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This is not a rant


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I will not be rude and this is just something that has to be done as I know this store reads this site,and has a few customers from this site.


During a visit on the day before christmas, I was informed that a local tackle retailer would not serve my son, because I had not been buying from his store. I said WTH is that.If you have a problem with me, then PLEASE, do not take it out on my family or friends.If you were not so crusty and rude at times, I may have bought from you more,but Im guessing it has more to do with one of my sponsors. To tell people you will not sell me minnows because of someones mishaps(heart attack) is just wrong. Please dont think this is an attack on you as this is not.


Many of us here, have given info out to buy from your store.Just because some have had non-pleasent dealing at times, does not give you the right to refuse others.


One who says you dont get support from your town/city needs to step back and look at the customers you have lost.Yes we both know you have lost many good people.You need to ask WHY.


I will not just be sitting here behind my screen talking to you,but will be making a visit to see what the heck this is all about.

For now,I stand on my statement, that you should not take it on my family and friends.

Edited by misfish
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I think this is the place for this type of thread


we, as a group of fisherpersons have a lot of power and when a business does something like that, we can take action in whatever way we see fit


what the heck would a PM do and most businesses are not members, so that's out


let us know how it turns out, I can always buy my bad boys oops jigs else where

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Number 1 rule! Customer is always right! Number 1 rule again....Customer helps support THEIR lifestyle, feeds them, even makes there payments!! It's just not right!


Today hubby and i went fishing at Virginia Beach, we called Monday to find out if this certain bait place in a shack on the lake, would be open Tuesday...They wasn't going to be open but we will be open Wednesday....We was there this morning and so was another guy waiting for bait....So we left and called this guy and was rudely informed "You ain't gettin no bait from me"........So luckily we called a hut operator from Port Bolster and he said try this lady at "Casey's.....She not only was really friendly but she gave us alot of minnows and let us know she opens at 5 am!!!!


As for the other place....your loss our gain!



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Good topic B. People have to be made aware of unworthy businesses. We fishermen pay alot of money to do our hobby and to get bad business ethics like that, well, I'll spend my hard earned money elsewhere thank you very much.



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This sounds like fishing politics, it goes with the territory of being sponsored.



well I don't disagree that your family shouldn't be discriminated against for something they had nothing to do with.



Ive had more stuff given to me to try out then any other bait shop out there and they have always went above and beyond to help me out


just like any other shop not everyone can have good stuff to say thats the business world

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I made it a point to get to the store this morning,and what was said and done is now past.


I can see where the store owner is coming from as a local store and not getting support from the locals.

I was told under no curcumstances was it to do with my sponsor. I also told him if/when I come in, I would park accross the road,just out of respect for his product.


Both aggreed that there has been some bad and good said out there.So for now, I am willing to just let this stand and start fresh.




And yes,he has minnows,and yes they are in short demand so expect to pay a bit more then the norm.


Here endth the lesson

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you know what? I personally, have had nothing but good business with these two, but I have seen crusty attitude towards others that makes me a little bit wary. I dont understand it, I like the guy, but he could have twice as much business if he changed his attitude a little bit, that I'm certain of.

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Its funny how some things go in life, I try and buy something from every local shop in the town that is having a tourny, and the one you speak of I found the fellow running the place to be good, the very first time I was in the store I told him about the tourny I was in and he was kind enough to give a couple of baits, I had never even heard of at the time,(bad boys) which I thought was kinda nice.


Its to bad, politics does play such a big part of what we do, as most know Brian to be a stand up guy, just as a lot like to shop at the store he just had problems with.With that said, I notice you dropped a sponsor, I would never buy a bait from, but lots do.


PS I think its wrong for you to have to park any where but right in front of the door if your going in that door to spend money, no matter whose name you have on your truck

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