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Cursing and garbage talk on the water


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I don't know about any of you but it pains me these days to hear the filth coming out of people's mouths especially when kids are around or even for those who are sensitive to this kind of talk. For example I hear Jesus' name being taken in vain, oh, about every other second and the people who talk this way seem to think nothing of it. I also particularly hate it when the racist remarks fly fast and furious. What about when a young dad has come out to enjoy a little ice fishing with his young kids. People are so ignorant that they either don't care or seriously don't see anything wrong with their behaviour. I can't even imagine what the little kids are thinking. We all know they're sponges and they pick up on EVERYTHING, every little thing that's said or not said. When I hear someone talking like this they seem to me, to be uneducated, not trustworthy........What do you all think? Does this bother you?



Sorry, I just need to let off some steam cause this stuff is getting to me. Free speech is good but not everything that's said is useful or appropriate.

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While I think sometimes the "trucker" comes out in us when amongst the guys.. We know that stuff does not fly around the wife... there is a sort of freedom when hanging out with the guys... no wife telling you to watch your language, calling a guy a homo when amongst the guys is considered acceptable... as we all know it is in jest.


Now dont get me wrong sometimes things slip... and I am not saying F every second word.. but there is a bit of freedom involved when your out with the guys... you drink more then normal, you swear a bit more.. heck you might even mention something about the cute well endowed waitress serving you.... none of this flies when with the wife..



as for the kids around.. well that is another issue.. I know I have been reminded on several occasions about letting something slip out... Like damn or as you said Jesus Christ..


I am human and I do err.


for the most part though I try and be mindful of what I say especially now with a 2 year old in the house... and it helps to have friends with kids as well as they tend to remind you LOL right Chris?



But guys will be guys and when not under the wifes thumb, well sometimes we tend to relax a bit knowing there will be no nag..



Edited by Gerritt
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It doesn't bother me, and I live with it, people have thier own ways, I don't cry about. If this bothers you so much, and it does because you posted it here, do something about it, ask them to keep it down, I am sure they will understand. I would understand if you asked me to keep my curseing to a min.




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HAHAHAHAH Maybe write in to Dr Phill and whine ,or pack up and move your gear and youngen where no ones talking and saying those bad bad things,or maybe write a letter to a member of parliment maybe they can pass a bill to the extent if anyone uses those words they will be required to give a nickle no a quarter to charity or a church or

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Goober. I agree with you. But it seems like Gerritt says when I am with the guys it does slip out easier. Although the Lords name in vain is extremely rare from me. I do pay attention if children and ladies are present and watch my speech. It does bother me as it does you if my family is nearby a group that does not pay attention to this.

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HAHAHAHAH Maybe write in to Dr Phill and whine ,or pack up and move your gear and youngen where no ones talking and saying those bad bad things,or maybe write a letter to a member of parliment maybe they can pass a bill to the extent if anyone uses those words they will be required to give a nickle no a quarter to charity or a church or

That was a very insensitive thing to say. If you are on the lake and some lout is going by in a boat bare assed, mooning you suggestively, you might be offended because the behaviour is rude. This is no different, that use of language and actions are inappropriate especially when there is a child nearby, as you're the adult and it is your responsibility to act appropriately.

I am surprised that someone on this board could be such a tactless boor. Shame on you! :glare::glare:

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While I think sometimes the "trucker" comes out in us when amongst the guys.. We know that stuff does not fly around the wife... there is a sort of freedom when hanging out with the guys... no wife telling you to watch your language, calling a guy a homo when amongst the guys is considered acceptable... as we all know it is in jest.


Now dont get me wrong sometimes things slip... and I am not saying F every second word.. but there is a bit of freedom involved when your out with the guys... you drink more then normal, you swear a bit more.. heck you might even mention something about the cute well endowed waitress serving you.... none of this flies when with the wife..

as for the kids around.. well that is another issue.. I know I have been reminded on several occasions about letting something slip out... Like damn or as you said Jesus Christ..


I am human and I do err.


for the most part though I try and be mindful of what I say especially now with a 2 year old in the house... and it helps to have friends with kids as well as they tend to remind you LOL right Chris?

But guys will be guys and when not under the wifes thumb, well sometimes we tend to relax a bit knowing there will be no nag..




Very well said!

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That was a very insensitive thing to say. If you are on the lake and some lout is going by in a boat bare assed, mooning you suggestively, you might be offended because the behaviour is rude. This is no different, that use of language and actions are inappropriate especially when there is a child nearby, as you're the adult and it is your responsibility to act appropriately.

I am surprised that someone on this board could be such a tactless boor. Shame on you! :glare::glare:



are you kidding me id LOL ,ease up fellas your all wound so tight about NOTHING loosen up your neckties take off your skirts enjoy life a little,heck sometimes up here in the north we even SPIT damm us

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HAHAHAHAH Maybe write in to Dr Phill and whine ,or pack up and move your gear and youngen where no ones talking and saying those bad bad things,or maybe write a letter to a member of parliment maybe they can pass a bill to the extent if anyone uses those words they will be required to give a nickle no a quarter to charity or a church or


All I have to say is wow. I don't go to church and I swear as much as the next guy, but still I'm not an idiot. I think I've said enough.

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I learnt most of my best swear words while fishing with my dad and grandfather...... First time I ever heard dad say the f'bomb I was trying to set the hook on a bass while we fishing, we were using some slightly rotten frogs up north, the bass didn't like the smell so they would take the frogs and move them out of their territory so you couldn't set the hook. Anyhow I reefed back the line came flying out of the water and landed in my dad's lap. Scared him witless and he told me if I ever did that again he would blanking slap me..... I didn't do it again but I did enjoy seeing my uncle just about fall out of the boat trying not to laugh.... When I got home I quickly found out when I got home that those words weren't for use in front of grandma or my mom. Great memories I am thinking about all the fun times we guys had out fishing.... and the language was a part of it.


For any parent who is worried about their kids hearing salty language on the pier I do try to go a little easier if their are kids or ladies around. Although in my opinion most of the uptight parents would have a heart attack if they heard what their kids yell all the time on the playground these days.... (I hear some words for the first time when I deliver to schools and the elementary ones are just about as bad as the highschools.)

Edited by Canuck2fan
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I think there a a big difference between someone shouting curses and vulgarity and a someone overhearing a conversation in normal tones between two people in a boat. I try my best to not broadcast the fact I curse to everyone around but if im talking to my buddies 5ft away and someone catches it im not overly upset.

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I think there a a big difference between someone shouting curses and vulgarity and a someone overhearing a conversation in normal tones between two people in a boat. I try my best to not broadcast the fact I curse to everyone around but if im talking to my buddies 5ft away and someone catches it im not overly upset.



Jay your a good man. I would be more then happy to share my 5 sqf of ice with you any day! I remember.. "are you cold?" "yeah" then I think I responded "i am friggen cold" as I lay on the ice with my back to the wind... good times! but I did not say friggen.....


it was brutal that day fellas and me being the considerate man I am opped earlier to leave my hut @ home so the others had room for theirs in my truck..... PS.. Goran does not have a hut.. he has the Taj Mahal! LOL




anyways back to the point...


All in all we all curse... it is a fact...


well unless your Mary Poppins or something... come to think of it.. perhaps she said sugar so often as a replacement for another less attractive word... hey! I have an idea.. use the word sugar to get around OFC's word sensors! :thumbsup_anim:


but your right it need not be broadcast across the entire lake as Jay pointed out..


some people see the word damn as offencive... others see using our lords first name as offencive, others need to have 19 4 letter words used at once screamed from the top of your lungs while standing on their heads as something to be offended about...


it is all a matter of YOUR individual perception...



Edited by Gerritt
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it's only words, and words are all I have


I think more and more all these swear words "bad words" are becoming more a part of our excepted language


I see kids with parents and kids infront of teachers, swearing and no one says a word.....in my day you would get your mouth washed and a smack up the side of your head......

it doesn't make it OK

but it's life so who gives a ssssssscrap

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Hmmm, tough one! I for one am not religious, nor do I pay particular attention to censoring myself. Dunno, maybe its just me, but the way people are raised surely influences their conduct anywhere, anytime. I'm sure there are many words that many people dont consider "bad"...but others do??!!?? I can't say I'll go out of my way to "watch my mouth", but when someones got a problem with it, and they mention that, its not hard to compensate for them. Really, it cant be expected that everyone is like everyone else, or that anyone knows anyone else is offended by language being used. I think if you've got a problem with it, you best speak up or move along....its everyones world, and we're all different!!


And I can agree with Terry....."bad" language is language, plain and simple......

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only saints have pure thoughts and express devine ideas , as for those on earth, there's another reality. i catch myself cursing now and again in my daughter's presence, apoligize, move on. she' 15 so she gets it .don't like that it happens but i'm no saint .i do make a solid effort to watch this slip and i definitely consider other parents and their children when in ear-shot . i appreciate others doin' the same , but we're only human.

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As with most things in life,there is a time and place for most things.Nothin wrong with scratching where it itches and fartin when you want to.Just a good idea to look both ways first!The tykes prolly already heard the words at school,part of learning to cuss is learning when not to.The time to not cuss is when the tykes are within earshot.


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Jay your a good man. I would be more then happy to share my 5 sqf of ice with you any day! I remember.. "are you cold?" "yeah" then I think I responded "i am friggen cold" as I lay on the ice with my back to the wind... good times! but I did not say friggen.....


it was brutal that day fellas and me being the considerate man I am opped earlier to leave my hut @ home so the others had room for theirs in my truck..... PS.. Goran does not have a hut.. he has the Taj Mahal! LOL




Taj Mahal! BAHAHAHA!!! i'm pretty sure that thing took up more than half of the back of your truck! hahaha


i remember that day well, when that wind picked up, damn, it was stinking freezing!

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I can't even see how there is room for debate here. If you want to swear in front of your own kids that's unfortunate but it happens if you lack discipline. I lack discipline and swear in front of my own son sometimes. But I don't toss around curses in front of my brothers kids or strangers kids. Why? Because it's completely disrespectful, not only of the kids but of their father or mother who decides what is considered appropriate language for them. You wouldn't cuss and swear in the presence of a group of old people because common sense tells you it's inappropriate and disrespectful. Should be the same for kids. I know we're all gulity of it but let's not try to justify it.

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Its Respectfull to tone down your Lanquage in the company of Children and basic common decency If you asked me?


I have been known to spit more filth then a sewer pipe when I'm drinking with the boys...just ask the wife LOL!

But when there are Children around or I'm in the general public I have enough control and respect for the folks around me to know better.


Any one who can't understand the difference between the right and wrong times to display such behavior is either not smart enough to know better or their a idiot plain and simple....


I'm all for a good hoot, and a little rugged potty talk.

And if your cool talking like that to YOUR Children...so be it

But in front of some one elses children...there are NO exuses for such ignorance.

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