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My Friends Last Fishing Trip


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As Louis mentioned it was a bittersweet last couple of days.

Thursday Kareem was in such good spirits that we actually made tentative plans to fish

one of the nearby back lakes on Friday.

Another friend of mine who lives up there was going to deliver a light 14' aluminum to the

lake we wanted to fish so we'd have something stable for Kareem to fish out of.

Thursday evening when we arrived was picture perfect: sunny, nice temps, no wind or bugs.

We all sat out on the deck enjoying the view, sharing some laughs and a couple of drinks

(including Kareem). It was great.


A bit later Thursday evening me and Louis went out for a quick fish and managed

a couple of nice little eaters as Kareem wanted one last fish fry.


They were awesome!

Well, as Louis mentioned in his post our back lake trip planned for Friday moring never happened. When we awoke it was obvious that we had to get him home asap, Kareems pain had progressed to such a point that it was unbearable.

After quickly loading the boat, even though his pain was intense, he still wanted to troll a bit on the way back to the landing :) .

That's Kareem in the foreground trying to hook one last fish.


As Louis mentioned he actually hooked a pretty large pike. Got a nice bend in his rod

and a couple fast runs then unfortunately it bit him off. Still, he was pretty happy about


Louis managed to hook a decent smallmouth, tried to hand the rod to Kareem to let him

reel it in, but he wouldn't (wasn't his fish :) ).



It was a tough, tough trip. No regrets though as even though it ended up like it did

I KNOW Kareem enjoyed it.

Just found out that he was rushed to emergency this morning....

don't think I'm going to see him again.


Sometimes life really sucks.

Edited by solopaddler
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Mike I have followed this story and good on you and aniceguy for taking a friend on what might be his last fishing trip here on earth. I really can't see a better last journey. I know you hurt now and you will miss your friend, but in days, weeks and even years to come everytime you think of Kareem it will bring a smile to your soul.

May Kareem find peace.


God Bless




Edited by Whopper
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Man...what a report. I think this kind of report personifies what this site is all about...fishing and friends.


I have a rather large lump in my throat as I type this. You guys are great friends to him....in his time of need. Just being with you guys out there I'm sure meant the world to him. His time may be short, but this trip will be remembered forever.


My heart goes out to you guys...these are hard times.

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As someone who rarely posts, I've been reading these threads and think its amazing that you were able (and Kareem) to get out one last time. I'm sure this trip made a huge impact on him that he will be forever grateful for. That being said so will you. I know it is extremely difficult to watch a friend suffer through a horrible disease but I think the fact that you were able to get him out and even take on that responsiblitiy of having him so far from home speaks wonders of your character. Although I was a lot younger when my buddy was battling cancer I really had a hard time seeing him at all and dealing with it so basically I didn't. I was lucky enough to see him the day before he passed, even as the shell of the person he used to be, his spirits were high to the end and I regretted the time I didn't spend with him. Life is too damn short and we need to spend all the time we can with friends and family!


You and Kareem are definately in my thoughts.



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a small good news update perhaps


Kareem called me this morning and was talkative, and in fine spirits, so much so we talked about a trip to quinte soon....They adjusted his medicine and moved him to demerol instead of the perc's and it seemed to make the world of difference in terms of his mental clarity

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