? The higher the corporate profits the higher his personal wealth grows. Yes your government is controlling the oil companies. But it is for corporate profits not for the benefit of the people.

The rich get richer. Screw the little guy.

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Yea and who is profiting by billions a year. Here is the little part of the scoop here. Ill give you an example, Husky wants a profit. So they call in a rig, nothing less than 5,000 an hour to operate, rig needs water calls truck in, 500 an hour. Oil company now wants a truck to haul the oil, thousands per load, Oil Well is sanded up, now they need a service rig to clear the tube, 5,000 an hour. Ok , my prices may not be accurate but my point is. Any servicing for the oil companies are costing them big time, but the oil companies are paying them for whatever they want and just add it on the price per barrel and of course also they're piece of the pie. I heard a Rumour that Albertan oil companies were getting ticked by the huge service fees and figured they were going to go into Saskatchewan because it was cheaper. They will, but they will still profit in Alberta. Oil is like Gold, Like the Gold Rush, you have to pay like its Gold. I just think that if there was any kind of control, the prices wouldn't be as high, change a dime a litre at a time, go up when a yardbird predicts a storm and any other bull crap excuse. So take your school economics and use some common sense. We are being Gouged.

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Rofl gotta laugh at the people dont know a clue about economics and come up with these absurd conclusions, #1 rule of economics markets are the most efficient way of allocating scarce resources not the government.



Actually, the very definition of economics the study of how scarce resources are allocated. Look it up if you like. The free market being the best tool for doing this is an merely economic THEORY, to which many economists do not subscribe.


Rofl indeed.

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Here, here!


The profits generated by the oil and gas industry are sick. Imagine if the government ran them, along with the banks and insurance companies. We'd pay about half what we do now and get a better product and/or service. Don't believe me? Look at the LCBO...it's run brilliantly.


Some things are too important to be left in the hands of people whose prime motivation is ever increasing profits.



You gotta be kidding, right? Sounds like communism...how did that work out? The LCBO might not be your best example, since we pay about double for our booze compared to the US.

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You gotta be kidding, right? Sounds like communism...how did that work out? The LCBO might not be your best example, since we pay about double for our booze compared to the US.


Above is the quickest way to $2.50/litre gas.

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Actually I was kidding about our government taking over, neither side of congress has a very good record of running up anything but debt.


A natural resource? If you look at the history, back when we had our own oil, congress gave the oil leases away for a song to the influential.

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The law of supply and demand...............something is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.


As long as we insist on driving vehicles that use fuel at the rate of 10-15 miles per gallon (myself included). We in North America are consuming the majority of the global oil supply. It seems fitting that perhaps we should pay for it? Oil is a global commodity.


Yes, gasoline in the UK is approaching $10 an imperial gallon, however they drive gasoline fueled cars that on average achieve 35-45 miles per gallon. Most "fleet" (company owned) cars are diesel. European diesel powered cars are much more economical yet.

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@bonghits lol 90 % of economists prescribe to markets being the most efficient way.



Where exactly are you getting that figure? Did you just make it up? Come on, be honest. And what do you mean by "markets"? Are you speaking of the "free market"?, because by definition, any venue in which goods or services are exchanged is a "market".


So...if what you meant to say was that a lot of economists agree that an unfettered free market is the best way to ensure that the relationship between supply and demand remain natural, you are correct. That does not in any way change the fact the many economists do not subscribe to that theory.


Also, the oil and gas companies form an oligopoly. As such, they are not affected by certain free market factors, it could be argued that they in fact exist outside the free market. We've all noticed that unlike just about any other industry, the gas companies do not compete with each other on price. The "rules" simply don't apply when it comes to these guys. They know its not possible for some "little guy" to come along to undercut their outrageous prices, so they are free all get fat and happy together. It's called collusion, and although very hard to prove, completely illegal.


If the oil and gas giants actually competed with each other, and consumers benefited in the form of getting the lowest possible price for the best quality product available, then I'd be all for leaving things as the are. That's obviously not the case though. They can't be counted on to stop screwing us on their own, someone has to step in and (sadly) our only hope is our own government.


As far as the LCBO goes, like most things, alcohol is more expensive in Canada than in the US. That is true, no doubt about it. But that has more to do with things like higher taxes (which the LCBO merely collects, not levies) and not really anything to do with the fair and reasonable mark-up that the LCBO applies. Have you noticed that wine at the grocery store costs almost exactly the same as at the LCBO?


Hey...maybe I'm wrong. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, right? The only thing we ALL agree on is that it's fun to fish. By that fact alone, any one of you are welcome in my shed any time.

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