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Lower Buck Musky Report!

Guest Johnny Bass

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Guest Johnny Bass

Wanted to go fishing Thursday. We wanted to call the trip off but we just couldn't!Forecast was calling for heavy rain(25-30mm) north and (10-15mm)rain east. We decided to go east. We wake up thursday morning and it says (10-15mm)north and (30-40 mm)east!!The complete opposite!!!This forecast kept changin and I figure the front is moving east so lets go east because it sounds like musky and pickeral weather. Not bass and pike.


We head for Lower Buck. Get there after 2 hours(and getting lost again). Launch the boat and we are off. Try a new weedy spot and before we can throw our first cast, It starts raining!


We worked a few shoals that have produced in the past with no luck. We try some new water. Its raining lightly, I cast to some rock and weed and WHAM! Fish on! A decent fight, some big splashes at boat side that got the heart pumping and its in the boat and here it is. A 38 incher. Its a start. At this point even though its raining I am pumped. (photos editted and brightened up).




Then it REALLY started to pour buckets!!We started seeing lightning so we headed for cover under big trees and garage. They say not to stand under a tree but I will take my chances! It rained and lightning for a good while. It finally stopped and the sun peeped out.


We are working cover and we notice the trolling motor battery is low. A little while later and the trolling motor is out of juice! Dang! We have to drift fish now!!!


We decide to try a local bass spot. Really weedy and flat.My buddy puts on his favourite pickeral crankbait. Gets a hit and sets the hook. He says its a bass. Gets closer and its a musky and bites him off at boatside. Didn't see it but he says it was big.


Now I am working the jig n pig in weeds all morning with not much luck. Maybe I need sun???Anyways, I getta hit. I set the hook with my super thick musky rod and C3 reel. A few sluggish head shakes and it was gone....Even though its a stiff rod, it is hard to set hooks with this rod. Plus having your hand around the big C3 and the low gear racio doesn't help either.I'm thinking a musky or pickeral.


Keep working the spot? WHAM! Fish on again! I fight this fish and bring it in and its a nice 42 incher!

Tried to take a picture but my camera wouldn't come on again!


We took a picture with Mark's camera and then I tried again with mine and it came on. BONUS!! Here is the picture.




We tried the spot again and Mark nails ANOTHER musky. This thing went crazy and took airbourne a few times. Went under the boat and mark must have nicked the line against the boat and it was gone.......


Wer are going to bas pro shop to pick up 50lb power pro today.lol


Anyways, we decided to go to black duck bay and it was choked full of weeds. I worked the jig and pig relentlessly in their and also worked pockets with a grub for pickeral. nothing....


Decided to fish weed flats after weed flats for bass and pickeral with no luck....Went to the end of Deer bay to work the humps but it was impossible with no trolling motor. Plus it was raining steady....


Worked deer bay and got a hit in 17feet of water. Dont know what it was. It could have even been a perch but we will never know...


Tried some new spots and I noticed a clearing in deep weeds. Told Mark to cast but he was eating a sandwitch. Switch to my Musky bait and on first cast? WHAM! I hit a musky 5 -10 feet from the boat.


He is dragged by my hook set and comes straight up out of the water , shakes his head and he spits the hook out! DANG!! First musky I have lost in awhile. I'd say about 38 inches and skinny.


Then I pull out the jig and pig and start working heavy weeds again. Get a hit set, the hook and its a bass under 1/2 lb. Bring it to the surface and he gets off. Guess what rod I have the jig and pig on? The thick BPS musky rod with no bend and the C3 with low gear ratio.....Bad combination for jig and pigging, but its the only rod I have spare...


Mark wants to try the spot we caught all those musky and I'm like, do you think there will still be active Musky there after we stung all those fish? mark says, you never know. Well, we go back and I start casting and would n't you know it? BAM! Hook set and the fish is going crazy! After a few acrobatic jumps he was in the net. 35 inches and really dark. My camera again wouldn't turn on so sorry, no pic. But I did take it on Mark's camera and will have it when he develops the film.


Then we called it a day.


So for the recap. No follows at all. I caught 3 Musky's and lost 1 or 2. But I am sure the one on the Jig and pigf was a large musky due to the long sluggish head shakes. Mark lost 2 musky.


So that is 5 musky and a LM bass all on one spot. Should have worked it all day.lol


Caught 2 LM bass on flukes. 2 rockbass on flukes. A blue gill dragging a grub for pickeral, lost a bass on the jig and pig, and lost a hit in 17 feet of water. This is all I can rememeber.


Even though it rained, it was a great day. Would have caught more if we had the trolling motor to work structure more properly but oh well....I'm glad I took some OFC'ers advice and went out anyways!

Well hope you enjoyed the report!

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Guest Johnny Bass
Nice report, Johnny. How are the weeds looking? Water Temps? Nice looking 'ski, congats!



Thanks guys. Weeds were really green. The bass apparently were hitting good all week. And water temps were 67 and heated up to 69 degrees.


If you want to catch your first decent Musky? I definately recommend Lower Buck. Launch at Sunrise resort and you are right next to prime water. just watch for rocks.

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Johnny-Bass..............How the heck are you son!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My new residence has put me in the land of ..'Dial-UP"...but Ive been following your adventures this year with amazement my friend. Youve been putting on quite the school in species and 'Lunge'...which not too long ago were amiss to ya Bud..........Like I said...got DialUp and everything...specially pics are troublesome...but when you read some reports you just got to wait for the pics.

Your reports this year have been especially interesting and super informative...........Thanks Bud.

Take Care and tightLines...........peter

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Guest Johnny Bass

Hey Peter how are you! I hope all is well! I am glad to hear I am making a contribution to this board.


Thanks guys. Although I dont think any fish were actually caught while it was raining.... Except maybe the first one. But the cold front did stir them up! None needed to be revived and took off like bullets when released!


I think its time I look for bigger muskys this fall. Moon river here I come!!!!

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Guest Johnny Bass

Thanks again.


Oh ya. I forgot to mention. The first Musky Hammered it! The second Musky hit it lightly and missed. I gave the bait a jerk and pause and he whacked it again. The third musky I caught, I was reeling in and was talking to Mark and gave it a 1-2 second pause and as the lure was sinking it got nailed. Just remembered that and thought I would share it. Basically saying if you want to catch Musky, vary retrieves......

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