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Joe... tell me what office is his.. I will (A) Have a hole cut into the floor, all you have to do is push a button... or (B ) I will accidentally remove the caulk etc from the floor to ceiling windows :) then he can run at em.... He'll only do it once though... as he would be splattered on Richmond St!


Just say the word!


PS.. The new place is coming along nicely I got the guys on the job and started this morning.


Now the real question comes...... What paint colour?!? I saw alot of purples on the wall LOL!



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Does he smoke? If not, it's possible, he considers this his smoke break ( you know what I mean ).

I go to a jobsite and after lunch there is one fella ( non smoker ) that reads a book for an additional 30 minutes. When asked why he's not back to work he says he's taking his smoke breaks all at once.

Seems, pretty hard to argue with that. LOL

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Does he smoke? If not, it's possible, he considers this his smoke break ( you know what I mean ).

I go to a jobsite and after lunch there is one fella ( non smoker ) that reads a book for an additional 30 minutes. When asked why he's not back to work he says he's taking his smoke breaks all at once.

Seems, pretty hard to argue with that. LOL


I have a solution for that one. Rip the last three pages out of his book when hes not looking. Seen it done it.

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Holy Cr@p what kind of hippy juice is your employee drinking? Tell him to leave for work 35 minutes earlier and then he will make it on time. I average 53 hours a week and can count on one hand and have several finger left over the number of times I have missed a delivery in the past 8 years.



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I got this in an email recently, perhaps your employee got it too? A tad long, but....


No need to resort to tea leaves


Some tips to help discern if you are to be sacked


Howard Levitt, Financial Post Published: Wednesday, January 16, 2008


With the crack in the economy increasingly get bigger, many employees have reverted to reading the tea leaves, attempting to


divine their job security. They need not do so.


Here are some signals you are about to be dismissed: - Your managers find fault with you for matters that before barely merited


comment. When your employer turns on you, managment will find virtually everything about you irritating. However, a pattern of


this behaviour may give you grounds for a preemptive strike -- a lawsuit for constructive dismissal or negligent infliction of mental


stress (vernacularly called harassment); - You are shut out of decision-making. Having decided to fire you, your employer


appreciates you will not be around to implement those decisions. As well, for the very reason you are being dismissed, the


employer has developed little regard for your input. Like many of the "signals" below, reducing your responsibilities and


involvement are the classic indicia of constructive dismissal. If a case for cause is being built up, many employers mistakenly do


such things in advance, giving the employee the opportunity to pre-emptively resign and sue. The employee transforms an


inevitable weak dismissal case into a strong constructive dismissal one. - Your superiors avoid you. You are not invited to


meetings and are no longer in the e-mail chain. They even avoid you in the hallway. What discussions you have become more


formal and less spontaneous. - Small talk with peers is less frequent. Employees intuit who is out of favour and avoid them. - You


are not provided with new long-term assignments; - Your duties are stripped. This can take many forms including, some of your


duties being allocated to others, not receiving assignments you formerly would have, having assistants brought in to learn your


job, or being transferred to a less important position. In addition to suing for constructive dismissal, the court may well react by


awarding bad faith, or punitive, damages to the employee. - You receive poor performance reviews, bonuses or a below standard


raise, if you get one at all. This invites law suits for monies that should have been paid. Ostensibly bonuses and salary increases


are at the employer's discretion, but such decisions must be made in good faith. - Managers become abusive. Those who have yet


to become aquainted with the law of constructive dismissal, still try to harass staff into resigning.

--- - Howard Levitt, counsel to Lang Michener LLP, practises employment law in seven provinces and is author of several texts, including The Law of Dismissal for Human Resources Professionals, recently released.

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I’m surprised to see how everyone flames the guy without even knowing him, now I don’t say that being late is good, but I think it’s up to headhunter to decide if this employee is beneficial or not for the company. If being late and getting 15 min more sleep makes the employee work at 120% all day, who cares I would even buy him coffee. I’ve seen some guys coming to work on time but doing “email checking” for half an hour, taking smoke breaks every hour or so and chitchatting with colleagues. And there is this one guy who comes in late, but turns into work the moment he sits down on the chair and does same amount of work if not more than two of his colleagues.

But like I said headhunter its up to you to decide, not someone else, cause only you can do pro’s and con’s. Don’t be too harsh ;)

p.s. being late is always good excuse to avoid the raise

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I’m surprised to see how everyone flames the guy without even knowing him, now I don’t say that being late is good, but I think it’s up to headhunter to decide if this employee is beneficial or not for the company. If being late and getting 15 min more sleep makes the employee work at 120% all day, who cares I would even buy him coffee. I’ve seen some guys coming to work on time but doing “email checking” for half an hour, taking smoke breaks every hour or so and chitchatting with colleagues. And there is this one guy who comes in late, but turns into work the moment he sits down on the chair and does same amount of work if not more than two of his colleagues.

But like I said headhunter its up to you to decide, not someone else, cause only you can do pro’s and con’s. Don’t be too harsh ;)

p.s. being late is always good excuse to avoid the raise



I have to agree here. Perhaps HH you should speak to him why he is late on a regular basis? Does he do his work very well? It maybe irritating for you, but it maybe a beneficial to you to speak to him on a regular level. Give er a go. Mind you, he could just be a slacker?

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A little light humour here:


Government Job Interview -


A guy goes to the Post Office to apply for a job.


The interviewer asks him, 'Have you been in the service?'


Yes, he says. 'I was in the armed forces for three years.'


The interviewer says, 'That will give you extra points toward employment,' and then asks, 'Are you disabled in any way?'


The guy says, 'Yes, a mortar round exploded near me and blew my testicles off.'


The interviewer tells the guy, 'OK. I can hire you right now. The hours are from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. 'You can start tomorrow. Come in at 10:00 A.M.'


The guy is puzzled and says, 'If the hours are from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, then why do you want me to come in at 10:00 AM?'


'This is a government job,' the interviewer says.


'For the first two hours we stand around scratching our balls. No point in you coming in for that.'

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Holy Cr@p what kind of hippy juice is your employee drinking? Tell him to leave for work 35 minutes earlier and then he will make it on time. I average 53 hours a week and can count on one hand and have several finger left over the number of times I have missed a delivery in the past 8 years.




jj, not everyone shows up 8 hours early for work and sleeps in his office. You're just weird!


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Joe, there is a sympathetic ear in the halls of the Ministry for employees like this. Before taking disciplinary action you should consider spending a lot of documented time trying to rehabilitate this guy. I threw up just a little in my mouth while typing this but if you teminate this guy and he goes the "wrongful dismissal" route, he can claim that his tardiness and behaviour was supported by your inaction. That's what you get for being a good boss.

If he's been late everyday for a year without recourse you may need to wipe the slate clean... Example:

In writing...

A one year probation

3 lates in a month - warning

5 lates in a month - suspension

10 lates in a month - dismissal

Start over at the beginning of each month.

This should be more than reasonable to anyone and displays a willingness to rehabilitate. I hope this clown is worth it!


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So Joe at what point has this employees time become more valuable than yours? He is causing you to lose up to 35 min distracted from the job that you are suppost to be doing. Now he will be costing the manpower to document his dismissial? You would be amazed at the energy that he is sapping from you and the people that work around him. Their are to many good people who want his job around to keep him their cut your losses and send him out the door as soon as you can. I know that non of this is new info I just wanted to help you like you have helped alot of people in the past.




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Thanks everyone for your input and humour! I have been documenting this guy for three months. I am fully aware of government legislation with respect to wrongful dismissal etc... .

On a personal level, I find his actions to be insulting, de-motivating to my other staff and just down right rude. The circumstances revolving around our office don't put me in a position to let him go at this time, however, I am on that path and expect it to happen sooner than later.

I appreciate all the advice given here, most of it very sound. The reason I posted it in the first place was because his latest excuse bordered on the absurd! I just had to pass it along to you folks!


I arrived at work 15 minutes early, as usual. No message that said employee was going to be late. At five to nine, I found a candle, light it up and put it on his desk, hoping that it would "burn off my negativity" toward his tardiness... waste of wax! He showed up 10 minutes late! I asked him why late today? His answer... wait for it... he fell twice on black ice on the way to work! Here's the bonus... he only lives two blocks from the office!

I'll update you guys if we verge on the absurd again!


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People who are chronically late are only doing it out of disrespect to everyone else who makes the effort to show up on time. Also by being constantly late they are showing that they are important enough to control any situation. So what you have to ask yourself on behalf of the company is this individual more important than every other employee including the management? If not follow the proper steps and begin termination proceedings as per the companies and more importantly the Ministry guidelines. It sounds like you will probably have a wrongful termination fight on your hands but that might be worth it just to show the other employees that they are being REWARDED for showing up on TIME. Everytime that guy is late it really is a slap in the face to the others you have who are there doing their job at the proper hour.


I once had an employee who was late all the time. He wouldn't switch shifts to afternoons either because his boyfriend wanted him home to cook supper..... Anyway upper management bought him an alarm clock as a gift, that didn't work. So what did management do? They rolled back the start time opened the dining room later to accomodate this individual. I protested that to no avail as I asked why don't we just fire him?. The answer was that because his boyfriend was wealthy and could probably hire a better lawyer than the company afford they just had to hope that eventually he would quit.... (also they were terrified that it would become a human's right case on account of him being gay" So after they rolled back the start time he just started coming 15 minutes later than that..... Eventually when he asked for a raise and I recommended only .25¢ per hour his boyfriend made him quit because we obviously didn't value him as an employee. So there are ways to make a trouble maker leave and not have the company be exposed to any liability.

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Tomorrow he'll ask you for WSIB forms for his injury caused only by his need to get to work Joe.


Do yourself a favour...pay him what ever weeks you would owe him in lieu of layoff notice and get him out of the office TODAY! And replace him with someone that wants a job... I'm sure you know a good employement agency that can find you a replacement! :D

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Show up late for work and get the rest of the day off WITHOUT pay. It worked for me. She hasn't been late since.


Two years of military service would help.



That's the way it was when I was coming up. There's a barefooted man sitting outside the gate that wants your job!


It's not like that today though, you have to molly-coddle them a little nowadays.


First time: Verbal reprimand.


Seond time: Written reprimand, and I also like to dock them 30 min more and make them sit on the sidelines and watch until that 30 min. is up.


Third time: I can can ya like a Tuna... but I'll make exceptions if you're a hard worker when you're there or at least try hard and/or a skilled craftsman (good help is hard to find these days.) These people will usually be docked an hour or sent home for the day without pay. People tend to "tighten up" when you start getting into that wallet/pocketbook.


If you're a slackard, it's usually easier for me to make you quit than it is to fire you. This usually happens the first or second time I make them siphon out the Port-O-Lets with an 8' piece of garden hose. :o



If I can drag my sorry butt out of bed and be to work on time every day... so can you!!!

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Is there such thing as a "good employment agency"? LOL People are funny! They really are so entrenched in their own world, they just don't get it when they are forced to enter the "real world". I think I need a bigger candle! :rolleyes:



I agree with this....employment agency's are the worse....well at least in Niagara they are. They get the worse jobs you can imagine, and then pay guys 8 and 8.5 an hour to do these terrible jobs that make you feel like your worthless but you have no choice but to do them until another job can arise, otherwise you can lose your house and everything. Down here the company gets anywhere from $16-$19 per hour and only pays out $8-9 an hour. How do they expect people to live on this! Like HeadHunter said they only care about themselves!

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I agree with this....employment agency's are the worse....well at least in Niagara they are. They get the worse jobs you can imagine, and then pay guys 8 and 8.5 an hour to do these terrible jobs that make you feel like your worthless but you have no choice but to do them until another job can arise, otherwise you can lose your house and everything. Down here the company gets anywhere from $16-$19 per hour and only pays out $8-9 an hour. How do they expect people to live on this!


That's annoying HH!..it's funny how things have a way of working themselves out given enough time. Clearly the individual must not appreciate the job, and it should be handed over to someone who would...maybe you can hook up charlied? :clapping:


For anyone that is in a position of not being able to find work that pays more than $8/hr may I suggest going back to the drawing board so to speak?


Take some courses/certifications that will make you much more marketable to employers, and also consider developing or giving some attention to your network of friends, colleagues, etc. More often than not, referrals are your foot in the door to land that next great job.


Good luck, hopefully this person sees the writing on the wall about his tardiness and makes it easy by quitting...



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Ok... apparently I need to clarify some things here;

- I have worked for an employment agency for the last 18 years!

- I have manged teams of "Headhunters" for the past 12 years

- I am relatively familiar with employment law!

-my clients use me for many reasons, including staffing related concerns, industry trends, market analysis and some non-binding "legal" advice"


As to the comment, there are no good agencies... well, I won't defend an entire industry, but there are like any businesses, the good and the bad.

The best advice I can give anyone searching for a new/better job, is to ask yourself this question:

If you were in a job interview and the interviewer asked you what you did for your current/former employer that made you stand out among your peers, how would you answer that question?

If you can't, you need to re-evaluate what and how you do what you do! It's a global market and there are many folks who will beyond the call of duty for their employer... that's who you are competing with.

Tony is absolutely correct... you must continue to grow yourself or the world will pass you by!

They pay $8.00 /hr to folks who have been passed by!


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