largemouth Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 unless you broke a law you have done nothing wrong and shouldn't be sorry, Some ppl are over senstive in todays world but that shouldn't mean the normal ppl should change to suit them, follow the laws not the opinions of others.
lew Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 (edited) Nelly, as I said in your original post a couple weeks back when you 1st caught that fish, you have absolutely nothing to apoligize for.....NOTHING !!!!!!! You weren't targetting muskies, and there isn't anything you can do to stop one from grabbing your bait, infact it seems 1/2 the muskies caught by members of this board are incidental. You guys accidently caught 3 muskies that day and successfully released 2 of them, but the last one died on you, even though you tried for 30 minutes to revive her........I wonder how many of our so-called experts would work that hard themselves to try and save a fish. I've been fishing for muskies for a very long time and have caught 100's of them, infact I landed 110 in 2004 alone, and have definetely had some die on me, and probably alot of others that died after the "successful" release. I have alot of $$$$ tied up in release tools and strive to do everything I can to ensure a safe release, but sometimes there's nothing you can do. Too many folks around here who are unfamiliar with muskies or musky fishing in general are often very quick to criticize others when infact, they have no experience themselves, but often just like to hear themselves talk. Too many people catch 1 or 2 fish and suddenly become experts on everything pertaining to them. We've lost most of our regular, successful, musky fishermen from this board over the last couple years, and alot of others, myself included, seldom post musky reports anymore, because of so many negative comments from folks who know little of what they speak. I hope you enjoyed your experience of catching that big girl Nelly, even though she died on you, but you can feel good with yourself that you at least did everything in your power to revive her, and thanks for taking the time to at least try.......many "experts" wouldn't have worked so hard. Edited September 12, 2007 by lew
SHAD Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 Some dude's on this thread have issues man, lol Many moons ago I read a biography from an old Musky hunter, can't remember this guy's name but apparently he was a legend. Would go for weeks on the water in search for trophy's. I think he was up on Nippissing or the French and he said he was starving, ran out of food, so guess what he caught, ate and survived on, that's right musky. It's the only thing he said he knew how to catch. Fishing and eating fish are part of our heritage. Eat em' all if that's your fancy. Fish of a thousand casts right, so there will still be plenty for "non" purists to catch
Rich Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 If I were to put up a pic of a musky that size that I had mounted on the wall not near as many would be crying. It's a fish, not a child. Get over it people. Nice work nelly.
ricoboxing Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 it died, u ate it at least it didnt go to waste nice pic /thread
Beans Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 nelly said: I don't know what to say other than to apologize and say Sorry to all the people that I offend. This was a very poor lack of judgement on my part and this will NEVER happen again. I don't know what I was thinking about. Feel real bad and wish I could this back....First and last time pics for me. have been around this board for quite a while and should know that you can't please all the people all the time...I for one was not offended and it seems to me I have seen many muskie heads mounted in my travels over the years...I'm guessing it was a matter of economics and the flesh was eaten and the head mounted as taxidermy does not come cheap... So keep on posting your pics and don't let the nervous nellies (pun intended) scare you away
mistyjr1 Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 Quote Matt I know that you are quite a successful muskie angler, but for you maybe that may not be considered a trophy, but to another it maybe considered a trophy fish or a fish of a life time. To me a muskie of any size is a trophy to some degree because its not like a bass where you can likely catch more than one in a day. Corey
fishdawg Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 LandOLakes Lunker Hunter said: Hahahaha Darryl Cronzy dont wanna derail this thread but Darryl had done way more for this province's fishery than many seem to realize - upsets me a lot when i see stuff like this..... and I also back on Lew 100% on his reply and yes it is a shame that we have lost the contribution of some fine anglers, i dont fault them at all for their decision......
POLLIWOGG Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 Don't worry smog will kill you long before the fish will.
mcallister.grant Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 Well said Lew. Guys and gals, this is getting real old; real fast. He tried to revive the fish; it died; he ate it. I am also curious to know what everyone else who is up in arms about this, would have done with the fish? (Aside from take a picture of the whole thing)
dmo84 Posted September 12, 2007 Report Posted September 12, 2007 fishdawg said: dont wanna derail this thread but Darryl had done way more for this province's fishery than many seem to realize - upsets me a lot when i see stuff like this..... and I also back on Lew 100% on his reply and yes it is a shame that we have lost the contribution of some fine anglers, i dont fault them at all for their decision...... Upset you when you see what? I simply laughed because when I see someone eating fish I instantly think....Darryl Cronzy. Every show ive ever seen of his the man is taking a break for a shorelunch......he loves to eat fish and does every show that was all. "Ohh jeez folks thats a nice one better keep him for a shorelunch" Hahahaha
ch312 Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 ricoboxing said: it died, u ate it at least it didnt go to waste nice pic /thread exactly! a muskie dies and people get their panties all twisted up. its only a fish why was the pic removed?
lunkerbasshunter Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 musky are great fish no doubt! But come on? people were really ragging on this guy for eating a fish that died on him? im glad i have been busy with work. i sure wouldn't have wanted to see that thread. keep posting nelly! Cheers!
fishdawg Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 LandOLakes Lunker Hunter said: Upset you when you see what? I simply laughed because when I see someone eating fish I instantly think....Darryl Cronzy. Every show ive ever seen of his the man is taking a break for a shorelunch......he loves to eat fish and does every show that was all. "Ohh jeez folks thats a nice one better keep him for a shorelunch" Hahahaha my appologies to you LOLLH - as i was not reffering to you in particular
Rich Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 Even if it didn't die he was well within his rights to eat it.
lookinforwalleye Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 ch312 said: exactly! a muskie dies and people get their panties all twisted up. its only a fish why was the pic removed? [ Personally I could care less if this guy eats every legal Musky he catches that`s not the issue, the picture was removed and rightly so because it was offensive and in very poor taste.
dmo84 Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 fishdawg said: my appologies to you LOLLH - as i was not reffering to you in particular No worries fishdawg
ricoboxing Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 lookinforwalleye said: Personally I could care less if this guy eats every legal Musky he catches that`s not the issue, the picture was removed and rightly so because it was offensive and in very poor taste. it was only a picture of a fish head. if you've ever eaten a fish, im sure you've had to cut off the head. i guess deer hunters should not pose with their trophy deer or get the cape mounted, cause some people (especially P3TA treehuggers) may find it offensive. Nothing illegal was done and this is a fishing forum, so if you don't wanna see a pic of a muskie head, then maybe next time don't click on a topic that says "Pic of Muskie Head."
ch312 Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 lookinforwalleye said: Personally I could care less if this guy eats every legal Musky he catches that`s not the issue, the picture was removed and rightly so because it was offensive and in very poor taste. so can you please inform me why a picture of a fish on a fishing website is offensive? and here i thought we are suppose to use this site to share our fishing stories and pics. i guess its alright as long as it doesnt involve a dead muskie
Terry Posted September 13, 2007 Report Posted September 13, 2007 there are people showing pictures of their catch all the time here some are dead some are on stringers some are cut up and some are cook some people even have the nerve to show them on a plate about to be eaten .... pictures of fish on a fishing website..who da thunk it if you find a picture of legally caught fish offensive, it's time to move on P3TA is looking for people to call their website home
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