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Is Fishing a Sport?


Is Fishing a Sport?  

119 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Fishing a Sport?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Depends...
  2. 2. Are Pro Fishermen Atheletes?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Depends...

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I can see many people have never been in a bass boat or have done a tourney


try going across the lake at 70 mph in 3ft waves for an hour there then fish all day and do the run again

there morning starts at 4 in the morning and ends about 10 or 11 at night..


and you have done the same thing the last 5 days..

tomorrow you are going t pack everything up drive the truck and trailer 600 miles to the next tourney and prefish for 4 days , then do a 3 day tourney......, most of those guys would cut those 2 cords of wood before breakfast and still get out fishing......you have no idea.........and for the record I got out of pro fishing cause I couldn't take the pace...

well that's one pf the reasons.........and I cut , split and burnt my own wood for 12 years


First off why are driving 70mph in 3ft waves? Because you have a MOTOR that can push you that fast.... It isn't like you are rowing the boat..... You drive the boat you fish a little you race back to the weigh in. If it takes 16 to 18 hrs, so what? I bet there are tons of people on here who WORK just as long with their commute and they do it daily. Still doesn't make tournament fishing a sport in my view. This just a friendly discussion no need to for anyone to get upset, either I am probably not going to convince anyone I am right but they dang sure aren't going to change my mind either. Opinions are like donkey holes everyone has one....

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I gotta agree with Terry, Garry2rs and a few others. I have a good buddy who fished the PWT for about 5 years, as both an amateur and a Pro.

Four days of pre-fishin some of the nastiest conditions ( read Lake Erie with a 40 MPH west wind...) then, three days of fishin in THUNDERSTORMS, fighting 9 footers.. well I know my feeble body would have tossed in the towel pretty early on in that debacle!

Then, as mentioned, pack 'er all up, drive to Wisconsin and start it all over again! It does a real job on body and machine!

I've got a real measure of respect for folks who choose to make a living this way... so I say Sport! :Gonefishing:


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well I am not upset

I thought we were having a discussion.......

but by your definition baseball and most other SPORTS all can be looked at as a job

so the guy who rides a bike race for 24 hrs. well it isn't a sport..cause lots of people work 24hrs strait....people can twist anything they want.......

but I say it's a sport by definition and by Gov. standards.........so fishing is a sport...


I knew a few guys wives that were a sport...we could talk about that



Oh and of course being a lawyer is a sport


haven't you seen how fast ambulances go

Edited by Terry
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Athletes come in many shapes and forms, my side is not to claim that tournament anglers are great athletes, the question was is fishing a sport, and I find it amazing how guys want to change the meaning of something to fit their side of an argument, Garry your first part of what a sport is,is outlined in the dictionary as to the meaning of the word sport, the addition you added to the deffination is your interpetation of the meaning, that the great thing about words is they can be siad so many was to mean so many things, thats way there are dictionaries to tell us want the words mean, and in every dictionary of the english language, FISHING IN A TOURNAMENT IS A SPORT, so what part of the english language are some of you having a hard time with, No one has said that anglers are world class athletes by any means but if you take the meanings of SPORT and ATHLETE , tournament fishing is both, so twist the language any way you want, its not if tournament fishing is a sport its, if your OPINION is if it is a sport

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I've always thought of fishing as my mental health therapy...


What else can one do where the only care in the world you have is whether some dumb old fish will get caught on your hook ?...(and if you don't put no bait on your hook, you don't have to worry about that either...)


Doesn't sound like much of a sport to me but I sure enjoy doing it...


This don't look like much of an athlete to me... :blush:





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well I am not upset

I thought we were having a discussion.......

but by your definition baseball and most other SPORTS all can be looked at as a job

so the guy who rides a bike race for 24 hrs. well it isn't a sport..cause lots of people work 24hrs strait....people can twist anything they want.......

but I say it's a sport by definition and by Gov. standards.........so fishing is a sport...


I knew a few guys wives that were a sport...we could talk about that

Oh and of course being a lawyer is a sport


haven't you seen how fast ambulances go


All professional sports are a job by the definition of being paid for doing them.... Baseball is a past time though as in the great American past time. As a sport it is far past its time too but that is another thread.


I don't agree with many definitions in lots of dictionaries.... maybe that is why it takes me 20 minutes a day instead of 5 minutes to do the Washington Post, Toronto Sun, and Toronto Star crosswords that doesn't make it a sport.


By the definition in the dictionary, scrabble competitions, spelling bees etc, etc are sports. I don't watch them on ESPN either.


No comment about the wives who are sports I am too old to run down driveways, and through backyards jumping fences anymore when their husbands get home.....


Lawyering seems to more about winning than justice these days. I have to say though if I need a lawyer I want one will win whatever it takes LOL.

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Interesting debate for sure....


I guess if Golf, Bowling, Darts, and all billards are a sports then I s'pose Fishng Should be as well.

Just a different kind of sport perhaps?


For exsample


Car races=Motor sports

Pool=Billiard sports

Hockey=Athletic Sport

Wrestling=Sports entertainment

Ballroom Dancing=Olympic Sport


Could the term Natural Sport not describe Fishing?


Although I can acknowlage the pure fact it is Technically a sport I definatly would not consider it to be an

athletic sport...if that makes scence?


In other words I enjoy it as a hobby, and a its a huge source of enjoyment for me...but I would never consider what I do to be athletic.

Its most definatly good exersice to get out and walk the tribs, and paddle the canoe etc...


Its kind of like my Parents calling me their Baby...

Yes I am Technically, but I am hardly an infant at 31 years old.

(although My wife might disagree :whistling: )


I would love to see proffessional tourny with no motors allowed though!

Imagine paddling the canoe across the lake in 3 footers to get to the best spots first, then fishing spot to spot.....now THAT would be an athletic sport!!!!


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Not a sport and Not Athletes. Fishing is a past time at best...energetic tho it maybe. If it wasn't for the laws there would be no rules. Originally it was a method for getting food....that time has past for the most part, but it's still not a sport.


Pro-Fisherman arn't athletes. When Im guiding I work about 98 hours a week...about 60 hours of that is strickly on the water...I get paid, am I a pro athlete? NO WAY! Could you make the argument??? Yup. But that doesn't mean it's a sport or that i'm an athlete.


Just because there is compition involved, that doesn't mean it's a sport either, Or else a bunch of guys i went to college with are athletes in sports no one would play....


i suppsoe it's a personal opinion thing. But i think fishing is more of a past time or a hobby...


As far as the Dictionary goes...my name isn't Webster or Oxford, so it doesn't apply to me!



Edited by Ramble On
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that's 2 years of college and 2 years of university so far...And there is nothing wrong with my logic.... My dictionary comment was ment to be a joke.


Do a little research into lauguage, it's a fluid thing constantly chaning and evolving...in some cases simplifying. (That's not ment to be an attack)My point is, the defintion of sport in todays society does NOT appy to things like fishing and hunting. THAT is a different kind of Sport in my book. Just because you can make the subject conform to some defintion does NOT mean that it applies. Maybe we need to invent a new word for "things" like fishing?



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